Cormac McCarthy's The Road is a post-apocalyptic novel about a man and his young son traveling across a wasteland that was once America. The television show The Walking Dead shows the experiences of a family, primarily through the viewpoint of father Rick Grimes, trying to survive after the zombie apocalypse. The two are similar in setting, because they depict the U.S. depopulated after some kind of major, apocalyptic incident. Additionally, the bond between father and...
Cormac McCarthy's The Road is a post-apocalyptic novel about a man and his young son traveling across a wasteland that was once America. The television show The Walking Dead shows the experiences of a family, primarily through the viewpoint of father Rick Grimes, trying to survive after the zombie apocalypse. The two are similar in setting, because they depict the U.S. depopulated after some kind of major, apocalyptic incident. Additionally, the bond between father and son is a major theme of both; the development of Rick's relationship with his son Carl and the bond between the unnamed father and son in The Road are crucial thematic elements of each work. Both fathers attempt to be brave for their sons in the face of an uncertain future, and both sons serve the role of reminding their fathers why they continue to fight for survival. An additional similarity can be drawn between the cannibals in The Road and the zombies; although there are no zombies in The Road, the looming threat of being killed and eaten is a real possibility for the father and son in the book.
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