Tuesday, 31 March 2015

What is coulrophobia? |

Coulrophobia refers to a severe fear of clowns. The term came into common usage in the 1980s and was derived from the Greek word kolobatheron (stilt). The symptoms of coulrophobia include irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, anger at being exposed to a clown, and general feelings of dread. Treatment is similar to that of other phobias, with many patients seeing improvement after hypnotherapy or gradual exposure to the source of their discomfort.

Coulrophobia is not, however, considered an official psychological diagnosis. Mental health practitioners instead classify the fear of clowns as part of an umbrella category for fear of costumed characters, including mascots for sports teams or theme parks. In a widely publicized 2008 study of more than 250 children aged four to sixteen, conducted at the University of Sheffield in England, the vast majority found images of clowns highly disturbing. Coulrophobia’s adult sufferers, thought to number in the tens of thousands, offer proof that those feelings can persist for a lifetime.

Roots of the Fear

Clowns became commonplace children’s entertainers in the United States in the mid-twentieth century, but their earlier history reveals a longstanding darker side. Many of the comic tropes that have long surrounded clowns concern their wildly manic behavior and disregard for social norms, characteristics apparent across various cultures. In many different Native American traditions, clown figures performed transgressive rituals such as mocking the gods or smearing themselves with excrement to exhibit their disdain for convention. Medieval jesters—whose facial muscles were sometimes cut to prevent them from frowning and who could be condemned to death for not sufficiently amusing the royal court—reminded audiences of their own mortality, animal nature, and foolishness. So despite the gentle antics of popular television clowns like Bozo and Clarabell, clowns have always been associated culturally with fear and danger.

Clowns also demonstrate the Freudian notion of the uncanny, in which an image (in this case the human face) is distorted but still recognizable. The gap between the normally expected image and the eerily skewed one is frightening to many people. Furthermore, a clown’s face paint functions as a mask, serving to disguise the wearer’s real emotions. Coulrophobes tend to believe that no matter how cheery the painted-on grin, evil intent possibly lurks behind it.

The cultural position occupied by clowns has also shaped their perceived scariness. While early clowns were typically adult entertainment, the growing popularity of clowns among children in the United States ironically contributed to the appropriation of the clown as a horror character. A figure normally associated with innocent children provides a potentially more shocking and disturbing form of evil for horror media.

Historical Figures

Sources often point to two historical clowns whose personas contributed to the widespread impression that clowns could be sinister, depressed, or nefarious. Joseph "Joey" Grimaldi was among Great Britain’s most popular entertainers during the early years of the nineteenth century. He is credited with creating the now-standard clown face of white greasepaint with bright red cheeks—a look that allowed his facial features to be seen from the furthest reaches of the performance halls. Because of his celebrity, audiences were intimately familiar with the tragic details of Grimaldi’s personal life: an abusive father, a wife who died in childbirth, an alcoholic son, and markedly poor health thanks to the rigors of being a traveling entertainer. Famed novelist Charles Dickens edited Grimaldi’s 1838 memoir, further cementing the image of the sad clown who must nonetheless wear a false smile into the public imagination.

Jean-Gaspard Deburau, a French clown who lived at about the same time as Grimaldi, also contributed greatly to clowning’s dark image. Deburau was known for performing as Pierrot, a stock figure from Italy’s commedia dell’arte tradition, who wears whiteface, loosely fitting pantaloons, and small, conical hat. In 1836 he killed a boy by hitting him with his cane. Although Deburau was acquitted of the murder, in part because the boy was reportedly taunting him, he introduced the idea of the murderous clown.

Frightening Clowns in Modern Culture

The 1978 arrest of real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy provided ample fodder for nightmares, even to those not prone to coulrophobia. Before his capture, Gacy, who had raped and murdered dozens of boys and young men, burying most of them in his home’s crawlspace, had frequently entertained as a clown at children’s birthday parties. Chillingly, he told detectives during a widely quoted interview that "clowns can get away with murder." In prison, prior to his 1994 execution, he painted dozens of self portraits—most depicting him dressed as his clown alter ego, Pogo.

Media coverage of Gacy, dubbed the "Killer Clown" by the press, seemed to open the floodgates for depictions of horrifying clowns in popular culture. Although there had been earlier fictional clown criminals, such as the fugitive in the 1952 film The Greatest Show on Earth, the 1980s saw clowns become a standard of the horror genre. In 1982, for example, Steven Spielberg’s film Poltergeist featured a clown doll that comes to life and tries to drag a child under the bed. The 1986 novel It by Stephen King introduced a demon who assumed the shape of Pennywise the Dancing Clown in order to lure children into its clutches. 1988 saw the successful B movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space. In 1990, It was made into a blockbuster television miniseries with actor Tim Curry portraying Pennywise, whom many adult coultrophobes cite as the genesis of their condition.

The following decades saw dozens of other films and television series depicting terrifying clowns. Examples include the aptly named Fear of Clowns (2004) and the fourth season of the popular show American Horror Story, which premiered in 2014 and featured a clown with rotting, oversized teeth and black lips named Twisty.

Experts have pointed out that as such depictions become the norm, cases of coulrophobia will inevitably increase in number. The rise of coulrophobia has also been cited as one cause for the decline in popularity of professional clowning.


Durwin, Joseph. "Coulrophobia and the Trickster." Trickster’s Way 3.1 (2004): 1–22. Trinity U. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

"Fear of Clowns: Yes, It’s Real." All Things Considered. NPR, 6 Aug. 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

Gilbert, Sophie. "How Clowns Became Terrifying." Atlantic. Atlantic Monthly, 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

Goldhill, Olivia. "Why Are We So Scared of Clowns?" Telegraph. Telegraph Media, 29 Oct. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

"Hospital Clown Images ‘Too Scary.’" BBC News. BBC, 15 Jan. 2008. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

McRobbie, Linda Rodriguez. "The History and Psychology of Clowns Being Scary." Smithsonian.com. Smithsonian.com, 31 July 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

Rohrer, Finlo. "Why Are Clowns Scary?" BBC News. BBC,16 Jan. 2008. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

Steinberg, Steve. "Nightmare with a Red Nose." Dallas Morning News. Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service, 28 Feb. 2003. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

Stott, Andrew McConnell. "Clowns on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Dickens, Coulrophobia, and the Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi." Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 12.4 (2012): 3–25. Web. 7 Apr. 2015.

What are some ideas regarding the question of intentional tort in case study?

The question, paraphrased, is a request for some examples of intentional torts which may be illustrated through case studies.

To start, the definition of "tort" in general, is:

"a civil wrong which may be redressed by the awarding of damages."

The Cornell site from which this definition was taken provides an excellent summary of types of torts and relevant law.  The concept of tort is centered around the causing of harm to someone, either physical...

The question, paraphrased, is a request for some examples of intentional torts which may be illustrated through case studies.

To start, the definition of "tort" in general, is:

"a civil wrong which may be redressed by the awarding of damages."

The Cornell site from which this definition was taken provides an excellent summary of types of torts and relevant law.  The concept of tort is centered around the causing of harm to someone, either physical harm, damage to their property or reputation, or financial loss to them.  As such, intentional torts are those where you knew that harm was to be caused by your action, and in fact the desire to cause harm was your motivation for the action.  Other types of tort are negligent (you didn't want harm to occur, but you should have known it would happen) and strict liability (the law has decided that responsibility for a certain result will lay upon a specific party in certain situations).

Also note that the concept of tort is related to civil law, as opposed to criminal law.  In tort lawsuits, awards can be intended to compensate the victim as well as to punish the wrong-doer, but in either case the victim (plaintiff) gets to keep the awarded amounts.  Conversely, under criminal law, penalties of jail, probation, and/or fines are levied on the wrong-doer, but money from fines in general go to the government ("society" at large) rather than the victim.

A good case study might be the events surrounding the O. J.Simpson murder trial.  Even though the criminal proceedings did not result in conviction or jail time for Mr. Simpson, the ensuing civil lawsuits for the tort of killing Mrs. Simpson and Ron Goldman were successful. This highlights another aspect to address in a good case study, namely that the rules governing civil suits are different from those governing criminal trials.  A nice summary of these can be found in the law.freeadvice.com reference below.

Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently when she is around other black people.

Scout notices that Calpurnia speaks differently when she is around other black people at First Purchase African M.E. Church.  Around the Finch family, Calpurnia uses more formal language.  Scout thinks that Calpurnia should always speak the way she does around her and her family.  She tells Calpurnia that she knows better and should not speak differently at church.

Calpurnia notes that it is a difficult situation to be in.  She tells Scout that if she...

Scout notices that Calpurnia speaks differently when she is around other black people at First Purchase African M.E. Church.  Around the Finch family, Calpurnia uses more formal language.  Scout thinks that Calpurnia should always speak the way she does around her and her family.  She tells Calpurnia that she knows better and should not speak differently at church.

Calpurnia notes that it is a difficult situation to be in.  She tells Scout that if she spoke formally to her friends and family at church, it would seem out of place.  To them, it would not seem like her talking.  She is concerned that they would think she is "puttin' on airs to beat Moses" (To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 12).  

Again, Scout reminds Calpurnia that she knows better than to talk the way she does at church.  Calpurnia tells Scout that "it's not necessary to tell all you know.  It's not ladylike—in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do."  Calpurnia does not want anyone at her church to feel left out because of her talking.  She also does not want to draw attention to herself or put on airs.

Monday, 30 March 2015

What is Münchausen syndrome by proxy?

Causes and Symptoms

Münchausen syndrome by proxy may occur in different forms. In its least invasive form, this syndrome involves lying about a child’s medical problems. For example, a father may claim that his child stopped breathing or had a seizure. The harm to the child comes from the medical studies that are ordered by the physician in an attempt to evaluate and diagnose the condition. A second situation involves the simulation of symptoms in the child. For example, a mother may maintain that her child is experiencing hematuria, and examination of the urine reveals the presence of blood. The blood comes not from the child but from some external source, such as the mother’s menstrual blood or animal blood from packaged meat. Again, the child is subjected to needless diagnostic tests, some of which can be invasive.

The most injurious form of Münchausen syndrome by proxy comes when a parent induces the symptoms in the child. This can be done in many ways: The parent can administer syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting, administer substances such as diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) vaccine to cause a fever, or inject fecal materials into already existing intravenous lines to induce a bacterial bloodstream infection. Parental induction of an apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) has been documented through the use of covert video surveillance. Parents have been observed placing their hands or other objects over the infant’s face. Many of these children demonstrated bleeding from the mouth or gums, a finding not reported in any of the control infants who were experiencing an ALTE.

In addition to being subjected to multiple and invasive diagnostic procedures, some children die as a direct result of their parents’ actions. Some families have a history of sudden or unexplained deaths of siblings that may be attributable to Münchausen syndrome by proxy or other types of child abuse.

Treatment and Therapy

A physician should become concerned about the possibility of Münchausen syndrome by proxy in a child with multiple health care visits in whom an explanation for the problems is elusive. The most common complaints include bleeding, vomiting, apnea, seizures, and fever. In each case, the chronic nature of the problems and the constant switching of health care providers should be clues. Statements by experienced physicians such as “I’ve never seen anything like this” should also signal that the child may be the victim of Münchausen syndrome by proxy. Some physicians become trapped in the process of ordering multiple studies for fear of missing an exotic disease.

On the other hand, some parents represent the “worried well.” These people bring their children in for many minor complaints: every runny nose, low-grade temperature, or nonapparent skin rash. Their motivation is not personal attention. Rather, they are fearful and view their children as vulnerable.

The psychologic profile of the parent helps to distinguish the overly concerned mother from the one with Münchausen syndrome by proxy. The usual perpetrator is the child’s mother. The father is often detached, distant, and not involved in the child’s care, although cases in which the father is the perpetrator have been documented. Most perpetrators are believed to have borderline personalities and narcissistic personality disorders. They enjoy the attention that they receive in a medical setting. Medical staff members often characterize these individuals as excellent parents because they are knowledgeable about their child’s health, attentive to his or her needs, and cooperative with the staff. Many of the mothers have some type of medical or science background, which facilitates their understanding of medical conditions. Some have worked in physicians’ offices, making them knowledgeable about medical terminology or procedures. Psychological assessment is needed to help define parental pathology. Members of the medical staff may be disbelieving of the diagnosis, since they often find the parent to be nice and helpful. Many parents deny the accusations and are resistant to psychiatric intervention.

The task of the medical team is to entertain the diagnosis, obtain evidence, and protect the child. In some institutions, covert video surveillance is used to catch the parent in the act of inflicting the symptoms. Although there is concern about issues of privacy, legal counsel at most institutions has supported the use of covert video surveillance because it assesses the situation of the child.

Perspective and Prospects

Münchausen syndrome by proxy was initially described by Roy Meadow in 1977. In the twenty years after his initial report, more than three hundred cases were reported in the literature. The diversity of ways in which this syndrome is inflicted on children has expanded with each case report. In many cases, the prognosis for affected children is somewhat guarded because of the complexity of establishing the diagnosis on a legal level.

Once the child and the parent are separated, the symptoms resolve. Cases may be difficult to substantiate in court, without the presence of concrete evidence. Some children suffer from long-term sequelae, sometimes behaving like invalids because of the role in which they have been cast since childhood. There are reports of self-destructive behavior and Münchausen syndrome in some survivors. Psychological counseling is critical to ensure the well-being of these children. In most cases, the children cannot be returned to the parental perpetrator because of the intractable nature of the parent’s problem.


American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5. 5th ed. Arlington, Va.: Author, 2013.

Eminson, Mary, and R. J. Postlethwaite, eds. Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy Abuse: A Practical Approach. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000.

Feldman, Marc D. Playing Sick? Untangling the Web of Munchausen Syndrome, Munchausen by Proxy, Malingering, and Factitious Disorder. New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004.

Gregory, Julie. Sickened: The Memoir of a Münchausen by Proxy Childhood. New York: Bantam, 2003.

Kaneshiro, Neil K., David C. Dugdale III, and David Zieve. "Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy." MedlinePlus, Feb. 21, 2011.

McCoy, Krisha, Rebecca J. Stahl, and Brian Randall. "Factitious Disorder." Health Library, Mar. 15, 2013.

New, Michelle. "Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome." KidsHealth. Nemours Foundation, Mar. 2012.

Rosenberg, D. A. “Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy.” In Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, edited by Robert M. Reece, et al. 3d ed. Elk Grove, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2009.

Southall, D. P., M. C. Plunkett, and M. W. Banks, et al. “Covert Video Recordings of Life-Threatening Child Abuse: Lessons for Child Protection.” Pediatrics 100, no. 5 (November, 1997): 735–760.

Zangwill, Monica, and Brian Randall. "Smothered by Something that Looks Like Love, but Isn't: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy." Health Library, July 10, 2012.

Why did southerners believe that they had lost political power in the national government?

In this question, I assume you are referring to the time period around the Civil War. The South believed it was losing political power in the federal government. The South was concerned about the direction events were heading in our country politically. There were more people living in northern states. This gave the North a majority in the House of Representatives. The South was concerned that more free states would join the Union, which would...

In this question, I assume you are referring to the time period around the Civil War. The South believed it was losing political power in the federal government. The South was concerned about the direction events were heading in our country politically. There were more people living in northern states. This gave the North a majority in the House of Representatives. The South was concerned that more free states would join the Union, which would weaken southern influence in the Senate because they would be outnumbered by senators from the free states.

The South was also divided politically. The Democratic Party was divided between the Northern Democrats and the Southern Democrats. The Democrats lost the election of 1860 to Abraham Lincoln and to the Republican Party. The southerners were convinced this would lead to policies that would harm the South. They knew their chances of keeping an equal balance between the free states and the slaves was dwindling. The South was very worried they wouldn’t be able to pass laws that would positively benefit the South.

Why is controlling the buoyancy a critical feature of a submarine?

Submarines are vessels that stay underwater and travel long distances. Due to the nature of their application, they have to dive in the water, rise up to the surface and/or maintain a constant depth. All of this cannot be done without a knowledge and control of buoyancy. 

Buoyancy is the phenomenon in which a fluid exerts an upward force on an object immersed in it. This upward force is known as the buoyant force. If...

Submarines are vessels that stay underwater and travel long distances. Due to the nature of their application, they have to dive in the water, rise up to the surface and/or maintain a constant depth. All of this cannot be done without a knowledge and control of buoyancy. 

Buoyancy is the phenomenon in which a fluid exerts an upward force on an object immersed in it. This upward force is known as the buoyant force. If the object is able to control the buoyancy and displace as much fluid as its own volume, then it will be submerged. If the density of the object is more than that of the fluid, it will be submerged. 

A submarine uses this knowledge to its advantage. When a submarine has to dive, it takes in water in the ballast tanks (which increases the submarine's density, allowing it to submerge). When it has to rise up, the submarine can release the water from the ballast tanks, thereby decreasing its density and thus rising up. It can also control its level by maintaining a certain amount of water in the ballast tanks.

Thus, submarines control buoyancy for their operation in the water.

Hope this helps.

What is Gestalt therapy? |


Gestalt therapy emerged during the 1960s as a powerful alternative to the two main available therapeutic techniques: psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy. This approach to therapy, founded by Fritz Perls, attempts to integrate clients’ thoughts, feelings, and actions into a unified whole; Gestalt, in fact, is the German word for “whole.” Gestalt therapists believe that emotional problems and some of the dissatisfactions experienced by ordinary individuals are attributable to a lack of recognition and understanding of one’s feelings. The fast pace of technological society and the general loss of purpose in individuals’ lives has led to a numbing of emotions. Gestaltists believe that many people deny or lose parts of themselves when they are faced with the overwhelming task of coping in society; for example, a person may deny anger toward a loved one.

The role for the Gestalt therapist is to help the client become more aware of the split-off emotions. The therapist takes an active role by requiring the patient to talk about current experiences and feelings. The patient is neither allowed to look for explanations or problems from the past nor expected to talk about future plans. Gestaltists believe that anxiety is the result of an excessive focus on the future. The client is expected to attend to current feelings and experiences—to stay in the here and now.

Gestalt therapy arose from
existential psychology and humanistic psychology. Prior schools had portrayed individuals rather pessimistically, believing that human beings are relatively evil creatures whose actions are determined by forces outside their control (such as instincts or the environment). People were seen as adaptive hedonists trying to receive the greatest amount of pleasure for the least amount of effort. The existential-humanistic school of psychology portrays individuals more optimistically, believing people innately strive to achieve their fullest human potential. Failure to do so is not the result of an evil nature but rather the fault of obstacles on this path to perfection. Gestalt therapists agree with the existential-humanistic focus on individual responsibility. One freely chooses one’s actions and therefore is responsible for them. There is no provision for blaming a past situation or one’s current environment. Gestalt therapists encourage independence and uniqueness in their clients. They push them to be themselves rather than adopting the “shoulds” and “oughts” recommended by society. Perls emphasized this focus on independence and responsibility by stating that the process of maturation is moving from environmental support to self-support.

Probably the greatest contribution of the Gestalt style of therapy has been the techniques it developed to increase individual self-awareness. These techniques are consistent with the belief that emotional problems stem from avoidance of or failure to recognize one’s feelings. The Gestalt therapist is very active and confrontational during the therapy session (in fact, in a group setting, talking to the therapist is called “taking the hot seat”) and frequently interprets and questions the client’s statements. The goal is a genuine relationship between two individuals, free of normal social conventions, in which a free exchange of thoughts and feelings can take place.

Therapeutic Techniques

In one technique of Gestalt therapy, called the "dreamwork," the client reports a recent dream. The Gestalt school believes that the events in a dream represent fragmented and denied parts of the personality. Rather than search for explanations in one’s childhood, as in the technique of dream analysis originated by Sigmund Freud, clients are encouraged to bring the dream into the present by acting out different parts of the dream. Rather than saying “There was a train in my dream,” the person is required to act out the part of the train. He or she might say, “I am a train. I am very powerful and useful as long as I stay on track.” This moves the focus of the dream into the here and now.

Another therapeutic technique used by Gestalt therapists involves a focus on and exaggeration of nonverbal behaviors. Gestaltists believe that much denied information is accessible through body language. For example, a client may state that she is happy and content in a relationship, while she is scowling and keeping her arms and legs crossed in a tight and tense fashion. Gestalt therapists help their clients become aware of these feelings by getting them to exaggerate their actions. A man who is talking about his wife while clenching his hand in a fist and tapping it on the table may be told to clench his fist tighter and bang it hard on the table. This exaggeration of nonverbal behavior would be to make him acutely aware of his anger toward his wife.

Another well-known procedure developed by the Gestalt school of psychotherapy is the empty-chair technique. This strategy is employed to bring past conflicts into the here and now, where feelings can be reexperienced. The client often will relate to the therapist a disagreement with some significant other. Rather than ask for details of the encounter (a procedure that keeps the focus in the past), the therapist will encourage the client to address an empty chair in the office as though that person were sitting in it. The client must role-play the relevant situation. The therapist may also get the client to play the part of the significant other in the empty chair. This switching back and forth of chairs and roles is a powerful technique to foster empathy, understanding, and a clarification of feelings. This technique can be used not only for conflicts between individuals but also for discrepant feelings within one person.

Gestalt in Practice

The Gestalt approach to psychotherapy is best explained by examples. A student once reported a dream in which she remembered a gum wrapper being dropped outside a nearby church. Rather than search for a meaning of the dream’s symbols in her childhood, her friend, a clinical psychologist, asked her to become the elements in the dream. She initially chose the gum wrapper. She stated that as a gum wrapper she concealed something very good and appealing and that most people took the good part from inside her and then threw her away. She stated that she felt like trash littered on a beautiful lawn and that eventually some caring person would come and throw her away.

The student then began to play the role of the church in the dream. She stated that as a church she was a beautiful building constructed by caring hands. She indicated that good things happened inside her but that she was used too infrequently. Many people were afraid of or disliked coming to her, she said, and most of the time she was empty inside. The student was surprised as she completed this description of the dream. She talked about the similarity of her explanations of the two elements in the dream. When asked if she felt this way, she stated that this idea at first surprised her somewhat; however, as she continued to elaborate, she became more aware of her feelings of emptiness and loneliness. She had become aware of denied aspects of her emotions.

Gestalt therapy’s active focus on nonverbal behavior and denied portions of the personality often can be quite dramatic. The judicious use of these techniques may allow insights into dynamics that are not available through ordinary interpersonal interactions. In one case, a family was being seen by cotherapists in family therapy. The family consisted of a mother, father, son, and daughter. The son was identified as the troublemaker in the family, and he demonstrated a wide range of symptoms that caused the family much pain and suffering. During the course of therapy, it became apparent that the mother was an unwitting conspirator in these troubles. She often would rescue her son from his precarious and often dangerous situation and restore matters to normal. This served the function of ensuring her role as a “good mother,” while providing the son with the reassurance that he was loved by her. Whenever she threatened not to rescue him, he accused her of not caring for him. She inevitably crumbled and provided for his needs. The father and daughter had their own alliance in the family, and although they complained, they did not interfere in this dysfunctional family pattern that frequently ended in severe problems.

The two therapists hypothesized the pathological nature of this interaction and periodically attempted to present it to the family; however, the pattern was so important and so entrenched in the family’s style of interaction that any mention of it led to vehement protests and denials that it was an issue of importance. During a therapy session, one of the therapists noticed the pattern in which the family members usually seated themselves. The mother and son sat close to each other on one side of the therapy room, while the father and daughter sat near each other across from them. The two therapists sat across from each other on the other sides of the room. One therapist, taking a cue from the Gestalt emphasis on the importance of nonverbal behaviors, moved his chair and sat in the small space between the mother and son. A stunned silence ensued. The mother and son began to show agitation, while the father and daughter, from across the room, became increasingly amused at the nature of this interaction.

The therapists elicited the reactions and analyses of the family to this new seating arrangement. The mother and son continued to display uncertainty and bewilderment, while the father and daughter immediately recognized that someone had dared to come between “Mom and her boy.” This led to a more open discussion of the pathological nature of the family interactions. The father and daughter could see that they had allowed this damaging pattern to continue. The mother and son, while not quite as open to this discovery because of the threatening nature of the disclosure, could not deny the emotions that were aroused by someone physically invading their territory. The insights that resulted from this simple Gestalt technique moved therapy along much more quickly than had previous verbal interactions. It demonstrates the Gestalt tenet that a focus on nonverbal patterns of communication may allow clients to become aware of previously denied aspects of their personalities.

Existential-Humanistic Psychology

Gestalt therapy emerged during a period of increased popularity for the existential-humanistic position in psychology. This approach, sometimes known as the “third force” in psychology, came from opposition to the earlier forces of psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Existential-humanistic proponents objected to the pessimistic psychoanalytic view of humans as vile creatures held captive by primitive, unconscious desires. They also differed from the environmental determinism, set forth by the behavioral school, that people are simply products of past punishments and rewards. The existential-humanistic therapists focused on the human freedom to choose one’s actions (regardless of unconscious desires and past consequences), the relative goodness of the human species, and people’s innate desire to reach their fullest potential. This approach fit well with the period of great social upheaval and change following World War II.

The Gestalt approach often is compared to the person-centered (or client-centered) therapy of Carl R. Rogers. Both types of psychotherapy endorse the basic assumptions of the existential-humanistic school; however, they differ considerably in their approach and techniques. In person-centered therapy, the client is encouraged to express his or her thoughts and feelings about a situation. The therapist remains relatively passive, giving minimal verbal prompts or paraphrasing the client’s statements. The client is responsible for the direction and content of the therapy session; the therapist provides only a clarification of unclear statements or feelings. The idea behind this approach is that the therapist is providing an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance in which the client can explore his or her emotional issues. Eventually, the client’s innate curative ability will take over. The Gestalt therapist, in contrast, is much more confrontational in interpreting statements and asking questions. The Gestalt approach places a greater emphasis on the interpretation of nonverbal behaviors and the usefulness of dreams. Although different in technique, both approaches point to the freedom to choose, the innate goodness of the client, and the strength of the therapeutic relationship as curative factors.

The influence of the Gestalt approach to psychotherapy diminished with the death of Perls in 1970. He was the emotional and spiritual leader of the group, and his charisma was not replaced easily. Gestalt therapy is not considered a mainstream psychotherapy; however, it does have numerous enthusiastic followers. The greatest contribution of the Gestalt orientation has been the techniques developed to assist clients in becoming more aware of hidden thoughts and emotions. Therapists with a wide variety of orientations have adapted and applied these procedures within their own theoretical framework. The impact of dreamwork, the hot seat, nonverbal interpretations, and the empty-chair techniques seems to have outlasted the theory from which they came.


Clarkson, Petruska, and Simon Cavicchia. Gestalt Counseling in Action. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2013. Print.

Ivey, Allen E., Michael D’Andrea, and Mary Bradford Ivey. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective. 7th ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2012. Print.

Kring, Ann M., Sheri L. Johnson, Gerald Davison, and John M. Neale. Abnormal Psychology. 12th ed. New York: Wiley, 2012. Print.

O'Leary, Eleanor, ed. Gestalt Therapy around the World. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Print.

Perls, Frederick S. The Gestalt Approach and Eye Witness to Therapy. New York: Bantam, 1978. Print.

Tønnesvang, Jan, et al. "Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive Therapy—Contrasts Or Complementarities?." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 47.4 (2010): 586–602. Print.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

What baseball team is mentioned in the Old Man and the Sea?

Santiago mentions the New York Yankees of the American League; however, he also alludes to a couple of other teams.

The old fisherman, Santiago, who has gone without catching anything for eighty-four days, is in a dire situation. If it were not for the little boy named Manolin, who steals or begs to be sure that Santiago has food and bait, the old man probably would have died. When Manolin brings his old friend food,...

Santiago mentions the New York Yankees of the American League; however, he also alludes to a couple of other teams.

The old fisherman, Santiago, who has gone without catching anything for eighty-four days, is in a dire situation. If it were not for the little boy named Manolin, who steals or begs to be sure that Santiago has food and bait, the old man probably would have died. 
When Manolin brings his old friend food, they eat together and the boy asks Santiago to tell him about baseball. Santiago's favorite player is the legendary Joe (Jolti' Joe) DiMaggio of the New York Yankees. Santiago admires DiMaggio for his athletic ability, of course, but also for the player's ability to endure great pain from heel spurs and a shoulder that sometimes pops out of its socket. He exemplifies the "grace under pressure" of the code hero, and Santiago has great respect for him because he, too, possesses these qualities of the code hero.

As the old man and Manolin talk baseball in the exposition of the novella, Santiago also alludes to Dick Sisler. (While Sisler was in Havana he and author Ernest Hemingway became good friends.) Sisler played first base for the St. Louis Cardinals, then he went to the Philadelphia Phillies.
Still another team alluded to is the Brooklyn Dodgers, and another player is John J. McGraw, star third-baseball of the Baltimore Orioles, one of the first baseball stars, and, later, the famous manager of the New York Giants. He also came to Cuba where he enjoyed betting on the horse races.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

What is Lyme disease? |

Causes and Symptoms

Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the United States and Europe. It is caused by spirochete bacteria of the species complex Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. (This name refers to all bacteria causing Lyme disease.) Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto is the predominant cause of Lyme disease in the United States, while Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii more often cause Lyme disease in Europe. The hard-bodied (Ixodes) tick transmits Borrelia burgdorferi to humans. Lyme disease is endemic in parts of New England, the upper Midwest, and Northern California. The tick species Ixodes scapularis (the black-legged tick or deer tick) transmits Lyme disease in the East and Midwest, while Ixodes pacificus (the Western black-legged tick) is the vector for Lyme disease in the West. In Europe, Ixodes ricinus (the sheep tick) is the vector.

Ticks are arachnid, obligate, blood-feeding ectoparasites with mouth parts that pierce the host skin. The tick saliva contains analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, and anticoagulants that make it less likely that the tick bite will be detected. A tick takes three blood meals—as a larva, a nymph, and an adult—typically from different host species. The spirochete does not pass from the adult tick into the tick eggs. When a tick larva feeds on a host infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, that larva becomes infected, molts to the nymph stage, and passes on the spirochete when it takes its next blood meal. In the eastern United States, the hosts infected with Borrelia burgdorferi on which the tick feeds are white-footed mice (the reservoirs of infection) and deer. There is a receptor that binds an outer membrane
protein of the bacterium to maintain the bacteria in the tick gut. When the tick begins feeding on another host, a bacterial protein is produced that aids in detaching the bacteria from the receptor, and bacteria begin multiplying. The bacteria then go to the salivary glands and via saliva go to the host
skin. Initially, there is little or no transmission of bacteria to the host. It takes at least twelve hours and perhaps as long as three days before the efficient transfer of bacteria. Even though the adult tick is twice as likely as the nymph to be infected with the Lyme spirochete, most cases of Lyme disease are noted in the late spring and summer, when nymphs seek blood meals from hosts. This may be because the smaller nymph is more difficult to notice.

Within a month after Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria enter the skin, a bull’s-eye-shaped, rapidly expanding rash may form at the bite site. Bacteria travel through the bloodstream to other organs. Viral infection-like symptoms may develop, such as fatigue, headache, and neck pain. Respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, and vomiting or diarrhea do not occur. Not all who have the viral infection-like symptoms develop the rash or note a tick bite. About 60 percent of those who had the skin rash and were not treated develop arthritis, usually of the knee. About 10 percent develop neurological problems, usually facial nerve
palsy. About 5 percent develop a cardiac complication as a result of atrioventricular block. The eyes may also be affected.

Lyme disease experts disagree about other possible effects. In some individuals, months after initial infection and treatment, symptoms such as muscle pain and fatigue seem to develop. Bacteria in some parts of the body may be resistant to antibiotic treatment, causing a persistent infection. Such infections would benefit from additional antibiotic treatment. A Lyme infection may be more severe because of coinfection from the tick with other pathogens, such as the rickettsial infection human granulocytic anaplasmosis and the protozoan disease babesiosis.

Treatment and Therapy

To prevent Lyme disease, avoiding exposure to ticks is key. In a tick-infected area, one should wear protective clothing, use tick repellent such as DEET, check daily for ticks, and promptly remove any ticks. To reduce the population of ticks around a house, the lawn should be kept mowed and brush cleared.

The rash of Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil. For those under eight years of age and pregnant women, however, doxycycline is not recommended.

In the late 1990s, a vaccine against Lyme disease was available. This vaccine induced the production of antibodies to a Borrelia burgdorferi outer cell membrane surface lipoprotein. In 2002, the manufacturers of the vaccine withdrew it from the market because of problems involving postvaccination fatigue. In its 2012 report to the Africa, Global Health and Human Rights Subcommittee’s Hearing on Global Challenges in Diagnosing and Managing Lyme Disease, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) stated that the withdrawal of the vaccine had been misguided and was caused by what it considers to be unsubstantiated claims about the vaccines' side effects; currently, there is no human vaccine available. In 2008, the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control started a serum reference repository to house serum samples that can be used to compare different tests for the diagnosis of Lyme disease; in 2011, the samples became available to the scientific community at large.

Perspective and Prospects

The clinical symptoms of Lyme disease have been documented in European medical literature as early as the 1880s, but each clinical sign was considered a separate illness. In the 1970s, an outbreak of apparent juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, in some cases preceded by a rash, occurred in Old Lyme and Lyme, Connecticut. In 1975, this range of different symptoms was recognized as a single illness. Borrelia burgdorferi was identified in 1982 by Willy Burgdorfer, a tick-borne disease expert from the Rocky Mountain Labs in Montana.

In 2006, the IDSA released updated diagnosis and treatment guidelines for Lyme disease. These guidelines recommend a bull’s-eye, or erythema migrans (EM), rash or positive laboratory tests to diagnose Lyme disease. The IDSA guidelines do not recognize a chronic form of Lyme disease, nor do they recognize seronegative Lyme disease except in early infections. This stance has generated a great deal of controversy. Both the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), a professional medical society, and the Lyme Disease Association, an all-volunteer association, have expressed concern about the stricter guidelines. They worry that patients with chronic Lyme disease will continue to suffer. However, as of 2013, the IDSA continues to stand behind its initial diagnosis guidelines, stating that there is not sufficient evidence for the existence of "chronic Lyme disease." There is much more to learn about the Lyme bacteria in order to aid patients.


American Lyme Disease Foundation. http://www.aldf .com.

Edlow, Jonathan A. Bull’s-Eye: Unraveling the Medical Mystery of Lyme Disease. 2d ed. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2004.

Edlow, Jonathan A., and Robert Moellering, Jr., eds. “Tick-Borne Diseases, Part 1: Lyme Disease.” Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 22, no. 2 (June, 2008).

Horowitz, Richard. Why Can't I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2013.

International Lyme and Associated Disease Society. http://www.ilads.org.

Lyme Disease Association. http://www.lymedisease association.org.

Plotkin, Stanley A. The Need for a New Lyme Disease Vaccine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.

Stricker, Raphael B., Andrew Lautin, and Joseph J. Burrascano. “Lyme Disease: The Quest for Magic Bullets.” Chemotherapy 52 (2006): 53–59.

Wormser, Gary P., et al. “The Clinical Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Lyme Disease, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 43, no. 9 (2006): 1089–134.

Summarize Chapters 5 and 6 from The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz.

The Magic of Thinking Big is a self-help book written by David J. Schwartz in 1959. It is meant to inspire the reader to achieve greater things and rise above being average. Chapter Five is titled "How to Think and Dream Creatively." The chapter asks the reader to consider new ways of doing things and inspires the reader to think differently. The chapter outlines six methods for creative thinking.

  • You must believe that the new...

The Magic of Thinking Big is a self-help book written by David J. Schwartz in 1959. It is meant to inspire the reader to achieve greater things and rise above being average. Chapter Five is titled "How to Think and Dream Creatively." The chapter asks the reader to consider new ways of doing things and inspires the reader to think differently. The chapter outlines six methods for creative thinking.

  • You must believe that the new way of doing something can be done. If you believe it can be done your mind will act differently and your actions will reflect this new way of thinking.  

  • Transform yourself to be open to new ideas. Abandon traditional thought and action and allow yourself to try new things.

  • In the different areas of your life, ask yourself how things can be done differently. Reflect on the ways that you can be better and explore new avenues for growth.

  • Reflect on how you can do more. Doing more requires better organization of your time. In what ways can you attempt to become more efficient in some areas of your life that will benefit the new responsibilities.

  • Do not be afraid to ask for advice from others and actively listen to their responses. The successful person listens more than he/she speaks. Frame your questions around areas you would like to see improvement in yourself.

  • The last step is to stretch your mind. Record notes of your experiences with others. Do not be afraid to research. Be sure to review your notes regularly. Do not restrict yourself to the company of people who think and act like you. Be sure to broaden your horizons.

Chapter Six is titled "You are What You Think You Are." Its main focus is how the limitations that you harbor in your own mind affects your ability to be successful. In fact, the limitations that you have placed on yourself have a dramatic effect on how others treat you as well. The chapter asks the reader to take a strengths inventory of yourself. What are your positive attributes and skills? How are you an asset to others? Schwartz believes that you should make a list of these attributes. Create a propaganda piece that illustrates your strengths. After the inventory has been written, it should be reviewed daily. Read it to yourself in front of a mirror and keep it with you to be reviewed throughout the day.

How are fossil fuels formed?

Fossil fuels refer to natural fuels derived from the remains of dead plants and animals. This includes coal, natural gas, and oil. These natural fuel sources are produced by the anaerobic decomposition of dead plants and animals from millions of years ago. 

Ancient earth is a lot different from what we know today. The climate was different, and the species that lived were different. The environment was different too. It was full of swamps, and...

Fossil fuels refer to natural fuels derived from the remains of dead plants and animals. This includes coal, natural gas, and oil. These natural fuel sources are produced by the anaerobic decomposition of dead plants and animals from millions of years ago. 

Ancient earth is a lot different from what we know today. The climate was different, and the species that lived were different. The environment was different too. It was full of swamps, and various plants. As the plants die, they fall into swamps, and get buried under water. Since there is not much oxygen at the bottom of bodies of water, the decay is either really slow, or incomplete, and the remains decompose through a process called anaerobic decomposition. This process begins with bacterial hydrolysis that break down organic polymers into its derivatives. Other bacteria convert these into smaller compounds like amino acids, and sugars sugars, and further into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, and ammonia among others. Methanogens, then, ultimately converts these into methane and carbon dioxide. 

As time passes by, the decaying matter is further buried - water receded, more land mass started covering it, and other reasons. This high pressure and high temperature compresses the remains and turns them into coal. 

Since this coal came from decaying remains of previously alive organisms, it is a rich carbon source, and has been tapped as an energy source - as fuels.

What is Bordetella? |


Most Bordetella
species are obligate respiratory pathogens
of animals and humans. B. pertussis causes a severe
and potentially life-threatening disease (whooping
cough, or pertussis) of infants and young children,
characterized by repeated and violent coughing spells and the characteristic
whooping sound that comes from breathing difficulties.

Natural Habitat and Features

The Bordetella species (except for B. petrii) are obligate respiratory pathogens of animals and humans. B. pertussis and B. parapertussis cause disease only in humans. The rest, except B. petrii, are found naturally in diseased animals, including birds. All have been found, in rare cases, to cause disease in immunocompromised humans.

All Bordetella species are gram-negative coccobacilli that are nonfermentative and are strict aerobes. B. pertussis requires enriched media containing charcoal or blood (or both) to grow in the laboratory because of their sensitivity to unsaturated fatty acids and sulfur compounds in regular agar media. On Bordet-Gengou agar, B. pertussis forms small (less than 1 millimeter) smooth, transparent, shiny colonies with a circular edge in about five to seven days of incubation at 98.6° Fahrenheit (37° Celsius). B. parapertussis forms similar but larger, duller brownish colonies after two days, and B. bronchiseptica forms larger, rougher, and pitted colonies in one to two days on this medium. Other species can be grown successfully on less stringent media.

Bordetella species can be differentiated by growth, biochemical, and antigenic characteristics. Molecular methods, including fluorescent antibody and other immunological (serological), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and 16S rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) gene sequencing, have been employed to identify and study properties of various species.

It has been shown through 16S rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) gene sequencing that B. holmesii is closely related to B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica, whereas B. avium, B. hinzii, B. petrii, and B. trematum have diverged through time.

Pathogenicity and Clinical Significance

All Bordetella species are pathogens. B. pertussis and B. parapertussis affect only humans and cause whooping cough. Whooping cough is most severe in infants less than one year of age, with significant morbidity and mortality rates. Roughly 85 to 90 percent of those exposed get the disease, with the majority being hospitalized. Patients with B. parapertussis normally have a less severe form of the disease, indistinguishable from a mild upper-respiratory-tract infection.

Older children, adolescents, and adults can also contract whooping cough. Cases are normally milder because of increased immunity; however, immunocompromised persons can experience severe disease. Research suggests that adolescents and adults can infect susceptible infants, and vice versa. Therefore, health authorities recommend giving adolescent siblings, parents, and health care workers an additional pertussis booster immunization.

B. pertussis has been studied most extensively, so its
pathogenesis and the disease-causing roles of its many virulence factors are well
understood. The incubation period lasts five to twenty-one days after exposure.
During this time, the organism employs adhesins, including filamentous
hemagglutinin, pertussis toxin, pertactin, and fimbriae

Recognizable symptoms occur during the catarrhal stage, when the pathogen
multiplies rapidly. Because these symptoms resemble a common cold, the organism
can be transmitted before patients realize they have a serious disease. This stage
normally lasts one to two weeks, with persons exhibiting rhinorrhea, mild fever,
coryza, and mild cough (although even at this stage, infants can exhibit
apnea and respiratory distress).

The paroxysmal stage occurs when numerous toxins, including pertussis toxin, adenylate cyclase, dermonecrotic toxin, and tracheal cytotoxin, cause biochemical abnormalities and tissue destruction that advance the disease process and battle the host’s immune defenses. During this stage, which lasts two to six weeks, characteristic multiple spasms of dry cough occur, often with projectile vomiting and exhaustion. In infants, the characteristic whoop occurs when he or she struggles to breathe.

During the convalescent stage (which last two to four weeks), patients have
decreasing bouts of coughing and vomiting; however, secondary complications can
occur, normally by other pathogens that can now colonize the host because of the
biochemical and physical damage that occurred during B. pertussis
pathogenesis. These complications include pneumonia,
seizures, encephalopathy, and death. During this stage, recovery occurs when the
host’s defenses revive and when tissue, especially the ciliated epithelium,

Most Bordetella species can infect animals (including birds) and immunocompromised humans. B. bronchiseptica can establish asymptomatic infections or serious respiratory infections in various mammals: kennel cough in dogs, atrophic rhinitis in pigs, snuffles in rabbits, and guinea pig bronchopneumonia. B. avium causes a potentially fatal respiratory disease of birds, including chickens and turkeys, which can result in significant economic loss. B. hinzii is found naturally as a commensal organism in the respiratory tracts of poultry. The least understood species, B. trematum, has been found associated with wounds and ear infections. B. avium, B. hinzii, and B. petrii have all been found in the lungs of persons with cystic fibrosis. Any disease-causing role is unclear.

Drug Susceptibility

Treatment for whooping cough is primarily supportive; however, early antibiotic
therapy can influence the severity and duration of the disease. It is critical to
interfere with transmission to susceptible persons.

Traditionally, erythromycin has been used, but some infants experienced
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosus. Another macrolide
antibiotic, clarithromycin, has not been shown to be safe for
infants. Azithromycin is effective and is preferred for infants younger than one
month of age.

Azithromycin or clarithromycin are better for persons older than one month because they cause fewer side effects and less gastrointestinal upset. Persons older than two months of age who cannot tolerate a macrolide antibiotic can take trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for fourteen days. For persons exposed to clinically diagnosed pertussis cases, prophylaxis for five days with azithromycin or clarithromycin is recommended.

Although the efficacy of the pertussis portion of the diphtheria tetanus acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine is not 100 percent, immunization of infants, children, adolescents, and adults is the most effective way to combat the spread of pertussis.


EBSCO Publishing. DynaMed: Pertussis. Available through http://www.ebscohost.com/dynamed.

Levitzky, Michael G. Pulmonary Physiology. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 2007. A clinical text that describes and discusses the structure and function of the respiratory system.

Long, S. S. “Pertussis.” In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, edited by Richard E. Behrman, Robert M. Kliegman, and Hal B. Jenson. 18th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2007. A thorough chapter examining pertussis in children.

Mason, Robert J., et al., eds. Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2010. Details basic anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and immunology of the lungs.

Mattoo, Seema, and James D. Cherry. “Molecular Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Infections Due to Bordetella pertussis and Other Bordetella Subspecies.” Clinical Microbiology Reviews 18 (2005): 326-382. Details all aspects of Bordetella, including phylogeny, molecular and biological aspects of pathogenesis, and treatment options.

Sandora, Thomas J., Courtney A. Gidengil, and Grace M. Lee. “Pertussis Vaccination for Health Care Workers.” Clinical Microbiology Reviews 21 (2008): 426-434. Examines the clinical aspects of pertussis epidemiology, treatment, and prevention and their affect on health care workers.

Weiss, Alison. “The Genus Bordetella.” In The Prokaryotes: A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria, edited by Martin Dworkin et al. Vol. 5. New York: Springer, 2006. Discusses aspects of the biology of Bordetella, including genus phylogeny and pathogenesis.

What are muscles? |

Structure and Functions

More than half of the body weight of humans is made up of muscle. Three types of muscles are found in the body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. These muscles are composed of different types of muscle cells and perform different functions within the body. The characteristics and functions of each of these three muscle types will be discussed separately, starting with skeletal muscle.

Skeletal muscles attach to and cover bones. This type of muscle is often referred to as voluntary muscle because it is the only muscle type that can be controlled or made to move by consciously thinking about it. Skeletal muscles perform four important functions: bringing about body movement, helping to maintain posture, helping to stabilize joints such as the knee, and generating body heat.

Nearly all body movement is dependent upon skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is needed not only to be able to run and jump but also to speak, to write, and to move and blink the eyes. These movements are brought about by the contraction or shortening of skeletal muscles. These muscles are attached to two bones or other structures by tough thin strips or cords of tissue known as tendons. When a muscle contracts or shortens, it pulls the tendons, which then pull on the bones or other structures to which they are connected. In this way, the desired movement is brought about.

Skeletal muscles also aid in the maintenance of posture. Posture is defined as the ability to maintain a position of the body or body parts: for example, the ability to stand or to sit erect. The constant force of gravity must be overcome in order to maintain a standing or seated posture. Small adjustments to the force of gravity are constantly being made through slight contractions of skeletal muscle.

Skeletal muscles—or, more appropriately, their tendons—help to maintain joint stability. Many of the tendons that connect muscles to bones cross movable joints such as the knee and the shoulder. These tendons are kept taut by the constant contraction of the muscles to which they are attached. As a result, they act as walls to prevent the joints from dislocating or shifting out of the normal positions.

More than 40 percent of the human body is composed of skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles generate heat as they contract. As a result, skeletal muscles are of extreme importance in maintaining normal body temperature. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures, it begins to shiver. This shivering is the result of muscle contractions, which serve to generate body heat and maintain the body’s normal temperature.

Skeletal muscles are made up of
skeletal muscle cells. These cells are long and tube-shaped and therefore are referred to as skeletal muscle fibers. In some instances, these muscle fibers may be a foot long. When individual skeletal muscle fibers are viewed under a microscope, they display bands that are referred to as striations. For this reason, skeletal muscle is often called striated muscle.

Each skeletal muscle, depending upon its size, is made up of hundreds or thousands of skeletal muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are surrounded by a tough connective tissue that holds the muscle fibers together. These muscle fibers and their surrounding connective tissue form a skeletal muscle. In the human body, there are more than six hundred skeletal muscles. It is the arrangement of these muscles in the body that is referred to as the musculature, or muscle system.

Smooth muscles are often referred to as involuntary muscles because they cannot be made to contract by conscious effort. Smooth muscles are typically found in the walls of internal organs such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder. The primary function of smooth muscles in these organs is to enable the passage of material through a tube or tract. For example, the contraction of smooth muscles in the intestines helps to move digested materials through the digestive system.

Smooth muscle is composed of smooth muscle cells. These cells differ from skeletal muscle fibers in that they are short and spindle-shaped. They also differ from skeletal muscle cells in that they are not striated. Furthermore, smooth muscle cells usually are not surrounded by a tough connective tissue to form a muscle; instead, they are arranged in layers.

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle cannot be made to contract by means of conscious effort. Like skeletal muscle, however, cardiac muscle is striated. The contraction of cardiac muscle results in the contraction of the heart. This, in turn, results in the pumping of blood throughout the body.

Although many differences exist among skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle, all have one thing in common—their ability to contract. The methods by which this contraction is brought about in skeletal muscle, however, are different from those used by smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

In order for skeletal muscles to contract, they must first be electrically stimulated. This electrical stimulation is brought about by nerves that are closely associated with the muscle fibers. Each muscle fiber has a branch of a nerve, known as an axon terminal, that lies very close to it. This axon terminal does not touch the muscle fiber, but is separated from it by a tiny space known as the synaptic cleft (or gap). An electrical impulse from the nerve causes the release of a chemical called a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. The specific type of neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle is known as acetylcholine. The neurotransmitter will then pass through the synaptic cleft to the muscle fiber membrane, where it will bind to a special site known as a receptor. When the neurotransmitter binds to the receptor, it causes an electrical impulse to travel down the muscle fiber. This, in turn, causes the contraction of the muscle fiber. When most or all of the muscle fibers contract, the result is the contraction of the entire muscle.

The muscle fibers and muscle will remain in a contracted state as long as the neurotransmitter is bound to the receptor on the muscle fiber membrane. In order for the muscle fiber to relax, the neurotransmitter must be released from the receptor to which it is bound. This is accomplished by the destruction of the neurotransmitter. Another chemical, known as an enzyme, is released into the synaptic cleft. This enzyme destroys the neurotransmitter; thus, the neurotransmitter is no longer bound to the receptor. In skeletal muscle, this enzyme is called acetylcholinesterase, because it destroys the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

The contraction of cardiac muscle differs from that of skeletal muscle in that each cardiac muscle fiber does not have an axon terminal associated with it. Cardiac muscle is capable of making its own electrical impulse; it does not need a nerve to initiate the electrical impulse for every cardiac muscle fiber. An impulse is started in a particular place in the heart, called the atrioventricular (A-V) node. This impulse spreads from muscle fiber to muscle fiber. Thus, each cardiac muscle fiber stimulates those fibers next to it. The electrical impulse spreads so fast that nearly all the cardiac muscle fibers contract at the same time. As a result, the single impulse that began in the A-V node causes the entire heart to contract.

Disorders and Diseases

Any type of muscle disorder has the ability to disrupt the normal functions performed by muscles. Skeletal muscle disorders can disrupt body movement and the ability to maintain posture. If these disorders affect the diaphragm, the principal breathing muscle, they can also be fatal.

Perhaps the most common and least detrimental muscle disorder is disuse atrophy. When muscles are not used, the muscle fibers will become smaller, a process called atrophy. As a result of the decrease in the diameter of the muscle fibers, the entire muscle also becomes smaller and therefore weaker.

Disuse atrophy occurs in such circumstances as when an individual is sick or injured and must remain in bed for prolonged periods of time. As a result, the muscles are not used and begin to atrophy. Disuse atrophy is also fairly common in astronauts. This occurs as a result of the lack of gravity against which the muscles must work. If a muscle does not work against a load or force, such as gravity, it will tend to decrease in size.

In general, disuse muscle atrophy is easily treated. The primary treatment is to exercise the unused muscle. Physical activity, particularly those activities in which the muscle must work to lift or pull a weight, will result in an enlargement in the diameter of the skeletal muscle fibers, and thus of the entire muscle. The increase in the diameter of the muscle fibers and muscle is referred to as hypertrophy.

Another common muscle disorder is a muscle cramp. A muscle cramp is a spasm in which the muscle undergoes strong involuntary contractions. These involuntary contractions, which may last for as short a time as a few seconds or as long as a few hours, are extremely painful. Muscle cramps appear to occur more frequently at night or after exercise. Treatment for cramps involves rubbing and massaging the affected muscle.

Muscles are often overused or overstretched. When this is the case, it is possible for the muscle fibers to tear. When the muscle fibers are torn, the result is a muscle strain, more often referred to as a pulled muscle. Although pulled muscles may be painful, they are usually not serious. Treatment for pulled muscles most often involves the resting of the affected muscle. If the muscle fibers are torn completely apart, surgery may be required to reattach the muscle fibers.

Among the more serious skeletal muscle disorders is muscular dystrophy. The term “muscular dystrophy” is used to define those muscle disorders that are genetic or inherited. These diseases most often begin in childhood, but a few cases have been reported to begin during adult life. Muscular dystrophy results in progressive muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. The most common form of muscular dystrophy is known as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This form of muscular dystrophy primarily affects males. In those affected with
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, muscular weakness and atrophy begin to appear at three to five years of age. There is a progressive loss of muscle strength and muscle mass such that, by the age of twelve, those individuals afflicted with the disorder are confined to a wheelchair. Usually between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, the patients develop serious and sometimes fatal respiratory diseases as a result of the impairment of the diaphragm, the primary breathing muscle. The progressive deterioration of the muscles cannot be stopped, but it may be slowed with exercise of the affected muscles.

Myasthenia gravis is also a severe muscle disorder. This disease results in excessive weakness of skeletal muscles, a condition known as muscle fatigue. Those with myasthenia gravis complain of fatigue even after performing normal everyday body movements. Although severe, myasthenia gravis is usually not fatal unless the diaphragm is affected.

Myasthenia results from a decrease in the availability of the receptors for acetylcholine. If fewer acetylcholine receptors are available on the muscle fibers, less acetylcholine binds to the muscle fiber receptors; this binding is needed for contraction to occur. As a result, fewer muscle fibers within the muscle contract. The fewer muscle fibers within the entire muscle that contract, the weaker the muscle.

Myasthenia gravis affects about one in every ten thousand individuals. Unlike Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis may affect any group, and, overall, women are affected more frequently than men. Myasthenia gravis is usually first detected in the facial muscles, particularly those of the eyes and eyelids. Those afflicted have droopy eyelids and experience difficulty in keeping the eyes open. Other symptoms are weakness in those muscles involved in chewing and difficulty swallowing as a result of weakening of the tongue muscles. In most patients, there is also some weakening of the muscles of the legs and arms.

The prognosis for the treatment of myasthenia gravis is very good. The most important treatment for the disorder is the use of anticholinesterase drugs. These drugs inhibit the breakdown of acetylcholine. As a result, there is a large amount of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction to bind with the limited number of acetylcholine receptors. This, in turn, increases the ability and number of the muscle fibers that are able to contract, resulting in an increase in muscle strength and the ability to use the muscles without fatigue.

Also of interest is the effect of pesticides and the way in which they affect muscle function. Some pesticides are classified as organic pesticides that inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. If acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, it will no longer break down the acetylcholine that is bound to the receptor on the skeletal muscle membrane. If the acetylcholine is not removed from the receptor, the muscle cannot relax and is therefore in a constant state of contraction. As a result, the respiratory muscles are unable to contract and relax, a process required for breathing. Thus, organic pesticides function to prevent the respiratory muscles from working, and an affected animal will die as a result of not being able to breathe.

Muscle fibers also require a blood supply in order to keep them alive. If the blood supply to the muscle fibers is inhibited, death of the muscle fibers can result. If enough muscle fibers are affected, death of the muscle can result. This most commonly occurs in cardiac muscle. If the blood supply to the cardiac muscle making up the heart is reduced or cut off, the result is a decrease in the ability of the cardiac muscle to contract. This, in turn, leads to heart failure.

Perspective and Prospects

The study of muscles and musculature is as old as the study of anatomy itself. The first well-documented study of muscles was done by Galen of Pergamum in the first century. Galen made drawings of muscles and described their functions. In all, Galen described more than three hundred muscles in the human body, almost half of all the muscles now known.

The first refined drawings and descriptions of the skeletal muscles of the body were made in the late fifteenth century. Among those who stood out as muscle anatomists during this period was Leonardo da Vinci, whose drawings of the skeletal muscles of the body were magnificent. His chief interest in the muscles of the body, like Galen’s, was their function. He accurately described, among many other muscles, the muscles involved in the movement of the lips and cheeks.

A major step to the understanding of muscle physiology did not occur until the late eighteenth century. Luigi Galvani in 1791 discovered the relationship between muscle contraction and electricity when he found that an electrical current could cause the contraction of a frog leg. The use of electrical stimulation to study muscle contraction and function was fully utilized in the mid-nineteenth century by Duchenne de Boulogne. The actual measurement of the electrical activity in a muscle came about in 1929, with the invention by Edgar Douglas Adrian and Detlev Wulf Bronk of the needle electrode, which could be placed into the muscle to record the muscle’s electrical activity. This recording of the electrical activity of the muscle is known as an electromyogram, or EMG. Electromyograms are important in the evaluation of the electrical activity of resting and contracting muscles. Since the discovery of EMGs, they have been used by anatomists, muscle physiologists, exercise physiologists, and orthopedic surgeons to study and diagnose muscle diseases. Furthermore, the knowledge gained from EMGs has led to the
making of artificial limbs that can be controlled by the electrical impulses of the existing muscles.

Knowledge of muscle names, muscle anatomy, and movement, as well as muscle physiology, is needed for many medical fields. These fields include kinesiology, the study of movement; physical and

occupational therapy; the treatment and rehabilitation of those who are disabled by injury;
exercise physiology and
sports medicine, in which the effects of exercise on muscle and the damage of muscle as a result of sports injuries are studied; and, finally, orthopedic surgery, which is the surgical repair of damaged bones, joints, and muscles.


Blakey, Paul. The Muscle Book. Honesdale, Pa.: Himalayan Institute, 2000.

Burke, Edmund. Optimal Muscle Performance and Recovery. Rev. ed. New York: Putnam, 2003.

Cash, Mel. Pocket Atlas of the Moving Body. New York: Crown, 2000.

Clarkson, Hazel M. Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and Muscle Testing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

Guyton, Arthur C., and John E. Hall. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 12th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2011.

Marieb, Elaine N. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. 10th ed. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2012.

Shier, David N., Jackie L. Butler, and Ricki Lewis. Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. 11th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2012.

Pocock, Gillian, Christopher D. Richards, and Dave A. Richards. Human Physiology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Tortora, Gerard J., and Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 13th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

Willems, Mark. Skeletal Muscle: Physiology, Classification, and Disease. New York: Nova Biomedical, 2013.

Friday, 27 March 2015

What is the brain? |

Structure and Functions

The human brain is a complex structure that is composed of two major classes of individual cells: nerve cells (or neurons) and neuroglial cells (or glial cells). It has been estimated that the adult human brain has around one hundred billion neurons and an even larger number of glial cells. An average adult brain weighs about 1,400 grams and has a volume of 1,200 milliliters. These values tend to vary directly with the person’s body size; therefore, males have a brain that is typically 10 percent larger than that of females. There is no correlation of intelligence with brain size, however, as witnessed by the fact that brains as small as 750 milliliters or larger than 2,000 milliliters still show normal functioning.

Neurons process and transmit information. The usual structural features of a neuron include a cell body (or soma), anywhere from several to several hundred branching dendrites that are extensions from the soma, and a typically longer extension known as the axon with one or several synaptic terminals at its end.

The information that is processed and transmitted in the brain takes the form of very brief electrochemical events, with a typical duration of less than two milliseconds, called action potentials or nerve impulses. These impulses most often originate near the point at which the axon and soma are joined and then travel at speeds of up to 130 meters per second along the axon to the synaptic terminals.

It is at the synaptic terminals that one neuron communicates its information to other neurons in the brain. These specialized structural points of neuron-to-neuron communication are called synapses. Most synapses are found on the dendrites and soma of the neuron that is to receive the nerve signal. A neuron may have as many as fifty thousand synapses on its surface, although the average seems to be around three thousand. It is thought that as many as three hundred trillion synapses may exist in the adult brain.

The neuroglia function as supporting cells. They have a variety of important duties that include acting as a supporting framework for neurons, increasing the speed of impulse conduction along axons, acting as removers of waste or cellular debris, and regulating the composition of the fluid environment around the neurons in order to maintain optimal working conditions in the brain. Neuroglia actually make up about half of the brain’s total volume.

The brain can be divided into two major components: gray matter and white matter, both named for their general appearance. The gray matter is composed primarily of neural soma, dendrites, and axons that transmit information at relatively slow speeds. The white matter is made of collections of axons that have layers of specialized glial cells wrapped around them. This enables much faster information transfer along these axons.

The brain has six major regions. Beginning from the top of the spinal cord and moving progressively upward, these regions are the medulla oblongata, the pons, the cerebellum, the mesencephalon (or midbrain), the diencephalon, and the cerebrum.

The initial lower portion of the medulla oblongata
resembles the spinal cord. The medulla has a variety of functions besides the simple relaying of various categories of sensory information to higher-brain centers. Within the medulla there are a number of centers that are important for the execution and regulation of basic survival and maintenance duties. These duties are called visceral functions and include jobs such as regulating the heart rate, breathing, digestive actions, and blood pressure.

The term pons comes from the Latin word meaning "bridge." The pons serves as a bridge from the medulla oblangata to the cerebellum, which is actually situated on the backside of the brain stem. The pons contains tracts and nuclei that permit communication between the cerebellum and other nervous system structures. Some pontine nuclei facilitate the control of such voluntary and involuntary muscle actions as chewing, breathing, and moving the eyes; other nuclei process information related to the sense of balance.

The cerebellum is a small brain in itself. The two main functions of the cerebellum are to make adjustments, quickly and automatically, to the muscles of the body that assist in maintaining balance and posture and to coordinate the activities of the skeletal muscles involved in movements or sequences of movements, thereby promoting smooth and precise actions. These functions are possible because of the input of sensory information to the cerebellum from position sensors in the muscles and joints; from visual, touch, and balance organs; and even from the sense of hearing. There are also many communication channels to and from the cerebellum and other brain areas concerned with the generation and control of movements. While the cerebellum is not the origin of commands that initiate movements, it does store the memories of how to perform patterns of muscle contractions that are used to execute learned skills, such as serving a tennis ball.

The mesencephalon, or midbrain, is located just above the pons. The midbrain contains pathways carrying sensory information upward to higher-brain centers and transmitting motor signals from higher regions down to lower-brain and spinal cord areas involved in movements.

Two important pairs of nuclei, the inferior and superior colliculi, are found on the backside of the mesencephalon. They coordinate visual and acoustic reflexes involving eye and head movements, such as eye focusing and orienting the head and body toward a sound source. The nucleus known as the substantia nigra operates with nuclei in the cerebrum to generate the patterns and rhythms of such activities as walking and running. Additional mesencephalic nuclei are important for the involuntary control of muscle tone, posture maintenance, and the control of eye movements.

The diencephalon, located above the midbrain, contains the two important brain structures known as the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is the final relay for all sensory signals (except the sense of smell) before they arrive at the cerebral cortex (the cerebrum’s outer covering of gray matter). The hypothalamus is important for regulating drives and emotions, and it serves as a master link between the nervous and endocrine systems.

The thalamus is a collection of different nuclei. Some cooperate with nuclei in the cerebrum to process memories and generate emotional states. Other nuclei have complex involvement in the interactions of the cerebellum, cerebral nuclei, and motor areas of the cerebral cortex.

The relatively small hypothalamus plays many crucial roles that help to maintain stability in the body’s internal environment. It regulates food and liquid intake, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and digestion. Other significant duties encompass the management of sexual activity, rage, fear, and pleasure.

The final major brain region is the cerebrum, which is the largest of the six regions and the seat of higher intellectual capabilities. Sensory information that reaches the cerebrum also enters into a person’s conscious awareness. Voluntary actions originate in the cerebral neural activities.

The cerebrum is divided into two cerebral hemispheres, each covered by the gray matter known as the cerebral cortex. Below the cortex is the white matter, which consists of massive bundles of axons carrying signals between various cortical areas, down from the cortex to lower areas, and up into the cortex from lower areas. Embedded in the white matter are also a number of cerebral nuclei.

The cerebral cortex has areas that are the primary sensory areas for each of the senses and other areas whose major duties deal with the origin and planning of motor activities. The association areas of the cortex integrate and process sensory signals, often resulting in the initiation of appropriate motor responses. Cortical integrative centers receive information from different association areas. The integrative centers perform complex analyses of information (such as predicting the consequences of various possible responses) and direct elaborate motor activities (such as writing).

The cerebral nuclei, also called the basal nuclei or basal ganglia, form components of brain systems that have complex duties such as the regulation of emotions, the control of muscle tone and the coordination of learned patterns of movement, and the processing of memories.

The electrochemical signal that constitutes an action potential
in a neuron, and that is sent along the neuron’s axon to the synaptic contacts formed with other neurons in the brain, is the basic unit of activity in neural tissue. Although the electrical voltage generated by a single action potential is very small and difficult to measure, the tremendous number of neurons active at any moment results in voltages large enough to be measured at the scalp with appropriate instruments called electroencephalographs. The recorded signals are known as an electroencephalogram (EEG).

Although interpreting an EEG can be compared to standing outside a football stadium filled with screaming fans and trying to discern what is happening on the playing field by listening to the crowd noises, it still provides clinically useful information and is used regularly in clinics around the world each day. The typical EEG signal appears as a series of wavy patterns whose size, length, shape, and location of best recording on the head provide valuable indications concerning the conditions of brain regions beneath the recording electrodes placed on the scalp.

Disorders and Diseases

One of the most useful applications of the EEG is in the diagnosis of epilepsy. Epilepsy
is a group of disorders originating in the brain. There are multiple possible causes. Epilepsy is characterized by malfunctions of the motor, sensory, or even psychic operations of the brain, and there are often accompanying convulsive movements during the attack.

The most common type is known as idiopathic epilepsy, so called because there is no known cause of the attacks. The usual episode occurs suddenly as a large group of neurons begins to produce action potentials in a very synchronized fashion (called a seizure), which is not the typical mode of action in neural tissue. There may be no impairment of consciousness or a complete loss of consciousness, and the seizure may be restricted to a localized area of brain tissue or may spread over the entire brain. When areas of the brain that generate or control movements become involved, the patient will exhibit varying degrees of involuntary muscle contractions or convulsions.

Some cases of epilepsy can be traced to definite causes such as brain tumors, brain injuries, drug abuse, adverse drug reactions, or infections that have entered the brain. Regardless of the cause, the diagnosis is often made through examination of the EEG, whereby a trained examiner can quickly identify the EEG abnormalities characteristic of epilepsy.

The usual treatment is directed toward preventing the synchronized bursts of neural activity. This is most often achieved by administering anticonvulsive drugs such as phenobarbital or phenytoin. These agents block the transmission of neural signals in the epileptic regions and thereby suppress the explosive episodes of synchronized neuronal discharges that induce the seizures. Many epileptics are successfully treated by this approach and are able to lead normal, productive lives, free from the uncontrollable seizures. In some cases, the medication can eventually be discontinued and the patient will never again suffer a seizure.

Unfortunately, there are also cases where even the strongest medications do not prevent the seizures, or only do so with debilitating side effects. In the most severe cases, the patients may have dozens of seizures each day, making any form of normal existence impossible. In addition, the large number of seizures eventually can lead to permanent brain damage. For some of these patients, the most drastic form of treatment has been used: surgical removal of the brain tissue responsible for the seizures. This technique is accompanied by great risk because of the danger that removing a portion of brain tissue may leave the patient unable to speak or to speak intelligently, unable to understand spoken words, unable to interpret visual information, or suffering from any of a wide variety of behavioral disturbances, depending on the precise area of the brain that has been removed.

Although this approach is not appropriate in all cases, it has been successful in many. For these patients, success is usually defined as the possibility, following surgery, to control or prevent future seizures through the use of anticonvulsive drugs and to resume a normal life or a life that is much more normal than it was before surgery.

A varied group of disorders known as dyskinesias causes difficulty in the performance of voluntary movements. The movements actually look like normal body movements or portions of normal movements. Dyskinesia often results from problems involving the basal nuclei. When the basal nuclei are affected, the dyskinesic movements usually do not occur during sleep and are reduced during periods of emotional tranquillity. Anxiety, emotional tension, and stressful conditions, however, cause the dyskinesia to become worse. These observations can be explained by the fact that neural pathways are known to connect the brain centers involved with the generation of emotional states to the basal nuclei.

One example of a dyskinesia affecting the basal nuclei is the inherited condition of Huntington’s disease (or Huntington’s chorea), for which no cure exists. A chorea is a dyskinesia in which the patient’s movements are quick and irregular. Huntington’s chorea first makes its appearance when the patient is in middle age. It results in the progressive degeneration of the basal nuclei, known as the corpus striatum, that are located in the cerebrum. Some of the common symptoms are involuntary facial grimacing, jaw and tongue movements, twisting and turning movements of the torso, and speaking difficulties. As the brain atrophy (degeneration) progresses, the patients become totally disabled. Death usually results ten to fifteen years following the appearance of the first symptoms.

A category of generalized disturbances of higher-brain function is known as dementia. Dementia is characterized by a generalized deficiency of intellectual performance, mental deterioration, memory impairment, and limited attention span. These are often accompanied by changes in personality such as increased irritability and moodiness.

Various diseases can cause dementia. One of the most frequently observed is known as Alzheimer’s disease; it is progressive and usually develops between the ages of forty and sixty. The disease is marked by the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex and the deep cerebral regions known as the nucleus basalis and the hippocampus. The exact cause of neural death in Alzheimer’s disease is unknown. While some cases are inherited, other instances seem to appear without any family history of the disease. Death usually occurs within ten years after the appearance of the first symptoms, and no cure exists.

The areas of the brain showing neural degeneration also have abnormal collections of a specific type of protein. The appearance of this protein in the blood and the fluids that surround the brain is a clinical sign of Alzheimer’s disease. The areas of the brain that deteriorate during the progression of this disease illustrate the functional roles played by these regions. The hippocampus, in particular, is crucial for learning, the storage of long-term memories, memory of recent events, and the sense of time. Therefore, the death of hippocampal neurons helps to explain the memory disturbances and related behavioral changes seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients.

Perspective and Prospects

Given the complexity of the human brain, understanding its structure and function is the ultimate challenge to medical science. The challenge exists because in order to treat brain disorders rationally, it is necessary to know how a normal brain functions. An appreciation of this can be gleaned by studying the history of some approaches used through the ages to treat brain disorders.

For example, in the Middle Ages it was a common practice to treat people with epilepsy by cutting open the patient’s scalp and pouring salt into the wound (all of which was performed without anesthesia, since anesthetics were not yet known). The purpose of this treatment was to poison the spirits possessing the patient, forcing them to leave.

As modern science discovered the cellular basis of life, such measures were gradually replaced with treatments directed toward the biochemical imbalances, infections, or interruptions of blood flow that were found to be the cause of many brain disorders. The development of nonsurgical techniques permitting the visualization of the brain regions that are active, or inactive, during various tasks or illnesses greatly advanced the understanding of brain function and improved diagnosis, the planning of effective treatments, and the tracking of either the improvement or the deterioration of patients.

Late in the 1970s, the disease known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) attracted the attention of the world’s scientists. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A significant portion of AIDS patients experience various neurological problems, including difficulties of movement, loss of memory, and cognitive disturbances. In some cerebral cortical areas, as many as half of the neurons may die. To understand how the virus causes these effects, it is necessary to analyze how the brain’s components function when infected by the virus and then form a clear explanation of the consequences of viral infection.

HIV actually infects certain classes of neuroglial cells. Infection of these glial cells causes them to release distinct types of chemicals that can be toxic to neurons. One type of glial cell, known as the astrocyte, can begin to appear in abnormally large numbers as a result of these chemicals being released. In turn, the presence of large numbers of astrocytes provokes the release of even more of the toxic chemicals. This sort of effect is referred to as a positive feedback loop. The significance of this cascade of mutually stimulating events (neurotoxic chemicals causing astrocytes to appear in greater numbers, and increased numbers of astrocytes causing more production of neurotoxic chemicals) is that only a few HIV-infected cells can trigger extensive neural damage.

Additionally, a protein part of the virus, called gp120, can stimulate release of the same neurotoxic chemicals and can disrupt the normal functioning of the astrocytes. One important function of astrocytes is to regulate the chemical environment of neurons by removing certain types of chemicals. One of these chemicals, called glutamate, is normally present and used by some neurons to send signals to other neurons at their synaptic contacts. When glutamate is not promptly removed from the environment of the target neurons, however, it becomes toxic to the neurons and kills them. The HIV protein gp120 disrupts the ability of astrocytes to remove glutamate, thereby increasing the death of neurons in the brain as they become exposed to toxic levels of glutamate.


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