Monday, 8 May 2017

What are natural treatments for food allergies and sensitivities?


A food
allergy is an abnormal immune reaction caused by the
ingestion of a food or food additive. The most dramatic form of food allergy
reaction occurs within minutes, usually in response to certain foods such as
shellfish, peanuts, or strawberries. The effects are similar to those of a bee
sting allergy, involving hives, itching, swelling in the throat, and difficulty
breathing; this immediate type of allergic reaction can be life-threatening.

Other food allergy reactions are more delayed, causing relatively subtle symptoms over days or weeks. These symptoms include gastrointestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea, gas, cramping, and bloating), rashes, and headaches. However, because such delayed reactions are relatively vague and can have other causes, they have remained a controversial subject in medicine.

Some reactions that are similar to those from food allergies, but do not actually involve the immune system, are termed “food sensitivities” (or “food intolerance”). In most cases, the cause of such sensitivities is unknown.

Delayed-type food allergies and sensitivities might play a role in many diseases, including asthma, attention deficit disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, vaginal yeast infection, canker sores, colic, ear infection, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headache, psoriasis, chronic sinus infection, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease. However, not all experts agree; practitioners of natural medicine tend to be more enthusiastic about the food allergy theory of disease than conventional practitioners.

Conventional treatment for immediate-type food allergy reactions includes
desensitization (allergy shots), emergency epinephrine
(adrenaline) kits for self-injection, and the antihistamine diphenhydramine
(Benadryl). Delayed-type food allergies are much more difficult to identify and
treat. Although skin and blood tests are sometimes used, their reliability is
questionable. A particular blood test called ALCAT has shown some promise, but
much more study is necessary to establish its accuracy.

The double-blind food challenge is the only truly reliable way to identify delayed-type food allergies. This method uses some means of disguising the possibly allergenic food, usually by mixing it with other, nonallergenic foods. Persons are randomly given either the possibly allergenic food or placebo on a number of occasions separated by one or more days. Neither the physician nor the participant knows what food is truly allergenic and what is not. Evaluation of the response can then determine whether an allergic response is present. Studies suggest that perhaps only one-third of people who believe they are allergic to a given food actually experience an allergic reaction when they are given it in a double-blind fashion; in addition, reactions are often milder than persons believe.

Although it is the most accurate way of determining food allergies, the double-blind food challenge is still mostly used in research. The elimination diet with food challenges is the most common technique in use.

Another conventional approach for delayed-type food allergies is oral cromolyn (a drug sometimes used in an inhaled form for treating asthma and other allergic illnesses). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of fourteen children with milk and other food allergies found that cromolyn was effective in preventing allergic reactions in eleven of thirteen cases, whereas placebo was effective in only three of nine cases. In another study, thirty-two persons were given cromolyn one-half hour before meals and at bedtime. If their food allergy symptoms were prevented, the participants were entered into a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study using cromoglycate. Of the thirty-one people who completed the study, twenty-four experienced relief of gastrointestinal symptoms when taking cromolyn compared with two when taking placebo. In addition, systemic allergic reactions were blocked with the cromolyn. The drug also had many side effects.

Principal Proposed Natural Treatments

There are no well-documented natural treatments for food allergies. The most obvious approach would be to remove known allergenic foods from the diet. Some alternative practitioners offer laboratory tests to identify such allergens. However, no lab tests have been proven accurate for this purpose.

The elimination diet is another approach for identifying allergenic foods. This method involves starting with a highly restricted diet consisting only of foods that are seldom allergenic, such as rice, yams, and turkey. If dietary restriction leads to resolution or improvement of symptoms, foods are then reintroduced one by one to see which, if any, will trigger reactions. There is some evidence that the elimination diet may be effective for chronic or recurrent hives; it has been tried for many other conditions too, including irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, chronic ear infections, reflux esophagitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Still another method involves simply eliminating the most common allergens. Cow’s milk protein intolerance is thought to be the most common childhood allergy, followed by allergies to eggs, peanuts, nuts, and fish. Some evidence indicates that the use of special hypoallergenic infant formulas rather than cow’s milk formula may help prevent eczema, urticaria, and food-induced digestive distress. In addition, eliminating cow’s milk from the diets of breast-feeding infants and their nursing mothers might reduce symptoms of infantile colic, although not all studies have found benefit.

In hopes of preventing food allergies and diseases related to them, some experts recommend that pregnant women and women who are breast-feeding (and their children) should avoid allergenic foods. However, it is not clear if this method actually provides any benefit. For example, one study evaluated 165 children at high risk of developing allergic symptoms. Careful avoidance of allergenic foods in the diets of the mothers and infants did not reduce the later development of eczema, asthma, hay fever, or food allergy symptoms.

Other Proposed Treatments

Digestive enzymes such as bromelain and other proteolytic enzymes
have been proposed as a treatment for food allergies, based on the reasonable idea
that digesting offending proteins will reduce allergic reactions to them. However,
there is no real evidence that they are effective against food allergies.

Thymus extract is a supplement derived from the thymus gland of cows. Preliminary evidence suggests that by normalizing immune function, thymus extracts may be helpful for food allergies. However, there are significant safety issues, and this study did not prove the supplement to be effective.

Probiotics (such as Lactobacillus species)
are friendly bacteria that have been studied for their ability to prevent or treat
respiratory allergies and various gastrointestinal symptoms, most notably
diarrhea. However, at least one study found that probiotics were not helpful in
treating cow’s milk allergy among infants.


Arvola, T., and D. Holmberg-Marttila. “Benefits and Risks of Elimination Diets.” Annals of Medicine 31 (1999): 293-298.

Bindslev-Jensen, C., et al. “Food Allergy and Food Intolerance: What Is the Difference?” Annals of Allergy 72 (1994): 317-320.

Carroccio, A., et al. “Evidence of Very Delayed Clinical Reactions to Cow’s Milk in Cow’s Milk-Intolerant Patients.” Allergy 55 (2000): 574-579.

Dainese, R., et al. “Discrepancies Between Reported Food Intolerance and Sensitization Test Findings in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients.” American Journal of Gastroenterology 94 (1999): 1892-1897.

Drisko, J., et al. “Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a Food Elimination Diet Followed by Food Challenge and Probiotics.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 25 (2006): 514-522.

Geha, R. S., et al. “Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multiple-Challenge Evaluation of Reported Reactions to Monosodium Glutamate.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 106 (2000): 973-980.

Hill, D. J., et al. “Role of Food Protein Intolerance in Infants with Persistent Distress Attributed to Reflux Esophagitis.” Journal of Pediatrics 136 (2000): 641-647.

Hol, J., et al. “The Acquisition of Tolerance Toward Cow’s Milk Through Probiotic Supplementation.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 121, no. 6 (2008): 1448-1454.

Kim, T. E., et al. “Comparison of Skin Prick Test Results Between Crude Allergen Extracts from Foods and Commercial Allergen Extracts in Atopic Dermatitis by Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Food Challenge for Milk, Egg, and Soybean.” Yonsei Medical Journal 43 (2002): 613-620.

Metcalfe, D. D. “Food Allergy.” Primary Care 25 (1998): 819-829.

Niggemann, B., et al. “Prospective, Controlled, Multi-center Study on the Effect of an Amino-Acid-Based Formula in Infants with Cow’s Milk Allergy/Intolerance and Atopic Dermatitis.” Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 12 (2001): 78-82.

Rodriguez, J., et al. “Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Challenge Study in Fifty-Three Subjects Reporting Adverse Reactions to Melon (Cucumis melo).” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 106 (2000): 968-972.

Zeiger, R. S. “Dietary Aspects of Food Allergy Prevention in Infants and Children.” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 30, suppl. (2000): S77-S86.

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