Saturday, 31 May 2014

In Watchmen, when does Dr. Manhattan realize that miracles exist in the everyday lives of humans, even if he perceives them as dull? Can anyone...

After suffering from a horrific accident in an intrinsic field test chamber, physicist Jon Osterman disintegrates, and then is miraculously reborn as the all-powerful Dr. Manhattan. Because of his new status as a god-like being, Dr. Manhattan slowly but surely loses his compassion for humanity. However, there are points in the graphic novel in which Dr. Manhattan acknowledges the miracles that occur daily in the human race.

The most obvious point in which Dr. Manhattan...

After suffering from a horrific accident in an intrinsic field test chamber, physicist Jon Osterman disintegrates, and then is miraculously reborn as the all-powerful Dr. Manhattan. Because of his new status as a god-like being, Dr. Manhattan slowly but surely loses his compassion for humanity. However, there are points in the graphic novel in which Dr. Manhattan acknowledges the miracles that occur daily in the human race.

The most obvious point in which Dr. Manhattan discusses the miracles of everyday human life is in chapter nine. He calls his former girlfriend Laurie Juspeczyk, a fellow masked vigilante that fights crime under the moniker Silk Spectre II, a miracle:   

 “In each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter... until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you, that emerged” (26-27).

While this is the most obvious instance, Alan Moore includes other subtle references in the climactic chapter twelve. When Dr. Manhattan and Laurie go back to earth and witness the destruction that Ozymandias has wrought on New York City, Dr. Manhattan excitedly admits that he is unsure what has happened:

 “Not tachyons, surely... yes! Definitely! A squall of tachyons. Where can they be coming from? I'd almost forgotten the excitement of not knowing, the delights of uncertainty” (7).

Finally, after Dr. Manhattan kills Rorschach, he walks in to find Laurie and Dan Dreiburg holding each other after making love. His response is subtle, as he says nothing, but he gazes upon their naked bodies and smiles. He acknowledges the miracle of love and the way that humans comfort one another, even though he is removed from this experience. These are the three major instances in which Dr. Manhattan witnesses the miracles of the human condition.

Friday, 30 May 2014

What is Paget's disease? |

Causes and Symptoms

Paget’s disease of bone is a disorder characterized by excessive and abnormal formation of bone, most commonly in the spine, skull, pelvis, thighs, and lower legs. (Paget’s disease of the nipple is a different disorder related to breast cancer.) The cause of this disease is under investigation. Genetic factors are a major component. Between 15 and 40 percent of all patients with Paget’s disease have a positive family history of the disease, and the risk of developing Paget’s disease is seven to ten times higher in relatives of those who have Paget’s disease compared with relatives of those who do not have this disease. Several genes are known to regulate the cells that remodel bone, and mutations in some of these genes seem to be the main cause of Paget’s disease in some patients.

In adult, nongrowing bone, the structure of bone is the result of the interplay between two types of cells—one that deposits bone, the osteoblast, and another that resorbs bone, a multinucleate cell called the osteoclast. A signaling system called the RANK-RANKL-OPG system regulates osteoclast recruitment. RANK is a receptor on the surface of osteoclast precursor cells. RANKL is the ligand, or molecule, that binds to RANK to activate it. RANKL is secreted by bone marrow cells; when RANKL binds to the RANK molecules on the surface of osteoclast precursor cells, it activates an internal protein called p62. The activation of p62 pushes osteoclast precursor cells toward becoming mature, bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Osteoblasts, however, also secrete OPG, a soluble receptor that competitively binds RANKL and prevents osteoclast recruitment (see figure on page 2244). Mutations in the genes that encode RANK, OPG, or p62 cause various inherited forms of Paget’s disease with varying severities and times when the disease manifests itself. Not all individuals who harbor these mutations, however, suffer from full-blown Paget’s disease.

Paget’s disease might also result from viral infections. Experimental infection of mouse osteoblasts with measles virus can cause Paget’s disease in mice. Furthermore, osteoblasts from human patients with Paget’s disease sometimes harbor measles virus or other closely related viruses. It is possible that the presence of mutations in genes that increase osteoclast activity in combination with chronic infection of osteoclasts by measles virus or similar viruses create an environment that nurtures the development of clinical Paget’s disease.

Paget’s disease is more common in people over the age of forty. The disease usually starts without any symptoms. It is often diagnosed when a person has radiographs taken for other reasons or has a higher-than-normal level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood. As the disease progresses, the patient may develop an enlarging skull, sometimes accompanied by headaches; increased risk of fractures; curving of the spine or legs; and bone and joint pain. Rarely, Paget’s disease may lead to kidney stones, loose teeth when bones of the face are involved, and loss of hearing and vision when the enlarging skull compresses nerves to the eye and ear. People with severe Paget’s disease may have heart problems such as congestive heart failure or abnormal heart rhythms. Less than 1 percent of people with Paget’s disease will develop bone cancer.

Treatment and Therapy

Bisphosphonates (such as etidronate, pamidronate, alendronate, risedronate, or tiludronate) are the main treatment for Paget’s disease. Subcutaneous injections of salmon calcitonin successfully reverse the symptoms of Paget’s disease, but 50 percent of all patients who receive this treatment develop an immune response against calcitonin and 10 to 20 percent of all patients become resistant to it. In patients with severe symptoms who do not respond to these more typical treatments, the antibiotic mithramycin has been used successfully, but the toxicity of this drug militates against its use for anything but worst-case scenarios.

Treatment is given when patients experience pain, deformities, nerve compression, or other symptoms or to prevent the risk of future complications when the skull, spine, legs, and/or pelvis are involved. Therapy is given until the levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood return to normal, and it may need to be repeated if that level increases again. Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used to treat pain. Exercise and adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D are also recommended. Surgery may be needed to stabilize fractures, replace joints affected with severe pain from arthritis, or decompress nerves.

Perspective and Prospects

Paget’s disease likely has been around for many centuries, as it has been observed in a grossly thickened Egyptian skull dating from about 1000 BCE. The disorder is named after a British surgeon, Sir James Paget, who was the first to describe this condition in 1876. He noted five patients with thickened bones that were prone to fracture and deformity. Paget thought that the disorder resulted from chronic inflammation and named it osteitis deformans. Subsequently, researchers have shown that Paget’s disease of bone arises from the overproduction of poor-quality bone, rather than from chronic inflammation.

Identification of mutations in candidate genes in patients who have active Paget’s disease, coupled with the expression of these mutant genes in transgenic mice in which the endogenous copy of the same gene has been eliminated (so-called knockout mice), represents one of the most powerful techniques for studying the cause and pathology of Paget’s disease. Combining Paget’s disease-specific mutations in transgenic mice whose osteoblasts have been chronically infected with measles virus or respiratory syncytial virus has also greatly elucidated the nongenetic causes of this disease.


Daroszewska, Anna, and Stuart H. Ralston. “Genetics of Paget’s Disease of Bone.” Clinical Science 109, 3. (September, 2005): 257–263.

DeGroot, Leslie J., J. Larry Jameson, et al. Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2010.

Delmas, Pierre D., and P. J. Meunier. “Drug Therapy: The Management of Paget’s Disease of Bone.” New England Journal of Medicine 336, 8. (February 20, 1997): 558–566.

Kanis, John A. Pathophysiology and Treatment of Paget’s Disease of Bone. 2d ed. London: Martin Dunitz, 1998.

Klippel, John H., ed. Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. 13th ed. New York: Springer, 2008.

Litin, Scott C., ed. Mayo Clinic Family Health Book. 4th ed. New York: HarperResource, 2009.

McDermott, Michael T. Endocrine Secrets. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2013.

"Paget's Disease of Bone." MedlinePlus, May 9, 2013.

Ralston, Stuart H. "Paget's Disease of Bone." New England Journal of Medicine 368.7. (2013): 644–650.

Roodman, David G., and Jolene J. Windle. “Paget Disease of Bone.” Journal of Clinical Investigation 115, 2 (February, 2005): 200–208.

In Elie Wiesel's novel Night, why do the guards force the prisoners to look at the hanged men full in the face as they are leaving for dinner?

By forcing the prisoners to each look in the faces of those who were hanged, the SS wanted the event to serve as a warning and an example to the them. The idea was to etch the dreadful event in the prisoners’ memory to ensure that they complied with all rules without seeking to rebel. The requirement also served to torture the prisoners psychologically according to the greater Nazi agenda.

"In the name of Reichsführer Himmler…prisoner number … stole during the air raid…according to the law…prisoner number…is condemned to death. Let this be a warning and an example to all prisoners."

In the story, such an event is experienced when one of the prisoners is accused of theft during the air raid on the Buna factory. The prisoner is hanged in full view of the other prisoners. After the hanging, the prisoners are forced to file past the individual and look him in the face.

Then the entire camp, block after block, filed past the hanged boy and stared at his extinguished eyes, the tongue hanging from his gaping mouth. The Kapos forced everyone to look him squarely in the face.

I remember that on that evening, the soup tasted better than ever…

In another similar event, a young pipel, who serves the Dutch Oberkapo accused of stockpiling weapons, is also hanged. Although there are other hangings in the camps, this one is different because the victim is a child and the prisoners weep. It takes a while for the child to die because his weight is insufficient to instantly tighten the hangman’s noose around his neck. Most prisoners including Eliezer file past the young pipel as he lingers between life and death in one of the most gruesome hangings.

And we were forced to look at him at close range. He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red, his eyes not yet extinguished.

That night, the soup tasted of corpses.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

What is mastitis? |

Causes and Symptoms

Mastitis is usually caused by a staphylococcal infection of the breast.
The bacteria may enter the breast through a sore or crack in the
nipple, although some patients do not report having sore or cracked nipples.
Generally, mastitis occurs in women who are breastfeeding, but women who are not breastfeeding may also
experience the disease. Onset of the infection is often associated with stress,
reduced immunity, or missed or increased intervals between feedings of a breastfed
baby. Milk stasis, or the inefficient removal of milk from the breast, is a common
cause of noninfectious mastitis and may be due to ineffective infant suckling,
poor latching of the infant at the breast, blockage of the milk ducts, or
restricted duration or frequency of feedings. Between 3 to 20 percent of lactating
women are reported to develop mastitis.

Common symptoms of mastitis are swelling, redness, hotness, tenderness, an area of
hardness, and pain in part or all of the infected breast. In some cases, there is
a localized area of soreness in the breast, while in other cases, the entire
breast may be inflamed. The victim typically has flulike symptoms, such as
tiredness, aches, chills, fever, and fatigue. These feelings often occur prior to
breast soreness. Blocked ducts usually resolve themselves naturally within
twenty-four to forty-eight hours, although a blocked duct may sometimes lead to

Treatment and Therapy

Continued breastfeeding using both breasts is considered safe during mastitis.
Increased milk expression from the affected breast can help ease discomfort.
Alternate hot and cold packs applied to the sore area of the infected breast help
reduce the inflammation and pain and provide comfort. Gently massaging the tender
area increases circulation and helps loosen any plugged ducts. Fever can be
treated with acetaminophen or ibuprofen without any harm to a breastfeeding baby.
Patients should also drink plenty of fluids. For nursing mothers, unless the pain
is too intense, breastfeeding should be continued during the treatment of
mastitis. If breastfeeding is discontinued, then the breast should be drained
regularly with manual expression or a breast pump.

Once a diagnosis of mastitis is made, proper antibiotics should be administered if
symptoms do not improve after twelve to twenty-four hours of effective milk
removal. Once they are administered, the soreness usually starts to disappear
within two to five days. Redness may continue for up to a week or more.
Lactobacilli probiotics are associated with lower recurrence
rates and decreased pain compared to antibiotic therapy in women with infectious
mastitis. Bed rest helps relieve stress and builds up the immune system. If not
treated properly and in a timely manner, mastitis can lead to a breast abscess
that requires surgical draining.

Perspective and Prospects

Mastitis is most common among nursing mothers during the first three months
postpartum. The most important preventive measure against mastitis for these women
is regular breastfeeding. Recurrent mastitis is associated with irregular
breastfeeding patterns, fatigue, and stress. Frequent breastfeeding and lifestyle
changes that promote good health and a strengthened immune system are key
ingredients for reducing the occurrence of mastitis. If antibiotics are prescribed
for treatment, it is important that the full course be taken even though the
patient improves quickly; otherwise, the risk of mastitis returning increases.


Arroyo, R., et al. "Treatment of Infectious
Mastitis during Lactation: Antibiotics versus Oral Administration of
Lactobacilli Isolated from Breast Milk." Clinical Infectious
50.12 (2010): 1551–8. Print.

Colson, Jenni Lynn,
ed. Breastfeeding Sourcebook. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 2002.

Hunt, K. M., et al.
"Mastitis is Associated with Increased Free Fatty Acids, Somatic Cell Count,
and Interleukin-8 Concentrations in Human Milk." Breastfeeding
8.1 (2013): 105–10. Print.

Icon Health.
Mastitis: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated
Research Guide to Internet References
. San Diego: ICON Health,
2004. Print.

Jahanfar, S., et al.
"Antibiotics for Mastitis in Breastfeeding Women." The Cochrane
Database of Systematic Review
2 (2013).

Marz, Russell B.
Medical Nutrition from Marz. 2nd ed. Portland: Quiet
Lion, 1999. Print.

Reddy, Pavani.
“Postpartum Mastitis and Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus.” Emerging Infectious
13.2 (2007): 298. Print.

Swenson, Deborah E.
Telephone Triage for the Obstetric Patient: A Nursing
. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2001. Print.

What is asbestos? Does it cause cancer?

Exposure routes: Inhalation and ingestion

Where found: Materials for roofing, thermal and electrical insulation, cement pipe and sheets, flooring, gaskets, friction materials, coatings, plastics, textiles, paper, and other products

At risk: Workers in asbestos mining and milling, shipyards, building demolition, insulation, brake repair, and asbestos abatement, and their families

Etiology and symptoms of associated cancers: Several asbestos-related conditions are nonmalignant, including asbestos warts (callus-like growths that form when asbestos fibers become embedded in the skin), asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions (the collection of fluid around the lung a few years after asbestos exposure). Inhaled or ingested asbestos fibers lead to the two most serious asbestos-related disorders: the noncancerous asbestosis, in which scarred and increasingly stiff lung tissue progressively reduces breathing capacity, and the cancer known as malignant mesothelioma. These diseases may take years or decades to develop, although there have been cases of adolescents developing mesothelioma within only a few months of initial asbestos exposure.

Malignant mesothelioma takes two main forms: pleural mesothelioma, in which tumors form on the outer lining of the lungs, and peritoneal mesothelioma, in which tumors form on the peritoneum, the sac containing the abdominal organs. The rarer forms of malignant mesothelioma are pericardial mesotheliomas and mesotheliomas of the tunica vaginalis, affecting the heart and testicles, respectively. Malignant mesothelioma has a low survival rate—in 2014 it was only 5 to 10 percent after five years, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology—because it is rarely detected in its early stages. The American Cancer Society reported in 2013 that as many as fifty years can pass between first exposure to asbestos and a mesothelioma diagnosis and that about 67 percent of mesothelioma patients are aged sixty-five or older. Symptoms including chest pain, cough, weight loss, and shortness of breath are often attributed to more common diseases such as asthma. As the cancer spreads, lung capacity is diminished, and the patient eventually succumbs to the inability to take in sufficient oxygen, if not to the failure of other organs after the cancer metastasizes.

Asbestos exposure has also been associated with cancers of the stomach, liver, and other organs. Researchers have observed digestive-tract cancers in workers exposed to crocidolite, amosite, and chrysotile, although study results are inconsistent. An excess of laryngeal cancer has been reported in shipyard workers, chrysotile miners, insulation workers, and others exposed to asbestos. People living near asbestos factories or mines or living with asbestos workers have also developed mesothelioma; however, there is no clear association between cancer risk and exposure to asbestos in drinking water. Smokers who are also exposed to asbestos are at a synergistically (rather than additively) greater risk of developing lung cancer.

History: In the 1930s, researchers established that asbestos presented especially high risks of causing lung diseases in miners, shipyard workers, and others who either manufactured or worked with materials incorporating asbestos, such as insulation. It soon became evident that exposure to minute amounts of asbestos could lead to asbestos-related disorders. Miners’ spouses developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos through doing laundry, for example, while children became victims through exposure to their parents’ work clothes in the home.

In the United States, asbestos was one of the first hazardous air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act of 1970. The first lawsuits resulting from occupational exposures began in the late 1960s and increased in 1973 when the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals applied strict liability in Borel v. Fibreboard Paper Prods. Corp. (493 F.2d 1076). In 1976, Congress passed the Toxic Substances Control Act, which imposed regulations regarding asbestos, including a requirement that asbestos abatement occur in schools. The International Labour Organization’s Asbestos Convention of 1986 mandated that national laws should “prescribe the measures to be taken for the prevention and control of, and protection of workers against, health hazards due to occupational exposure to asbestos.”

The widespread use of asbestos fibers in multiple applications means that exposure remains a concern in the twenty-first century. Although asbestos is no longer as widely used in industry, which has reduced exposure in the workplace, people still risk asbestos exposure when engaging in home improvement projects as they rip out old flooring or replace ceiling tiles.

"Asbestos." Amer. Cancer Soc., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Aug. 2014.

Bang, K. M., et al. "Malignant Mesothelioma Mortality—United States, 1999–2005." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 58.15 (2009): 393–96. PDF file.

Bartrip, Peter. Beyond the Factory Gates: Asbestos and Health in Twentieth Century America. New York: Continuum, 2006. Print.

Bowker, Michael. Fatal Deception: The Untold Story of Asbestos Why It Is Still Legal and Still Killing Us. Emmaus: Rodale, 2003. Print.

Harris, L. V., and I. A. Kahwa. “Asbestos: Old Foe in Twenty-First Century Developing Countries.” Science of the Total Environment 307.1–3 (2003): 1–9. Print.

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Board on Population Health and Public Health Practices. Committee on Asbestos: Selected Health Effects. Asbestosis: Selected Cancers. Washington: National Academies P, 2006. Print.

"Malignant Mesothelioma." Amer. Cancer Soc., 19 Dec. 2013. Web. 21 Aug. 2014.

"Mesothelioma: Statistics." Amer. Soc. of Clinical Oncology, May 2014. Web. 21 Aug. 2014.

Pass, Harvey I. One Hundred Questions and Answers about Mesothelioma. Sudbury: Jones, 2004. Print.

US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program. 12th Report on Carcinogens. Research Triangle Park: US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2011. Print.

What is the relationship between alcoholism and genetics?

Risk Factors

Certain characteristics or factors make persons more likely to develop alcoholism; they include family history of the disorder, negative environment, emotional stress, access to alcohol, young age at first use, being in the age range of eighteen to twenty-nine, male gender, and low level of education. Persons of certain races or ethnic origins, the unmarried, and children of alcoholics are more likely to become dependent on alcohol. Mental disorders such as major depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) are associated with the development of alcoholism and may also be hereditary. Antisocial personality disorder has been referred to as the most important risk factor for alcoholism.

Etiology and Genetics

Alcoholism is a relatively common chronic and relapsing disorder that results in significant health and social consequences. Alcohol has a relatively high addictive potential in the general population and is even higher in susceptible individuals. Several epidemiology studies have been conducted to attempt to categorize genes and characteristics related to alcohol dependence. However, much is still not known about this disease and the role of genetics in the development, course, and outcome of alcoholism.

Genes under investigation for their potential role in this disorder are typically grouped by involvement in the metabolism of alcohol, rewarding circuits, and response to alcohol dependence treatment. The enzymes responsible for hepatic alcohol metabolism are alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH); the corresponding candidate genes are ADH2*2, ADH3*1, and ALDH2*2. Protective genes (associated with reduced alcohol consumption) are ADHB*2 and are found in Asians and Israeli Jews, while ADH1C*2 appears to protect against complications related to alcoholism, such as cirrhosis and pancreatitis. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors are the most important inhibitory receptors and are involved in the rewarding circuit; alcohol acts as an agonist or activator of the GABAA receptor. Scots, Germans, Native Americans, and Finns have variants of GABRA6 and GAD that are associated with alcoholism.

Alcohol increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain and is important in reinforcing its effects. A variant in the DRD2 gene of the dopamine D2 receptor may be a vulnerability gene for alcohol dependence; however, data are conflicting. Presence of the DAT1 gene (which codes for the dopamine transporter and is responsible for dopamine reuptake) is associated with worse outcomes during alcohol withdrawal, such as seizures. Many other genes are linked to physiologic markers and to the diagnosis of alcohol dependence, including HTT, CRF, CRF1, CYP2EI, GABRA1, COMT, and DRD1. Psychiatric illness and high-risk behaviors may also be genetically linked and direct persons to select environments associated with dependence.

The genes involved in the immune system and the biological clocks are also investigation for their roles in alcoholism. Research conducted in 2011 and 2012, for example, showed that inflammatory responses in the brain, which inhibit judgment, and disruptions to the circadian rhythm may increase the risk for alcohol dependence.

Another line of inquiry is the interaction between alcohol consumption and epigenetics, the way in which genes are expressed or suppressed. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's 2013 report on epigenetics, researchers have found that alcohol use may impair or disrupt gene expression in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and brain. Studies also suggest that it may play a part in the development of cancers of the liver, breast, respiratory tract, and digestive tract as well as in fetal alcohol syndrome.


Early behavioral symptoms of alcoholism include frequent intoxication, a pattern of heavy drinking, drinking alone or in secret, or drinking alcohol in high-risk situations (such as drinking and driving). Erratic or dramatic changes in behavior with alcohol consumption, “blacking out,” or not remembering events that occurred while drinking, may also be signs of the disorder. Symptoms of alcohol dependence may become worse over time. The physical symptoms of alcoholism are many and can include jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes), hepatitis (enlarged liver), abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, infections, malaise (not feeling well), weight loss, fluid retention, problems with memory, and anorexia (decreased eating). Laboratory analyses may reveal increased liver enzymes, low potassium levels, low hemoglobin and hematocrit (indicating anemia), and vitamin deficiencies.

Symptom expression of alcohol dependence may differ by culture and ethnicity, because people of different cultures may express physical and mental ailments differently. Ethnic and racial groups may respond differently to alcohol and medications used to treat alcohol dependence. Some groups may even enjoy greater protection against alcoholism as a result of their genetics. Certain ethnic groups may be more susceptible to alcoholism or related complications. For instance, vulnerability to cardiomyopathy and Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome may be heritable and may vary by ethnicity. Latino men, for example, tend to show greater susceptibility to alcohol-related liver damage than do white men.

Early alcohol exposure and its interaction with genetics may lead to problems in fetal and child development. Fetal alcohol syndrome
may result when a pregnant woman drinks even a moderate amount of alcohol. Exposure to alcohol in the womb can cause mild to severe facial and dental abnormalities, mental impairment, and bone and heart problems that become more obvious and problematic as the child grows. Vision, hearing, and attention problems are also common. Children of alcoholics also can have difficulties in learning, language, and temperament because of hereditary and environmental effects of growing up in an unstable home with an alcoholic parent. In sum, parents who drink may increase the likelihood that their children will develop alcoholism through both genetic and environmental factors.

Screening and Diagnosis

Various questionnaires are commonly used to screen a person for alcoholism. Questions typically ask about the amount of alcohol consumed, how often drinking occurs, how much time is spent thinking about drinking, if withdrawal occurs after stopping drinking, and effects of drinking on personal life and health. Most persons with alcoholism will deny having the disorder, and family and friends may be questioned to support the diagnosis. Alcohol dependence is rarely diagnosed in a routine office visit. Diagnosis typically follows after a major negative health or social event occurs, such as liver disease or a motor vehicle accident. After diagnosis, patients may be subgrouped into type-I or type-II alcoholism.

Alcoholism is considered a highly heritable condition. Heritability estimates range from 40 to 70 percent, as reported by V. Nieratscker, A. Batra, and A. J. Fallgatter in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatryin 2013. According to a 2012 twin study published in the journal Evidence-Based Mental Health, the incidence of alcoholism and heritability rates were similar for both sexes.

Treatment and Therapy

Three candidate genes for alcohol treatment response are OPRM1, HTT, and COMT. Currently, treatment for alcoholism includes the use of medications such as naltrexone (opioid antagonist), acamprosate (taurine analog), or disulfuram (alcohol deterrent). Whether persons will respond to a certain medication and how long they will abstain from alcohol use may vary based on genetic makeup. Psychotherapy and behavior modification are important parts of alcohol dependence treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous has a twelve-step support program for persons with alcohol dependence.

Continued study of the genes associated with different patterns of alcohol problems, protective genetic effects in populations with exceptionally low rates of alcoholism, and genetically based interventions (such as matching pharmacotherapies to different populations of individuals to forestall the development of the problem) are assured. The study of genetics and alcoholism is also likely to encourage growth in the field of ethnopharmacology, the study of how different therapeutic drugs differentially affect members of specific ethnic groups.

Prevention and Outcomes

The best way to prevent alcoholism is to avoid the use of alcohol. Alcoholism is associated with an increased risk of hepatitis, liver cancer, abuse of other substances (such as marijuana, cocaine, sedatives, and stimulants), sexually transmitted diseases and other infections, malnutrition, psychiatric illness, and premature death. Persons with alcohol dependence are more likely to gamble, smoke cigarettes, or engage in other risky behaviors.

The presence of alcohol in modern life may have genetic roots. Historically, it helped those who could tolerate its taste and effects to survive and be selected for when others who could not do so perished as a result of consuming contaminated water. Alcohol has a complex relationship to human life, and alcoholism will be studied for some time.


American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5. 5th ed. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Print.

Goldman, David, Gabor Oroszi, and Francesca Ducci. “The Genetics of Addictions.” Nature Reviews Genetics 6 (2005): 521–31. Print.

Gorwood, Philip, Mathias Wohl, Yann L. Strat, and Frederic Rouillon. “Gene-Environment Interactions in Addictive Disorders: Epidemiological and Methodological Aspects.” Comptes rendus Biologies 330 (2007): 329–38. Print.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "Epigenetics—A New Frontier for Alcohol Research." Alcohol Alert 86 (2013): n. pag. Web. 16 July 2014.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "The Genetics of Alcoholism." Alcohol Alert 84 (2012): n. pag. Web. 16 July 2014.

Nieratschker, Vanessa, Anil Batra, and Andreas J. Fallgatter. "Genetics and Epigenetics of Alcohol Dependence." Journal of Molecular Psychiatry 1.11 (2013): 1–6. PDF file.

Plomin, Robert, and Gerald E. McClearn, eds. Nature, Nurture, and Psychology. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1993. Print.

Scholten, Amy. "Risk Factors for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism." Health Library. EBSCO Information Services, 1 Mar. 2013. Web. 16 July 2014.

Strat, Yann L., Nicolas Ramoz, Gunter Schumann, and Philip Gorwood. “Molecular Genetics of Alcohol Dependence and Related Endophenotypes.” Current Genomics 9 (2008): 444–51. Print.

Young-Wolff, K. C., E. Chereji, and C. A. Prescott. "Heritability of Alcohol Dependence Is Similar in Women and Men." Evidence-Based Mental Health 15.3 (2012): 57. PDF file.

Can the annual average rainfall in the Ring of Fire be measured?

The Ring of Fire is a large, horse-shoe shaped band that circumscribes a large area of the Pacific Ocean. The area contains 452 volcanoes and is known for its high number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Ring of Fire is home to more than 75% of the world's volcanoes.

From one end of the Ring of Fire to the other is approximately 25,000 miles, and as such, the climate (and thus the annual precipitation)...

The Ring of Fire is a large, horse-shoe shaped band that circumscribes a large area of the Pacific Ocean. The area contains 452 volcanoes and is known for its high number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Ring of Fire is home to more than 75% of the world's volcanoes.

From one end of the Ring of Fire to the other is approximately 25,000 miles, and as such, the climate (and thus the annual precipitation) varies greatly throughout its different parts. It reaches as far north as the Aleutian Strait, and as far south as Antarctica. Its path transverses East Asia and the western coast of the Americas. Very roughly, the Ring of Fire outlines the Pacific Ocean. 

Since the Ring of Fire roughly outlines the Pacific Ocean, the annual precipitation within the Ring of Fire can be estimated based on the annual average precipitation over the Pacific ocean, which is 57.5 inches per year.

Generally, parts of the Ring of Fire that are closer to the equator receive more rainfall than parts of the ring that are farther from the equator. The annual rainfall at Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, for example, is between 80-160 inches per year, whereas the annual average rainfall of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica is 32 inches per year. Both of these places are located on the Ring of Fire, but have vastly different annual average rainfall measurements due to their proximity to the equator.

Because the Ring of Fire spans such a large portion of the globe, rainfall varies based on the location, and it would be a long process of data collection to determine the average rainfall of the entire Ring. To do so, one would have to collect data on average rainfall for a specific set of locations along the Ring. From that data, the numbers could be averaged to determine the average rainfall of the entire Ring of Fire.

What are biopesticides? |

Bacillus thuringiensis

Hungry insects are the bane of gardeners, since their appetite results in defoliation of the crops. This problem is worsened for farmers, whose livelihoods depend on keeping fields free of destructive insects. Although effective, chemical pesticides have a variety of drawbacks that include contamination of surface and groundwater and adverse health effects on noninsect species, including humans. The increasing popularity of organically grown produce that is untreated by chemicals is indicative of the wariness of consumers concerning human-made pesticides. In response to consumer concern over the safety of chemical pesticides, agricultural biologists have turned to nature to solve pest problems. Biopesticides are naturally derived insecticides. The process of evolution has produced biopesticides that are very specific and effective in their activity. A biopesticide may be sprayed directly on crops or may be genetically engineered to be produced by a crop itself.

One of the oldest commercial biopesticides is a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Since the 1950s, Bt has been used on crops susceptible to destruction by insect larvae. Bt is a spore-forming bacterium, meaning it is capable of producing an environmentally hardy form that protects the genetic material from adverse conditions. When conditions improve, the spore can germinate to reestablish the normally growing and dividing form of the organism. The basis of Bt’s action is the ingestion of the spores by the feeding insect larvae. During the sporulation process, Bt produces a protein crystal. When the protein is synthesized by the bacteria, it is an inactive form known as a proenzyme. After being digested by a larva, enzymes in the larval gut cleave the proenzyme into an active version that kills the larva by binding to receptors in the insect’s midgut cells and blocking those cells from functioning. Only caterpillars (tobacco hornworms and cotton bollworms), beetles, and certain flies have the gut biochemistry to activate the toxin. The toxin does not kill insects that are not susceptible, nor does it harm vertebrates in any way. This makes Bt a very specific pesticide.

Initially, Bt was expensive and remained active following spraying for only a relatively short time. These obstacles were overcome in the early 1990s, when scientists utilized genetic engineering technology to produced transgenic cotton plants that generated their own Bt toxin. The toxin gene was first isolated from Bt cells and ligated (enzymatically attached) into a Ti plasmid. A Ti plasmid is a circular string of double-stranded DNA that originates in the Agrobacterium tumefaciens
bacteria. A. tumefaciens has the ability to take a portion of that Ti plasmid, called the T-DNA, and transfer it and whatever foreign gene is attached to it into a plant cell. Cotton plants were exposed to A. tumefaciens carrying the toxin gene and were transformed. The transgenic plants synthesized the Bt toxin and became resistant to many forms of larvae. This approach has become known as plant-incorporated bioprotectants.

Many crystal toxins have been isolated from various strains of Bt. These toxins make up a large collection of proteins active against pests from nematodes to aphids. Researchers are in the process of reengineering the toxin genes to improve upon their characteristics and to design better methods of transporting genes from one Bt strain to another.

Other Biopesticides

Several species of fungi are toxic to insects, including Verticillium lecanii
and Metarhizium anisopliae. Natural fungicides that have been discovered include oils of tea tree, cinnamon, jojoba, neem, and rosemary.

In the mid-1990s, a viral biopesticide called baculovirus became widely popular. Baculoviruses are sprayed onto high-density pest populations just like chemical pesticides. Baculoviruses have several advantages over conventional pesticides. The most important advantage is their strong specificity against moths, sawflies, and beetles but not against beneficial insects. Also, viruses, unlike bacteria, tend to persist in the environment for a longer period. Finally, baculoviruses are ideal for use in developing countries because they can be produced cheaply and in great quantity with no health risks to workers. One limitation of baculovirus is that it must be administered at a certain time and location to be effective. Rather than spraying onto a crop and killing the insects that subsequently feed, baculovirus needs to be applied directly to the target insect population. Knowledge of insect behavior after hatching, the insect population’s distribution within the crop canopy, and the volume of foliage ingested by each larva are essential. For example, moths usually do the most damage at the late larval stage. To minimize crop damage from moths, baculovirus needs to be sprayed as early as possible before the insects reach that late stage.

Another biopesticide approach has been to make transgenic plants that manufacture proteins isolated from insect-resistant plant species. Tomatoes naturally make an enzyme inhibitor that deters insects by keeping their digestive enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) from functioning. These inhibitors were isolated by Clarence Ryan at the University of Washington. Ryan transformed tobacco plants with two different forms of inhibitor (inhibitors I and II from tomatoes). The tomato proteins were effectively produced in tobacco and made the transgenic plants resistant to tobacco hornworm larvae.

Biopesticides exist and have been refined for the control of insect pests even though they are not toxic to the insects. These biochemical pesticides include compounds that interfere with insect pheromones (chemicals that attract insects to a potential mate). Their use inhibits insect mating and so the production of the next generation of the particular insect.

Biopesticides are also being implemented to control the population of mosquitoes in some regions of the world that are susceptible to malaria. The idea is that by controlling the mosquito population, the spread of the microorganism responsible for the disease, which occurs when the mosquito takes a blood meal, will be lessened. The strategy has been tested in several malaria-prone countries in Africa.

Biopesticide Resistance

As with chemical pesticides, over time insect populations grow resistant to biopesticides. Bt-resistant moths can now be found around the world. Resistance arises when pesticides are too effective and destroy more than 90 percent of a pest population. The few insects left are often very resistant to the pesticide, breed, and with succeeding generations create large, resistant populations.

Entomologists have suggested strategies for avoiding pesticide-resistant insect populations. One strategy suggests mixing biopesticide-producing and nonproducing plants in the same field, thereby giving the pesticide-susceptible part of the insect population places of refuge. These refuges would allow resistant and nonresistant insects to interbreed, making the overall species less resistant. Other strategies include synthesizing multiple types of Bt toxin in a single plant to increase the toxicity range and reduce resistance, making other biological toxins besides Bt in a single plant, and reducing the overall exposure time of insects to the biopesticides.

Organizations including the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Agriculture recommend using biopesticides as part of what is termed an “integrated pest management approach” that uses a number of control and crop growth strategies. The aim is to decrease the use of conventional pesticides while maintaining or even increasing crop yield. This approach also helps lessen the development of resistance, since the same biopesticide is not used constantly.

Key terms

Agrobacterium tumefaciens


a species of bacteria that is able to transfer genetic information into plant cells

Bacillus thuringiensis

a species of bacteria that produces a toxin deadly to caterpillars, moths, beetles, and certain flies



a strain of virus that is capable of causing disease in a variety of insects



the process of transferring a foreign gene into an organism

transgenic organism


an organism synthesizing a foreign protein, the gene of which was obtained from a different species of organism


Abrol, Dharam P. Integrated Pest Management: Current Concepts and Ecological Perspective. Burlington: Elsevier, 2013. Print.

Copping, Leonard C., ed. The Manual of Biocontrol Agents. 4th ed. Alton: BCPC, 2009. Print.

Copping, Leonard C., and J. J. Menn. “Biopesticides: A Review of Their Action, Applications, and Efficacy.” Pest Management Science 56 (2002): 651–76. Print.

Khan, Mohammad Saghir, A. Zaidi, and J. Musarrat, eds. Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement. New York: Springer, 2009. Print.

Koul, Opender, and G. S. Dhaliwal, eds. Microbial Biopesticides. New York: Taylor, 2002. Print.

Matthews, Graham, Roy Bateman, and Paul Miller. Pesticide Application Methods. Hoboken: Wiley, 2014. Print.

Panesar, Parmjit S. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing: Opportunities and Challenges. Hoboken: CRC, 2013. Print.

Reddy, P Parvatha. Recent Advances in Crop Protection. New York: Springer, 2013. Print.

Regnault-Roger, Catherine, Bernard J. R. Philigène, and Charles Vincent, eds. Biopesticides of Plant Origin. Secaucus: Intercept, 2005. Print.

Walters, Dale. Disease Control in Crops: Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches. New York: Wiley, 2009. Print.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

What is the location of vacuoles in animal cells?

Vacuoles are organelles found in animal cells in the cytoplasm. They can be distinguished from those in plants cells by size. Plant vacuoles are generally centrally located and extremely large. Animal vacuoles are much smaller. Plant vacuoles can store water, maintain turgor pressure, and store harmful wastes away from the rest of the cell.

A vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle consisting mainly of water and amino acids.

Vacuoles can be used as a place to...

Vacuoles are organelles found in animal cells in the cytoplasm. They can be distinguished from those in plants cells by size. Plant vacuoles are generally centrally located and extremely large. Animal vacuoles are much smaller. Plant vacuoles can store water, maintain turgor pressure, and store harmful wastes away from the rest of the cell.

A vacuole is a membrane-bound organelle consisting mainly of water and amino acids.

Vacuoles can be used as a place to temporarily store materials. Food vacuoles are common and can be involved in intracellular digestion and for storing and releasing waste products. 

Lysosomes in animal cells, which contain hydrolytic enzymes, are similar to the larger vacuoles seen in plant cells. From research, although vacuoles are more prominent in plants and fungi, it has been shown that vacuoles and lysosomes play a role in the development of the early embryo during differentiation of cell types. 

To conclude, vacuoles are organelles found in the cytoplasm. In animal cells, they along with lysosomes play a role in embryonic development as well as intracellular digestion.

I have included a link with a picture of a vacuole in an animal cell.

Monday, 26 May 2014

What is successful aging? |

Seniors are living longer and are becoming a greater percentage of the population in the twenty-first century. Advances in medicine such as vaccines, antibiotics, and treatments for diseases such as diabetes and cancer enable people to live longer and healthier lives. Since the early twentieth century, the average life span worldwide has increased from forty-seven to sixty-eight years old; in developed countries the average is around eighty. Thus, the traditional retirement age of sixty-five is no longer considered old, since many people live into their eighties and nineties.

The growing number of seniors is redefining aging. Concerns have been raised about society’s ability to cope with an aging population that puts greater demands on health care and community caregiving resources. However, many individuals entering their later years are healthy, active, and involved in their communities. They are still willing and able to contribute to society. Seniors are at the forefront of the movement to discover strategies for successful aging.


The perception of aging has drastically changed since the beginning of the twentieth century. Retirement was for the rich only until Social Security was introduced in the United States in 1935. For the first time, everyone could expect to live decently in old age. Retirement communities such as Sun City, Arizona, sprang up to cater to an aging population with the funds and leisure to enjoy life in retirement. Today, many older adults continue to work after retirement and volunteer, babysit, and act as caregivers.

Both culture and genetics influence how people age. Scientists have discovered several places in the world where many people live a long time with a high quality of life. These areas include Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Abkhazia in Georgia, and Loma Linda in California. Genetics, healthy eating habits, and a culture promoting freedom and well-being are factors in the successful aging process in these locations. Researchers studying centenarians have found that both health and life span are determined by genetics; however, genes can be influenced by lifestyle, diet, and environmental factors. The mapping of the human genome promises new possibilities to extend life expectancy and promote healthy aging.

Healthy aging is a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being. In general, older individuals today are in better physical shape than their predecessors. Sonia Arrison in her book 100+ (2011) explains that, in the United States, chronic diseases are affecting people later in life. According to a 2009 study conducted by Pew Research, older individuals do not feel "old." One-third of respondents between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four felt ten to nineteen years younger than their chronological age. Seniors who continue to maintain an active social life with family, friends, and community feel free to remain independent as they age successfully.


Successful aging begins with a conscious effort to continue participating in life. There are several proven successful aging strategies. In her book Living the Good Long Life (2013), lifestyle specialist Martha Stewart says, "The quality of the rest of your life is more within your control than you think." Many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease can be prevented or managed by making positive lifestyle choices. Healthy habits such as staying physically active, reducing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and drinking moderately have been proven to improve the quality of life and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases. Physical activity in the form of daily exercise totalling at least two and a half hours a week keeps both the brain and the body healthy.

Challenging the brain is another effective aging strategy that has been a proven strategy throughout history. Working on new and stimulating mental activities, such as solving puzzles, learning a language, or traveling, challenge the brain. Giving the gift of time in a volunteer capacity not only benefits the community but also keeps older citizens engaged in their community. More and more wealthy individuals are reinventing themselves as they age. For example, Bill Gates left Microsoft to devote his time to combating malaria and solving the world’s energy problems through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Having an active social life reduces loneliness in the aged and also alleviates symptoms of depression and other mental illnesses. Engaging with one or two active social groups is essential to successful aging. Social interaction improves life at all ages, but it is particularly important for older individuals who need the support of a circle of friends to provide counsel, affection, and the freedom to interact with others as individuals in a social setting. According to Pew Research, 70 percent of respondents over sixty-five enjoy spending more time with family members.

Perhaps the most important strategy for successful aging is having a positive attitude about life. Staying curious about the world and finding your passion promotes joy in life. Acceptance of life’s challenges reduces stress. Sharing this positive attitude with others, particularly younger people, is an important aspect of aging. Passing on knowledge, compassion, and beliefs to the younger generation not only unites the generations but also builds a better world. When older individuals continue to engage in their community, they are leaving a valuable legacy to the world as well as creating a blueprint for successful aging.


Arrison, Sonia. 100 Plus: How the Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything, from Careers and Relationships to Family and Faith. New York: Basic, 2011. Print.

Chappell, Neena L., and Marcus J. Hollander. Aging in Canada. Don Mills: Oxford UP, 2013. Print.

Cravit, David. The New Old: How the Boomers Are Changing Everything—Again. Toronto: ECW, 2008. Print.

"Growing Old in America: Expectations vs. Reality." Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center, 29 June 2009. Web. 20 May 2015.

Gurian, Michael. The Wonder of Aging: A New Approach to Embracing Life after Fifty. New York: Atria, 2013. Print.

Horstman, Judith. The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain. San Francisco: Jossey, 2012. Print.

Novelli, Bill. 50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America. New York: St. Martin’s, 2006. Print.

Stewart, Martha. Living the Good Long Life: A Practical Guide to Caring for Yourself and Others. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2013. Print.

Taubes, Gary. "Live Long and Prosper." Discover 31.8 (2010): 80. Science Reference Center. Web. 19 May 2015.

What is Drosophila melanogaster? |

Early Studies of Drosophila

By the early 1900s, scientists had discovered chromosomes inside cells and knew that they occurred in pairs, that one partner of each pair was provided by each parent during reproduction, and that fertilization restored the paired condition. This behavior of chromosomes paralleled the observations of Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel, first published in 1866, which showed that traits in pea plants segregated and were assorted independently during reproduction. This led geneticists Walter Sutton, Theodor Boveri, and their colleagues, in 1902, to propose the chromosome theory of inheritance, which postulated that Mendel’s traits, or “genes,” existed on the chromosomes. However, this theory was not accepted by all scientists of the time.

Thomas Hunt Morgan
was an embryologist at Columbia University in New York City, and he chose to study the chromosome theory and inheritance in the common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. This organism was an ideal one for genetic studies because a single mating could produce hundreds of offspring, it developed from egg to adult in only ten days, it was inexpensively and easily kept in the laboratory, and it had only four pairs of chromosomes that were easily distinguished with a simple microscope. Morgan was the first scientist to keep large numbers of fly “stocks” (organisms that are genetically similar), and his laboratory became known as the Fly Room.

After one year of breeding flies and looking for inherited variations of traits, Morgan found a single male fly with white eyes instead of the usual red, the normal or wild-type color. When he bred this white-eyed male with a red-eyed female, his results were consistent with that expected for a recessive trait, and all the offspring had wild-type eyes. When he mated some of these offspring, he was startled to discover a different inheritance pattern than he expected from Mendel’s experiments. In the case of this mating, half of the males and no females had white eyes; Morgan had expected half of all of the males and females to be white-eyed. After many more generations of breeding, Morgan was able to deduce that eye color in a fly was related to its sex, and he mapped the eye-color gene to the X chromosome of the fruit fly. The X chromosome is one of the sex chromosomes. Because a female fly has two X chromosomes and a male has one X and one Y chromosome, and because the Y chromosome does not carry genes corresponding to those on the X chromosome, any gene on the male’s X chromosome is expressed as a trait, even if it is normally recessive. This interesting and unusual example of the first mutant gene in flies was called a sex-linked trait because the trait was located on the X chromosome. Genes in flies are named for their mutant characteristics; therefore, because the mutant version of this gene conferred white eyes, it was named the white gene.

This important discovery attracted many students to Morgan’s laboratory, and before long they found many other unusual inherited traits in flies and determined their inheritance patterns. One of the next major discoveries by members of the fly lab was that of genes existing on the same chromosome, information that was used to map the genes to individual chromosomes.

Linked Genes and Chromosome Maps

Many genes are located on each chromosome. Genes, and the traits they specify, that are situated on the same chromosome tend to be inherited together. Such genes are referred to as linked genes. Morgan performed a variety of genetic crosses with linked genes and developed detailed maps of the positions of the genes on the chromosomes based on his results. Morgan did his first experiments with linked genes in Drosophila that specified body color and wing type. In fruit flies, a brown body is the wild type and a black body is a mutant type. In wild-type flies, wings are long, while one mutant variant has short, crinkled wings referred to as vestigial wings. When Morgan mated wild-type females with black-bodied, vestigial-winged males, the next generation consisted of all wild-type flies. When he then mated females from this new generation with black-bodied, vestigial-winged males, most of the progeny were either brown and normal winged or wild-type black and vestigial winged, in about equal proportions. A few of the offspring were either just black bodied (with wild-type wings) or vestigial winged (with wild-type body color), trait combinations found in neither parent, thus referred to as nonparentals. Because of the equal distribution of these mutant traits between males and females, Morgan knew the genes were not sex linked. Because the traits for body color and wing length generally seemed to be inherited together, he deduced that they existed on the same chromosome.

As Morgan and his students and colleagues continued their experiments on the inheritance of body color and wing length, they observed a small but consistent percentage of offspring with nonparental trait combinations. After repeating these experiments with many different linked genes, Morgan discovered that chromosomes exchange pieces during egg and sperm formation. This exchange of chromosome pieces occurs during a process called meiosis,which occurs in sexually reproducing organisms and results in the production of gametes, generally eggs and sperm. During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes pair tightly and may exchange pieces; since the homologous chromosomes contain genes for the same trait along their length, this exchange does not present any genetic problems. The eggs or sperm produced through meiosis contain one of each pair of chromosomes.

In some of Morgan’s genetic crosses, flies carried one chromosome with alleles (alternate forms of a gene at a specific locus) for black bodies and vestigial wings. The homologous chromosome carried wild-type alleles for both traits. During meiosis, portions of the homologous chromosomes exchanged pieces, resulting in some flies receiving chromosomes carrying genes for black bodies and normal wings or brown bodies and vestigial wings. The exchange of chromosome pieces resulting in new combinations of traits in progeny is referred to as recombination. Morgan’s students and colleagues pursued many different traits that showed genetic recombination. In 1917, one of Morgan’s students, Alfred Sturtevant, reasoned that the farther apart two genes were on a chromosome, the more likely they were to recombine and the more progeny with new combinations of traits would be observed. Over many years of work, Sturtevant and his colleagues were able to collect recombination data and cluster all the then-known mutant genes into four groupings that corresponded to the four chromosomes of Drosophila. They generated the first linkage maps that located genes to chromosomes based on their recombination frequencies.

The chromosomes in the salivary glands of the larval stage of the fruit fly are particularly large. Scientists were able to isolate these chromosomes, stain them with dyes, and observe them under microscopes. Each chromosome had an identifying size and shape and highly detailed banding patterns. X-rays and chemicals were used to generate new mutations for study in Drosophila, and researchers realized that in many cases they could correlate a particular gene with a physical band along a chromosome. Also noted were chromosome abnormalities, including deletions of pieces, inversions of chromosome sections, and the translocation of a portion of one chromosome onto another chromosome. The pioneering techniques of linkage mapping through recombination of traits and physical mapping of genes to chromosome sections provided detailed genetic maps of Drosophila. Similar techniques have been used to construct gene maps of other organisms, including humans.

Control of Genes at the Molecular Level

This seminal genetic work on Drosophila was unparalleled in providing insights into the mechanisms of inheritance. Most of the inheritance patterns discovered in the fruit flies were found to be applicable to nearly all organisms. However, the usefulness of Drosophila as a research organism did not end with classical transmission genetics; it was found to provide equally valuable insight into the mechanisms of development at the level of DNA.

Drosophila were discovered to be ideal organisms to use in the study of early development. During its development in the egg, the Drosophila embryo orchestrates a cascade of events that results in the embryo having a polarity, a head and a tail, with segments between each end defined to become a particular body part in the adult. Edward Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, and Eric Wieschaus were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995 for their research on the genetic control of Drosophila development. Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus studied the first step in this process: pattern formation in the early embryo. Lewis studied the next step in this process: genes that further specialized adult structures.

Developmental instructions from the mother fruit fly are sequestered in the egg. When the egg is fertilized, these instructions begin to “turn on” genes within the fertilized eggs that begin to establish the directionality and segment identity within the embryo. Working together at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus identified fifteen such genes that are “turned on” to pattern the Drosophila embryo. To identify these genes, they performed a genetic screen in which they treated flies with chemicals, mutating their genes at random, and then searched for mutations resulting in defective embryonic segmentation (for example, embryos with reduced numbers of segments or embryos that no longer had a distinct head and tail). Segmentation genes similar or identical to those in the fruit fly also exist in higher organisms, including humans, and perform similar functions during embryonic development.

These segments originally defined during embryonic development remain established during the larval stages, and each becomes specific body segments in the adult fly. For example, the second segment of the thorax will support one pair of wings and one of the three pairs of legs. Mutations in genes controlling this process resulted in the transformation of one body segment into another and showed bizarre appearances as adults, such as having two sets of wings or legs replacing the normal antennae on the head. By studying these homeotic mutants, Lewis was able to elucidate some of the mechanisms that control the overall body plan of nearly all organisms in early development. He also found that the homeotic genes are arranged in the same order on the chromosomes as the body segments that they controlled—the first genes controlled the head region, genes in the middle controlled abdominal segments, and the last genes controlled the tail region. Like the segmentation genes, scientists found that the Drosophila homeotic genes directly corresponded to similar genes in all animals studied. Vertebrate homeotic genes are not only closely related to the insect genes but also found in the same order on the chromosomes and have the same essential function in time and space during embryonic development as in the fly.

Many other aspects of Drosophila were also useful in understanding the structure and function of the DNA of all organisms. It was found that in Drosophila, large pieces of DNA will, under certain circumstances, pop out of the chromosome and reinsert themselves at another site. One such element, called a P element, was used by scientists to introduce nonfly DNA into the fruit fly embryo, thus providing information on how DNA is expressed in animals. This work also provided early clues into the successful creation of transgenic animals commonly used in research. Many additional genetic tools developed over the years allow scientists to “turn on” or “turn off” genes in particular tissues and at particular times in fly development. Such tools also enable genes to be “turned on” at levels higher than normal, “knocked down” to levels lower than normal, or deleted from the fly’s DNA completely. This precise manipulation of gene expression makes the fly a powerful genetic system for studying the control
of genes at the molecular level in an entire organism.

Impact and Applications

Genetic studies of Drosophila melanogaster have provided the world with a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of inheritance. In addition to the inheritance modes shown by Mendel’s studies of pea plants, fruit fly genetics revealed that some genes are sex linked in sexually reproducing animals. The research led to the understanding that while many genes are linked to a single chromosome, the linkage is not necessarily static, and that chromosomes can exchange pieces during recombination. The ease with which mutant fruit flies could be generated led to the development of detailed linkage maps for all the chromosomes and ultimately to the localization of genes to specific regions of chromosomes. With the advent of molecular techniques, it was discovered that Drosophila provided a wealth of information concerning the molecular control of genes in development.

Although all these breakthroughs were scientifically interesting in terms of the flies themselves, many of the breakthroughs helped identify fundamental principles consistent among all animals. Most of what is known about human genetics and genetic diseases has come from these pioneering studies with Drosophila. Historically, Drosophila was considered a model of embryogenesis. However, completion of its full genome sequence in March of 2000 led to an emphasis on Drosophila as a model of human disease. Analyses of the fly’s nearly 14,000 genes revealed that approximately 75 percent of known human disease genes have related sequences in the fly. This high level of conservation further supported the search for additional disease-causing genes in Drosophila.

Novel genes can be identified using genetic screens. Because of the sheer numbers of offspring from any mating of flies, their very short life cycle, and large numbers of traits that are easily observable, fruit flies have become an ideal system to screen for mutations in genes with previously unknown functions. In one type of screen, flies are exposed to a chemical mutagen and mated; then their offspring are analyzed for any abnormal appearances or behaviors, or for low numbers of offspring. Should a mutation cause any variation in the expected outcome of a cross, it is then subjected to more rigorous research, beginning by mapping the mutation to a particular gene locus on the chromosome.

The versatile, easy-to-care-for, inexpensive fruit fly is often a fixture in classrooms around the world. Indeed, many geneticists have traced their passion to their first classroom encounters with fruit flies and the excitement of discovering the inheritance patterns for themselves. Drosophila is routinely used in the study of many aspects of biology and disease conditions, including cancer, muscle and neurological disorders, cardiology, diabetes, aging and oxidative stress, innate immunity, drug addiction, learning patterns, behavior, and population genetics. Because of the ease of study and the volumes of information that have been compiled about its genetics, development, and behavior, Drosophila will continue to be an important model organism for biological study.

Key Terms

homeotic genes


a group of genes responsible for transforming an embryo into a particular body plan

linked genes


genes, and traits they specify, that are situated on the same chromosome and tend to be inherited together

model organism


an organism well suited for genetic research because it has a well-known genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic variation between individuals in the population

sex chromosomes


The X and Y chromosomes, which determine sex in many organisms; in Drosophila, a female carries two X chromosomes and a male carries one X and one Y chromosome


Ashburner, Michael. Won for All: How the “Drosophila” Genome Was Sequenced. Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory P, 2006. Print.

Botas, Juan. “Drosophila Researchers Focus on Human Disease.” Nature Genetics 39.5 (2007): 589–91. Print.

Brookes, Martin. Fly: The Unsung Hero of Twentieth-Century Science. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 2001. Print.

Dubnau, Josh, ed. Behavioral Genetics of the Fly (Drosophilia Melanogaster).Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. Print.

Gillham, Nicholas. Genes, Chromosomes, and Disease. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2011. Print.

Spindler-Barth, M., ed. Drosophilia Melanogaster: Life Cycle, Genetics, and Development. Hauppauge: Nova Science, 2012. Print.

Weiner, Jonathan. Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior. London: Faber, 2000. Print.

What is narcotics abuse? |


Narcotics produce their effect by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system. The human body contains opioid receptors to respond to naturally occurring opioids in the body known as endorphins. Endorphins serve to block or suppress the feeling of pain, having an analgesic and sedative effect. Narcotics lead to euphoria and sedation, produced by stimulation of the opioid receptors.

Risk Factors

The type of narcotic abused can be a factor in addiction potential. Heroin can cause addiction after one use; second in potency is morphine. Other risk factors for narcotics abuse include psychological mind-sets such as antisocial attitudes and sensation-seeking during adolescence. Environmental risk factors include dysfunction family relationships, poverty, gang membership, urban living, disposable income, family history of substance abuse, and low self-esteem.


Narcotics intoxication may include sensations such as euphoria, a rush of pleasure, relaxation, and drowsiness, followed by sedation or sleep. Users report feeling free from cares and worries, a lessening of anxiety and tension, and a sense of escapism from life. The feeling is so pleasurable that the user often develops an irresistible urge to use again, an urge that may eventually develop into an addiction.

Some of the negative effects of narcotics abuse are sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunctions, anxiety, drowsiness, inability to concentrate, apathy, lethargy, flushing of the face and neck, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. A person prescribed a narcotic may develop some withdrawal symptoms over time if use is suddenly interrupted. Generally, if narcotics are prescribed for a longer time for pain relief, the dosage is progressively lowered through the weeks to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms for narcotics are some of the worst exhibited for any abused substance. Early symptoms of withdrawal may appear within a few hours, but typically appear within six to thirty-six hours of the last dose. Symptoms of withdrawal are typically the reverse of the pleasurable effects produced by the narcotic and include anxiety, irritability, loss of appetite, tremors, salivation, yawning, flu-like symptoms, and sweating. More serious withdrawal symptoms include abdominal cramping, fever, gooseflesh, gastrointestinal upset, confusion, and convulsions. Less acute withdrawal symptoms, which may persist for months after the last dose, include anhedonia, insomnia, and drug craving. The severity of symptoms is proportionate to dosage and duration of abuse.

Screening and Diagnosis

Persons suspected of narcotics overdose require immediate emergency medical attention. With an unconscious person suspected of narcotics overdose, doctors will look for physical signs of overdose, such as shallow breathing and small pupils. Patients are then administered naloxone, an opioid antagonist, to reverse the possibility of coma (which can occur in as quickly as one minute).

To diagnose abuse, a doctor will question a person about his or her history of drug use, including use under dangerous conditions, and will ask about failures to meet obligations, legal problems, and impairments of social or occupational functioning caused by narcotics use.

Treatment and Therapy

Treating people who are addicted to narcotics is difficult, mainly because of denial and the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification is the first step, and the most common long-term treatment is to substitute methadone (a synthetic narcotic with less addictive potential) for the abused drug, followed by weaning the abuser off the methadone. Buprenorphine is another medicine that can be used in the same manner for detoxification. The drug clonidine is also sometimes used to help alleviate some of the symptoms of withdrawal, particularly salivation, runny nose, sweating, abdominal cramping, and muscle aches. Also, recovery groups such as Narcotics Anonymous provide an important source of community support for persons who are overcoming narcotics addiction.


To prevent possible addiction and dependence, it is important to use opioid medications only at the prescribed dosages, or to avoid narcotics altogether. A recovering addict must deal with the intense, long-term psychological dependence on narcotics. Counseling, self-help groups, halfway houses, and group therapy may help recovering addicts maintain abstinence.


Glass, George. Narcotics: Dangerous Painkillers. New York: Rosen, 2000. Print.

Health Day. “Prescription Painkiller Abuse Rate Down, but Many Are Addicted: Study.” MedlinePlus. US Natl. Lib. of Medicine, 13 Oct. 2015. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

Narcotics Anonymous World Services. Narcotics Anonymous: White Booklet. New York: BN, 2007. Print.

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Who is haunting the man in the poem? What do you think is the purpose of this?

The narrator of the poem hears a knocking at his door, but it is December, and right around midnight, so it seems unlikely that this knocking would be coming from some natural source.  He has been in his room, reading, attempting to take his mind off of the death of his lover, Lenore, by perusing a "curious volume of forgotten lore" (line 2).  The silk curtains rustle, and his fire is dying, and these details...

The narrator of the poem hears a knocking at his door, but it is December, and right around midnight, so it seems unlikely that this knocking would be coming from some natural source.  He has been in his room, reading, attempting to take his mind off of the death of his lover, Lenore, by perusing a "curious volume of forgotten lore" (line 2).  The silk curtains rustle, and his fire is dying, and these details contribute to the narrator's "terrors" and fear of what could be knocking at his door at this late and inhospitable hour (14).  When he opens the door, there is no one there, and he peers out, whispering Lenore's name.  He only hears her name echo back and nothing else.  Her spirit is the one haunting the narrator, though we cannot know if she has actually returned or if it is just her memory that haunts him.

This potential haunting certainly sets the mood of the text.  It is not merely sad, but also mysterious and strange and somewhat foreboding, as though something bad or scary is about to happen.  Further, the narrator's metaphysical pondering contributes to his later ability to read so much into the raven's presence as well as the one word the raven speaks, "'Nevermore'" (48).  He longs for some connection to Lenore, even if it is only the knowledge that "within the distant Aidenn, / [He] shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore [...]" (93-94).  Some reassurance that he will one day reunite with her in heaven would be enough for him.  Such fancies seem available in a poem with a mood like this one.

What is myotonic dystrophy? |

Risk Factors

Each child of a parent with myotonic dystrophy has a 50 percent risk of
inheriting the disease. The severe congenital form (which occurs in DM1) is
inherited almost exclusively from the mother; however, paternal transmission of
the congenital form is possible.

Etiology and Genetics

Of the two myotonic dystrophy subtypes, type 1 (DM1) tends to be more severe
and more common than type 2. However, type 2 (DM2) may as common as type 1 in
individuals of German or Finnish descent. Both types are inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait. Individuals affected with myotonic dystrophy have also been
reported with genotypes that correspond to neither DM1 nor DM2 mutations.

Myotonic dystrophy was the first known RNA-mediated
disease and the first to challenge the premise that genetic diseases result from
DNA mutations translated into dysfunctional proteins.

The DM1 mutation is an expanded trinucleotide, or triplet, repeat
(cytosine-thymine-guanine, or CTG) in the gene DMPK, located on
chromosome 19. In most people, the number of CTG repeats in this gene ranges from
five to thirty-four, but individuals with DM1 have fifty to five thousand CTG
repeats in most cells. The DM2 mutation, which was not identified until 2001, is a
tetranucleotide repeat expansion called the CCTG sequence in the
CNBP gene (also called the ZNF9 gene) on
chromosome 3. In most people, the CCTG sequence is repeated fewer than twenty-six
times, but individuals with DM2 have more than seventy-five CCTG repeats. Both CTG
and CCTG repeats are unstable, tending to further expansion.

The mechanisms embedded in these mutations also dispelled the belief that RNA
is simply a molecular bridge between DNA and an encoded protein. Noncoding
RNAs, notably RNA binding proteins, are important in
regulating alternative splicing mechanisms in the human genome.
Splicing mechanisms normally generate a large variety of proteins specific to one
or another cell type at particular developmental stages.

When the expanded repeats are transcribed into RNA, the resulting RNA
transcripts alter the expression of specific RNA-binding proteins. The mutation
disrupts RNA processing from pre-message RNA splicing to protein translation.
Targeted messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with altered splicing mechanisms are
unable to encode functional protein.

Disease severity is related to the number of repeats in the RNA transcripts.
Mildly affected persons with DM1 will have upward of fifty copies of the CTG
triplet repeat, but those with severe symptoms may have two thousand to five
thousand repeats. CCTG repeats in DM2-affected persons range from seventy-five to
eleven thousand.

Although DM1 and DM2 are caused by mutations in unrelated genes occurring at
two different genetic loci, their clinical profiles overlap. This is because their
mutant RNA transcripts target the same mRNAs. Muscle cell
differentiation and insulin receptor function are compromised
in both DM type 1 and type 2, for example.

Genetic anticipation, in which disease severity increases and age of onset
occurs earlier in successive generations, is another feature of myotonic
dystrophy. Expanded repeat size and disease severity increase in successive
generations. The discovery of heritable, unstable DNA sequences provided a
molecular basis for anticipation. Although myotonic dystrophy introduced a new,
RNA-mediated disease category, the list has since grown to include many human


Clinical profiles of DM1 and DM2 overlap, and both vary in severity. Multiple
organ systems are generally involved, but the DM hallmark is an impaired ability
to relax contracted muscles. Progressive muscle wasting is the most disabling
feature, and cataracts are common. Cardiac arrhythmias,
primarily in DM1, can be life-threatening.

Screening and Diagnosis

Molecular analysis of DNA is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of both DM1 and
DM2. Prenatal diagnosis (if a parent is affected) can be accomplished via
amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Prenatal
diagnosis of congenital DM1 (when the mother is affected) can be complex, due to
inconsistent repeat size in various fetal tissues. Preimplantation diagnosis of
DM1 has also been reported.

Treatment and Therapy

Current treatment, which requires multispecialty management, is primarily
supportive and directed to specific symptoms. No widely accepted, effective
treatment strategies are available. Periodic monitoring of cardiac abnormalities
must be in place to prevent heart disease and cardiac events. Ventilatory support
may be needed for some patients with pulmonary failure. For the future,
molecular-based research that is under way is aimed at reversing the effects of
the RNA disease mechanisms.

Prevention and Outcomes

Prenatal diagnosis is the sole preventive strategy. Life expectancy can be reduced by as much as two decades. Adults with late-onset myotonic dystrophy may become wheelchair-bound. Respiratory disease and cardiac arrhythmias are the most frequent causes of death.


Bachinski, Linda L. "Most Expression and
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Cardani, Rosanna, et al. "Overexpression of
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Harper, Peter S.
Myotonic Dystrophy: The Facts. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford
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Harper, Peter S.,
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Present Management, Future Therapy
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How can a 0.5 molal solution be less concentrated than a 0.5 molar solution?

The answer lies in the units being used. "Molar" refers to molarity, a unit of measurement that describes how many moles of a solu...