Thursday, 31 March 2016

How did Macbeth's ambition help him in a positive way? And how did it make it easier for the witches to manipulate him?

Though Macbeth's ambition is primarily considered his tragic flaw, it does help him in positive ways throughout the course of the play. Most specifically and obviously, he does become king. By all accounts, including the words of Duncan himself ("O Valiant Cousin! Worthy gentleman!" Act 1, Scene 2), Macbeth is a well respected, honorable man. King Duncan promotes him to Thane of Cawdor without hesitation. This leads readers to believe that his advancement is a...

Though Macbeth's ambition is primarily considered his tragic flaw, it does help him in positive ways throughout the course of the play. Most specifically and obviously, he does become king. By all accounts, including the words of Duncan himself ("O Valiant Cousin! Worthy gentleman!" Act 1, Scene 2), Macbeth is a well respected, honorable man. King Duncan promotes him to Thane of Cawdor without hesitation. This leads readers to believe that his advancement is a positive track Macbeth might have enjoyed even without the witches' intervention. 

His ambition, while positive to a degree, does make him an easier target for the influence of the witches. It's a human trait to have desires, and, often, our level of desire can blind us to some of the negative aspects of the desire or to the dangers of the methods we might use to obtain that which we desire. The witches had an easy mark with Macbeth because he wanted to advance so desperately; he was willing to accept their words and actions without question or critical thinking. He didn't imagine any possible negative consequences, which, had he analyzed, would have been obvious to someone with Macbeth's intelligence. He essentially got caught up in the moment, almost an individual mob mentality, and the witches were able to capitalize on his blind following, his blind ambition, without much effort. 

What are a few quotes regarding how Atticus is affected by racism in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee?

Atticus Finch is a noble man. He is appointed as Tom Robinson's attorney by Judge Taylor, which is a case no one wanted to take. Still, Atticus takes Tom's case very seriously because he's not racist. In fact, Atticus wants to do his best for his client because he not only has a chance to save a man's life, but also sees defending Tom well as an opportunity to stand up for what is right....

Atticus Finch is a noble man. He is appointed as Tom Robinson's attorney by Judge Taylor, which is a case no one wanted to take. Still, Atticus takes Tom's case very seriously because he's not racist. In fact, Atticus wants to do his best for his client because he not only has a chance to save a man's life, but also sees defending Tom well as an opportunity to stand up for what is right. Unfortunately, the community treats Atticus with great prejudice because of the deep roots of racism in Maycomb. About six to eight months before the trial actually takes place, Atticus tells his brother Jack the following:

Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don't pretend to understand... I just hope Jem and Scout come to me for their answers instead of listening to the town (88).

Jem and Scout aren't able to avoid the town, though. At school and on their own street, the children hear people call their father a "ni**** lover" a lot. Scout asks her father if that is what he is and he responds with the following: 

I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody... it's never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn't hurt you (108).

Atticus takes people treating him with disrespect with a proverbial grain of salt. He's an emotional and psychological rock! Atticus even teaches his kids to remember that everyone on the opposite side of his case will always be considered friends. For the most part, that remains true after the intensity of the trial ends and dies down.

The only person in the community who doesn't continue to be Atticus's friend is Bob Ewell. In chapter 23, Bob Ewell confronts Atticus coming out of the post office and spits on him. Ewell also threatens to kill Atticus and provokes him to fight. Atticus's response is that he isn't interested in fighting because he's too old, not because he's a coward. Atticus's dry response to everything in life comes off a little bit funny and ironic. Normally, a person would be riled up by what Bob does, but Atticus isn't. All Atticus says to his children is, "I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't chew tobacco" (217).

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

What is sleep? |

Structure and Functions

All multicellular animals cycle through daily fluctuations in biological activity known as circadian rhythms, with the alternation of sleep and wakefulness being the most obvious example. In humans, a polycyclic sleep/wake cycle—several periods of sleep and arousal during a twenty-four-hour period—becomes evident in the fetus during the latter stages of pregnancy. As children progress from infancy through childhood, they gradually settle into a mainly diurnal pattern, with one long period of sleep during the day. A complex interaction of several external and internal events determines the timing and duration of sleep.

The key exogenous factor that influences sleep is light. In the absence of the alternation of day and night, people will usually develop a sleep/wake cycle that is a little longer (from a few minutes to an hour) than a twenty-four-hour day. Two neurological structures detect light and synchronize the body’s sleep/wake cycle with the presence or absence of light. The pineal gland
is a photosensitive endocrine gland centrally located in the brain that secretes the hormone melatonin, which causes drowsiness. When darkness increases, the pineal gland steps up production of melatonin; levels of melatonin decline as light increases. Melatonin levels also affect the structure of the brain that plays the key role in regulating circadian rhythms, the suprachiasmatic
of the hypothalamus (SCN). The SCN serves as the body’s primary biological clock, containing cells that will pulse in rhythmic activity in the absence of light. The activity of these cells, however, is influenced by output from the pineal gland and also from the eye’s retinal cells, providing two avenues by which light can affect the SCN. Light causes the SCN to alter levels of Tim, a protein which, when it interacts with two other proteins known as Per and Clock, will induce sleepiness at high levels. Levels of Tim, in turn, will increase activity in certain cells of the SCN. Thus, light serves as the zeitgeber (time-giver) for the sleep/wake cycle by changing the activity of the pineal gland and SCN, thereby altering levels of sleep-inducing chemicals.

Although damage to the pineal gland and SCN will significantly disrupt the quality and quantity of sleep, periods of sleep will still occur. That observation, in addition to the fact that animals will develop sleep/wake cycles in the absence of light changes, points to other, internal mechanisms that control sleep and arousal. One of these mechanisms is body temperature. Body temperature fluctuates from approximately 98 degrees Fahrenheit (36.7 degrees Celsius) to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius) during the day. Rising body temperature is associated with arousal; declining body temperature is correlated with drowsiness. Vigorously rubbing the hands together can increase blood flow to the hands, dropping the blood supply to the brain, thereby decreasing the temperature of the brain and making it easier to fall asleep. While blood flow has an impact on the level of alertness, it is the flow of several neurotransmitters—chemicals that bridge the synaptic gap between one neuron (nerve cell) and another—that play the crucial role in regulating sleep and

Neurotransmitters generally have excitatory or inhibitory effects on arousal, but their impact on sleep is dependent on the neurological structures that they affect. Overall, more neurotransmitters appear to facilitate arousal rather than sleepiness. Acetylcholine and glutamate are the primary neurotransmitters for learning, so it is not surprising that they mediate the brain’s alertness to external stimuli. The pontomesencephalon portion of the reticular formation—the brain’s major arousal system—releases these two neurotransmitters, which activate regions of the brain from top (the cortex) to bottom (the medulla). Acetylcholine is also released by excitatory basal forebrain cells that have direct connections with the thalamus, the brain’s center for the integration and processing of sensory information. Close to the bottom of the brain in the pons is the locus coeruleus, which promotes wakefulness and helps to consolidate memories. Norepinephrine, the neurotransmitter that is involved in the display of active emotions such as fear or anger, is released from this structure and arouses many areas of the brain. Between the locus coeruleus and the basal forebrain is the hypothalamus, which influences many aspects of motivation and emotion, particularly through its regulation of the pituitary gland, the master gland of the endocrine system. Anterior cells of the hypothalamus release histamine, which, like acetylcholine, has widespread arousing effects on the brain. Taking antihistamine drugs to subdue the symptoms of allergies and colds will militate against those arousing effects. Lateral cells of the hypothalamus produce orexin, a neurotransmitter that is necessary for staying awake, especially as the day transpires.

Three neurotransmitters promote the induction and maintenance of sleep; two of them exert their effects via the basal forebrain. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, is released by inhibitory cells in the basal forebrain and dampens arousal in the cortex and thalamus. Adenosine decreases activity in the acetylcholine-producing cells of the basal forebrain, thereby inhibiting arousal. Caffeine derives its stimulating effects by blocking adenosine receptors. Moderate levels of serotonin have a calming effect and can facilitate the induction of sleep. However, serotonin (and norepinephrine) can decrease the quantity of REM sleep. Other chemicals, such as prostaglandins, work in conjunction with these three neurotransmitters to promote the induction and maintenance of sleep.

The interplay of various levels of neurotransmitters and hormones effect changes in the electrical activity of the brain. Recordings of the electrical potentials of brain cells made with an electroencephalograph (EEG) have resulted in the identification of four succeeding distinct patterns of brain wave activity that occur in approximately ninety-minute cycles. Prior to falling asleep, a person manifests mostly alpha EEG readings—high amplitude (top-to-bottom distance), medium wavelength (peak-to-peak distance) brain wave activity—characteristic of an alert, relaxed state. When a person slips into the first stage of sleep, a theta EEG pattern—low amplitude, short wavelengths—predominates. As sleep progresses, brief periods of very short wavelengths (sleep spindles) and bursts of high amplitude waves (K-complexes) punctuate the theta EEG pattern, marking the appearance of stage 2 sleep. Eventually, high amplitude and long wavelength brain activity—a delta EEG record—becomes more prevalent and stage 3 sleep is evident. Finally, delta EEG waves predominate
as the person settles into stage 4 sleep. The individual will then cycle back through the third and second stages before reaching stage 1 sleep again, completing the ninety-minute biorhythm. The second period of stage 1 sleep is usually accompanied by the first appearance of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in humans (many species lack the eye movements), a phenomenon in which brain activity is high but many signs of physiological arousal, such as muscle tension, are low. The time spent in each stage varies, depending on how long the person has been sleeping: stages 3 and 4 predominate during the first half of a sleep period, while stages 1 and 2 predominate (stage 4 sleep is often absent) during the second half.

Differences in sleep stage characteristics and their associated phenomena have led some researchers to distinguish between two basic types of sleep: S-sleep (more neural synchrony, similar activity in diverse brain regions), which combines stages 3 and 4, and D-sleep (more neural desynchrony, diverse brain regions active at different times), which combines stages 1 and 2. S-sleep is characterized by many signs of a deeper physical rest: lower body temperature, generally lower autonomic arousal, difficult arousal. Moreover, sleep loss and physical injuries or deprivations tend to increase the percentage of S-sleep over D-sleep. In contrast, more signs of psychological restoration are associated with D-sleep: increased cortical blood flow and more vivid and prevalent dreams, especially during REM sleep. Additionally, deprivation of REM sleep tends to impair memory and increase irritability more so than deprivation of S-sleep. Because the distinctions between S-sleep and D-sleep are not always clear-cut—for example, S-sleep is essential for some types of memory formation—some researchers prefer to distinguish between REM sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep.

Disorders and Diseases

Species vary in the amount of sleep that they require during a day, ranging from approximately two hours for a horse to twenty hours for a bat. Humans begin life averaging around sixteen hours of sleep a day as babies, progress to needing about half that much through most of adolescence and adulthood, and then typically get six to seven hours of sleep a day in later adulthood (partially due to age-related decreases in melatonin). No matter what the species or the age of the individual, problems with both the quantity and quality of sleep impair physical and psychological well-being.

Poor quantity of sleep, resulting in feeling tired during waking hours, is the primary characteristic of the most common class of sleep disorders known as insomnias. Insomnias may be characterized by difficulty initially falling asleep (onset), problems in staying asleep (maintenance), or inability to fall back asleep when waking up early (termination). Termination and maintenance insomnia become more likely as people leave early adulthood. Rising body temperature is a factor in both onset and termination insomnia; breathing problems often induce maintenance insomnia.

Trouble breathing, leading to a drop of oxygen in the blood and frequent awakenings, is the main symptom of sleep apnea. Apnea can be caused by many factors, including obstructions of airway passages (often the result of obesity), the use of drugs (such as alcohol and tranquilizers, which relax breathing muscles), or deterioration of areas in the brain that control breathing (the pre-Botzinger complex of the medulla). Left untreated by surgery or breathing aids, apnea can result in numerous health problems, such as loss of cells in multiple areas of the brain, memory deficiencies, heart problems, and diabetes.

Insomnias and apnea, as well as numerous other sleep disorders, can also lead to poor quality of sleep. In particular, depressed amount of REM sleep is a common problem associated with sleep dysfunctions. Neurological depressants, such as alcohol and tranquilizers, have commonly been used to treat insomnia. Unfortunately, such drugs can lead to iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment) insomnia in which a drug initially facilitates sleep but then tolerance develops, in which an increasing amount of the drug is needed to induce its primary effects, and insomnia recurs. Moreover, neurological depressants typically suppress REM sleep, further exacerbating the insomniac’s condition.

In stress-induced insomnia, EEG records reveal that brain activity drifts in a twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness, with minimal REM sleep. People suffering from significant reactions to trauma, such as in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), frequently reexperience their traumatic encounters in nightmares that are so vivid and horrifying that they are unable to stay asleep during REM periods. In contrast, it is the sleep partners of individuals with REM behavior disorder who have problems staying asleep, as the person with the dysfunction thrashes wildly about, perhaps acting out her or his dreams.

Overactive motor activity is also the primary symptom of two NREM disorders: restless leg syndrome, which is characterized by twitching and high muscle tension of the legs, and myoclonus, which involves body twitching, particularly of the arms and legs, while asleep. The extreme overactive muscle sleep disorder, however, is sleepwalking. Sleepwalking normally occurs in stage 4 sleep and is more common in children and adolescents. What sleepwalking is to motor activity, night terrors (extremely terrifying dreams) are to psychological activity. As with sleepwalking, night terrors are more common in children and adolescents and occur during stage 4 sleep. Sleeptalking is not restricted to any particular age-group or sleep stage.

Narcolepsy is a sleep dysfunction in which the main problem is evident during waking hours rather than during the sleep period. The four primary symptoms of narcolepsy are intense periods of sleepiness, cataplexy (muscle weakness), hypnogogic imagery (dreamlike hallucinations while slipping into sleep), and sleep paralysis

(muscle immobility while moving into and out of sleep periods). Because most of the symptoms are associated with REM sleep, narcolepsy has been interpreted as a wakeful experience of REM-like sleep. Low levels of orexin have been implicated as a cause of this disorder.

Perspective and Prospects

In his book The Promise of Sleep (1999), William C. Dement, one of the foremost researchers of sleep, describes the breakthrough research in the early 1950s that gave birth to the modern era of sleep understanding. Dement, working with Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene Aserinsky, conducted the first research to measure simultaneously the electrical activity of the eyes and brain while people were sleeping. The results of their work led to the identification of four distinct stages of sleep, the discovery of a ninety-minute sleep cycle, and the detection of REM sleep. REM sleep was later found to correspond with a discovery by Michel Jouvet called paradoxical sleep, so named because animals in this type of sleep manifest high brain activity but relaxed postural muscles. Dement and Kleitman also discovered that people awakened from REM sleep were usually dreaming. These discoveries of the 1950s opened up new avenues of research, from empirical studies of dreaming to the interrelationship between sleep and health, and led to the development of better methods to diagnosis and treat sleep disorders.

By the mid-twentieth century, benzodiazepines (tranquilizers, such as Halcion, Valium, and Xanax), which facilitate the action of GABA and adenosine, became the primary treatment for diverse kinds of sleep disorders. Such side effects such as REM suppression, increased likelihood of apnea, and drowsiness during waking hours, however, prompted researchers to search for alternatives to these highly addictive drugs. Safer alternatives for insomnia were developed in the late twentieth century as nonbenzodiazepine, GABA-facilitating sleep aids (such as Ambien, Lunesta, and Sonata) became more popular. Rozerem, a melatonin receptor stimulant, offered physicians a new approach to treating insomnia in the twenty-first century. While chemicals, such as dopaminergic agents (Sinemet) for restless leg disorder and stimulants (Ritalin) for narcolepsy, can be useful in treating various sleep disorders, for the person suffering from insomnia the best advice is often to avoid the chemicals—such as
alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine—that will interfere with the natural mechanisms designed to promote sleep.

In July 2013, researchers at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Mississippi published a study showing that sleep apnea treatment, specifically continuous positive airway pressor, or CPAP, helps alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Dement, William C., and Christopher Vaughan. The Promise of Sleep: A Pioneer in Sleep Medicine Explores the Vital Connection Between Health, Happiness, and a Good Night’s Sleep. New York: Delacorte Press, 1999.

Hirshkowitz, Max, Patricia B. Smith, and William C. Dement. Sleep Disorders for Dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: For Dummies, 2004.

Jacobs, Gregg D. Say Goodnight to Insomnia. London: Rodale, 2009.

Kryger, Meir H., Thomas Roth, and William C. Dement, eds. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. 4th ed. New York: Saunders/Elsevier, 2005.

"Sleep Apnea May Boost Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death." MedlinePlus. June 11, 2013.

Preidt, Robert. "Poor Sleep May Worsen Heart Woes in Women, Study Finds." MedlinePlus. June 7, 2013.

Preidt, Robert. "Sleep Apnea Treatment Eases Nightmares in Vets with PTSD: Study." MedlinePlus. July 17, 2013.

What is the herpes simplex virus?

Risk factors: Sexually active adolescents and adults are at risk of infection with HSV2. People with weakened immune systems, such as cancer patients, are at an increased risk of recurring HSV infection and disease.

Etiology and the disease process: Once a person is infected, the virus spreads to the nerve cells and remains in the body (in a latent form) for life.

The lesions in the genital area first look like red bumps but then turn into watery blisters that may open up, ooze fluid, or bleed. The lesions usually heal in seven to ten days but may take up to four weeks to heal. The lesions may reappear every now and then, usually after periods of stress, fever, or overexposure to sunlight.

Cancer, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and the use of medications (corticosteroids) that weaken the immune system may also trigger the reappearance of symptoms.

Some studies have suggested that women infected with both herpes simplex virus and a high-risk type of human papillomavirus (HPV) have a greater likelihood of developing cervical cancer than women who have only the HPV infection. However, HSV infection need not be present for cervical cancer to develop.

Incidence: Infections with herpes simplex virus are ubiquitous and are transmitted from person to person whether or not they have symptoms. Most children will acquire an HSV1 infection during their first few years of life, usually through contact with infected saliva. In the United States, 53.9 percent of Americans aged fourteen to forty-nine had antibodies to HSV1 and 15.7 percent had antibodies to HSV2 between 2005 and 2010, as reported by H. Bradley et al. in 2013.

Symptoms: HSV infections in children beyond the neonatal (newborn) period, adolescents, and adults usually have no symptoms. HSV1 may cause fever (especially during the first episode), mouth sores (fever blisters), and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or groin. HSV2 may cause genital lesions with a burning and tingling sensation, muscle pain, vaginal discharge, and trouble urinating.

Screening and diagnosis: HSV infections can be diagnosed by the physical appearance of the skin lesions. There are, however, laboratory tests available to diagnose herpes simplex virus infections, including blood and cell culture tests. Other available tests include the following:

  • Tzanck test: The sore on the skin is scraped and the sample stained for examination under a microscope.

  • Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test: This uses a fluorescent antibody to detect the presence of the virus.

Treatment and therapy: Mild cases of the disease may not require treatment. For more severe cases, two types of therapies are usually recommended episodic and suppressive. The episodic therapy consists of taking medication at the first sign of recurrence to accelerate the healing process of the lesions. The medication is taken for a few days until the lesions disappear. Suppressive therapy consists of taking a medication daily to eliminate or reduce recurrence. Suppressive therapy is usually recommended for people who have six or more recurrences per year.

Cancer patients with severe cases and frequent infections may be treated with antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex). Acyclovir is available in ointment and pill forms. Valacyclovir uses acyclovir as its active ingredient but is adsorbed better by the body than acyclovir, thus requiring fewer daily doses. Famciclovir stops the virus from replicating, using the active ingredient penciclovir. Like valacyclovir, it is well absorbed by the body.

Prognosis, prevention, and outcomes: Herpes has no cure. Recurrences, however, may be milder over time. HSV skin lesions usually heal on their own in seven to ten days, but they may take longer to heal in people with weakened immune systems. People with genital herpes may feel ashamed or guilty and may think that they can no longer have sex; however, herpes can be treated and transmission can be prevented. Genital HSV infection may be prevented by the use of condoms and by reducing the number of sexual partners. Condoms, however, do not always cover the whole infected area and infection may occur.

There is no licensed vaccine against herpes simplex virus, but several candidate vaccines have been studied.

American Academy of Pediatrics. “Varicella-Zoster Infections.” Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. Ed. L. K. Pickering, C. J. Baker, D. W. Kimberlin, and S. S. Long. 29th ed. Elk Grove Village: AAP, 2012. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

Bradley, H., et al. "Seroprevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2—United States, 1999–2010." Journal of Infectious Diseases 209.3 (2013): 325–33. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

"Cervical Cancer Prevention." Natl. Cancer Inst., Natl. Inst. of Health, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

Ebel, Charles. Managing Herpes: How to Live and Love with a Chronic STD. Rev. ed. Research Triangle Park: American Social Health Assn., 2002. Print.

"Herpes Simplex." American Academy of Dermatology. Amer. Acad. of Dermatology, 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

"Infections in People with Cancer." Amer. Cancer Soc., 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

Stanberry, Lawrence. Understanding Herpes. 2nd ed. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2006. Print.

What is dance movement therapy?


One of the creative arts therapies, dance movement therapy is defined by the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) as “the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process that furthers the emotional, cognitive, social and physical integration of the individual.” Many practitioners consider the dancer and dance instructor Marian Chace to be the pioneer of dance movement therapy.

Chace began teaching dance in Washington, D.C., after retiring from the
Denishawn Dance Company in 1930. She had noticed that some of her students were
more interested in the emotions that they felt while dancing than in learning the
techniques of modern dance. Intrigued, Chace learned that they valued the
catharsis of feelings they experienced while dancing. Some of these students were
concurrently undergoing traditional psychotherapy with psychiatrists, who
noticed that their patients felt more refreshed and unburdened after their lessons
with Chace. The psychiatrists began to send other patients to Chase’s classes, and
they noted the positive change that dance appeared to inspire.

Chace was then invited to volunteer with those considered too disturbed to participate in therapy. The nonverbal approach of dance elicited improvement, and by the 1950s, Chace’s methods were subjected to serious study.

Mechanism of Action

The principle behind dance movement therapy is that dance is the most fundamental of all the arts, requiring no external materials. It is a communication of the psyche, expressed through self-directed movement. Dance movement therapists assume that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected, allowing for direct access to feelings, cognition, and behavior. Bodily movement simultaneously provides the means of both intervention and assessment in this mode of therapy. Participants are encouraged to choose their own music and to begin moving to it in their own ways.

The dance movement therapist generally begins by empathically mirroring the participant’s actions, and then extends and expands them into a nonverbal statement of emotion that can release the participant from any fixed muscular patterns. Next, participants are gently coaxed into a circle and led into movement extensions with verbal narration. Once the group is a more cohesive unit, the therapist notes the styles of the participants and leads into the development of a global psychological theme for the session, with questions to shed light on individual conflicts. The session ends with communal movement from all participants to provide closure.

Uses and Applications

Chace believed that dance served as a medium for communication for the most
disturbed psychiatric patients, such as schizophrenics. However, today dance
movement therapists work with groups and individuals of all ages who have widely
differing problems. They may work in private practice, wellness clinics,
rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and schools. The focus on positive body
movement may help clients with eating disorders and body issues. The
nonverbal conflict revelations and resolutions may help dysfunctional families
develop communication skills, and those who have been through trauma such as abuse
or violence may find a new mode of constructive coping. The physical therapy uses
of dance movement therapy are self-evident, and it is often used with the frail
and elderly.

Disease prevention and health promotion, a new area of specialization in dance
movement therapy, is beginning to be used in programs for people with chronic
medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, and
hypertension. Research on the effectiveness of dance
movement therapy has investigated certain settings, such as prisons and homeless
shelters, and specific populations, such as the mentally disabled, suicidal
persons, the visually and hearing impaired, and autistic persons.

Scientific Evidence

A 1993 study suggested that dance movement therapy improved balance, rhythmic
discrimination, mood, social interaction, and energy level in older persons with
neurological damage. A 2010 study evaluated the influence of dance movement
therapy on the perception of well-being in women with chronic fatigue
syndrome. Seven persons attended a four-month program and
were tested both before and after the program. Their perceptions of physical
well-being improved by an average of 25.8 percent, and their perceptions of
psychological well-being improved by 22.7 percent.

A 2008 dance movement therapy intervention group of persons with
dementia improved in a task of visual-spatial ability and
planning, whereas the control group either remained unchanged or deteriorated
slightly. Dance movement therapy appears to be effective in treating cognition and
self-care abilities in dementia.

A 2006 study assessed mildly depressed adolescents after twelve weeks of dance
movement therapy. All self-report measurements of distress decreased significantly
after the twelve weeks. In addition, both serotonin and dopamine levels increased
in that group. Thus, dance movement therapy may help to decrease depression
both by relieving perceptions of distress and by lowering neurotransmitter levels.

Choosing a Practitioner

Chace helped to organize the ADTA in 1966 and served as its first president. The ADTA has a code of ethics and standards for professional clinical practice, education, and training. Course work for dance movement therapy includes classes on theory and practice, observation and analysis, human development, psychopathology, cultural diversity, research, and group therapy. The ADTA maintains a registry of dance movement therapists who meet these stringent standards.

Persons certified (as Dance Therapist Registered, or DTR) have master’s degrees and seven hundred hours of supervised clinical internship. The certification Academy of Dance Therapists Registered (ADTR) is then awarded with the completion of 3,640 hours of supervised clinical internship. Persons interested in dance movement therapy can find qualified practitioners through the ADTA Web site (

Safety Issues

There are no known safety issues with dance movement therapy.


American Dance Therapy Association.

Devereaux, Christina. "Dance/Movement Therapy and Autism." Psychology Today. Sussex, 2 Apr. 2014. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

Fraleigh, Sondra Horton. Moving Consciously: Somatic Transformations through Dance, Yoga, and Touch. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2015. Print.

Levy, Fran J., ed. Dance Movement Therapy: A Healing Art. 2d rev. ed. Reston, Va.: National Dance Association, 2005. The definitive book on the history and development of dance therapy, from its beginnings with Marian Chace to its expansion.

Molzahn, Laura. "Dance Heals: Newly Popular Therapy Makes Big Strides with Movement." Chicago Tribune. Tribune, 6 June 2015. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

Sadler, Blair L., Annette Ridenour, and Donald M. Berwick. Transforming the Healthcare Experience Through the Arts. San Diego, Calif.: Aesthetics, 2009.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

What are the effects of smoking on women?

Risk Factors

Despite numerous media campaigns and medical efforts to educate the general population on the health hazards of cigarette smoking, the percentage of smokers still remains relatively high. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2013, slightly more than 15 percent of all adult women in the United States (or fifteen out of every one hundred ) smoked cigarettes on a regular basis. Furthermore, the CDC reported that almost 30 percent of high school females in 2014 smoked some form of tobacco product, which included traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and hookahs. Teen girls are more likely to have peers and /or parents or family members who smoke, thereby promoting the activity as normal.

Most women smoke cigarettes rather than pipes or hookahs, but cigar use is becoming more widespread. Women in general begin smoking for a number of reasons, many of them social and cultural. Many young women start smoking because they believe it to be a weight-loss tool, because they are using it as a means to rebel against authority figures such as parents or teachers, and/or because of peer pressure or depression. Men typically begin smoking to obtain a popular social status or to manage stress. Male athletes tend to chew smokeless tobacco rather than smoke cigarettes or electronic cigarettes.

Educational and ethnic disparities exist among female smokers. Cigarette smoking is more common among females who do not have a high school or a college diploma. Women in the United States and other developed countries are more likely to smoke than women in developing countries. Women of non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native descent have the highest rates of smoking (26 percent) when compared with women of Asian (9.6 percent), Hispanic (12 percent), African American (18 percent), and Caucasian (19 percent) backgrounds.

Health Concerns

The original studies of the 1960s documenting the health hazards of smoking were based solely on men because they were the predominant cigarette smokers of that era. As it became more socially acceptable for women to smoke in public, health experts came to recognize that women were experiencing health effects, such as lung cancer, which were similar to those of men; however, women also were experiencing previously unrecognized health concerns specific to women.

The US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now the Department of Health and Human Services) reported on these effects in 1980s, as the US surgeon general issued the first groundbreaking report on the matter. Since this report was released, a wealth of new medical and scientific research has accumulated, showing, for example, that the health effects of cigarette smoking on women differ from men because of gender differences in body physiology and genetics. It has been suggested that women and men have different genetic predispositions to both initiating cigarette smoking and to developing gender-specific, smoking-related medical problems.

In 1991, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released a report that publicized the dangers of secondhand smoke and claimed that even nonsmoking individuals were at risk from the dangers of smoking if they were exposed to what was termed "passive smoking." The report was part of the trend at that time that advocated for the banning of smoking in public places.

The most common health concern in smokers of either gender is lung cancer. According to the CDC , the incidence of lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer death among women in 2014 at 36.4 percent. Breast cancer deaths accounted for 21.3 percent that same year. Smoking more frequently and for a long time increases the risk for developing lung cancer. The risk also exists for other lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. While once thought to not be a risk factor, several studies and the US Surgeon General report that there is suggestive evidence that smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke play a role in the development of breast cancer. The risk is highest among certain groups, such as women who started smoking before they had their first child. Women smokers are also at increased risk for developing cancer of the cervix, bladder, mouth, larynx, pharynx, pancreas, esophagus, and kidney and for acute myeloid leukemia.

In 2015, the CDC announced that cigarette smoking was the leading preventable cause of death in the United States and increases the risk for death from all causes. The second largest health danger among female smokers is the risk for cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, other aneurysms, and peripheral vascular disease. Women who smoke have twice the risk for CAD as nonsmokers. The younger the woman, the more likely CAD is related to smoking; the risk for CAD is higher for heavy, long-term smokers.

Women who smoke and who take oral hormonal birth control pills have a higher risk for CAD, including blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. The risk with oral contraceptives is even greater if the woman is older than thirty-five years of age; therefore, smoking is a contraindication to this form of birth control after this age.

Effects on the Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy

All women who are planning on conceiving or who are pregnant should discontinue cigarette smoking because of the scientifically established consequences on fertility and the developing fetus. Even with these risks, approximately 10 percent of women, especially teens and younger women, continue to smoke during pregnancy.

On average, women smokers take longer to conceive than do nonsmokers, both because of infertility and because of irregular menstrual cycles. Menstrual cycles may be absent or abnormal. Smokers experience a decrease in ovulation, impairment of fertilization, and reduced implantation rates of the embryo in the uterus. Smokers also tend to have more vaginal infections.

When pregnancy is achieved, smokers have an increased risk for a miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy because the tobacco chemicals, including nicotine, are transmitted to the fetus. Additional adverse pregnancy outcomes include a risk for low birth weight and preterm delivery. Maternal smoking also can cause a newborn or infant to have reduced lung function; this is observed with both prenatal and postnatal exposure. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the nicotine inhaled will be detected in a newborn’s bloodstream, and the newborn may go through nicotine withdrawal after delivery.

Smoking also is discouraged during breastfeeding because of the transfer of nicotine through breast milk. A newborn exposed to nicotine also is at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Overall, a fetus exposed to cigarette smoking in utero or a newborn exposed to secondhand smoke in the household has a higher risk of developing a common cold or other illness such as asthma or ear infections. Even though many women use their pregnancy as motivation to quit, a significant percentage resumes smoking after delivery.

Smoking also affects women before and in menopause. Women smokers enter menopause at a younger age than nonsmokers and may have more symptoms. They have decreased bone density, which places them at an increased risk for fractures. Older women have a greater chance for cataract development or rheumatoid arthritis. Women who smoke also tend to develop more skin wrinkles than do nonsmokers. Finally, lower levels of estrogen are noted in smokers.

Prevention and Smoking Cessation

As women are now smoking for longer periods of time and in greater amounts, cigarette smoking has become a well-established risk factor for increased mortality. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cigarette smoking contributes to the deaths of an estimated 178,000 women in the United States annually. If smoking is discontinued, especially at a younger age, this risk decreases dramatically. Additional education on the prevention or discontinuation of cigarette use is critical.

Studies indicate that a majority of women want to quit smoking but either do not know how or feel they cannot do so because of stress, anxiety, or depression. Treatments for women to help them cope with a possible underlying psychological diagnosis or stressor are necessary for optimal outcome. Nicotine replacement therapies have been more successful in women than in men.

It also is recommended that women quit smoking at a specific point of the menstrual cycle. The urge to smoke is greatest during the time of premenstrual symptoms, so discontinuing use after these symptoms have subsided shows greater success.

Specific websites and support groups for women are now abundant. As with the overall general population, continued medical, media, and school involvement is key to educating girls and women about smoking and its consequences.


Bailey, Beth A., et al. “Infant Birth Outcomes among Substance Using Women: Why Quitting Smoking during Pregnancy Is Just as Important as Quitting Illicit Drug Use.” Maternal and Child Health Journal 9.2 (2011): 162–69. Print.

"Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the United States." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 25 Aug. 2015. Web. 3 Nov. 2015.

Hamajima, N., et al. “Alcohol, Tobacco, and Breast Cancer—Collaborative Reanalysis of Individual Data from 53 Epidemiological Studies, Including 58,515 Women with Breast Cancer and 95,067 Women Without the Disease.” British Journal of Cancer 18 (2002): 1234–45. Print.

"Smoking and Tobacco Use: Youth and Tobacco Use." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 14 Oct. 2015. 3 Nov. 2015.

"Tobacco Use and Pregnancy: How Does Smoking During Pregnancy Harm My Health and My Baby?" CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/US Department of Health and Human Services, 9 Sept. 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

US Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women: A Report of the Surgeon General. Washington, DC: DHHS, 1980. Print.

"What are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?" Cancer. American Cancer Society, 19 Aug. 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

What is hereditary spherocytosis? |

Risk Factors

Having a family member with spherocytosis increases an individual’s risk of developing the condition.

Etiology and Genetics

Most cases of hereditary spherocytosis result from a mutation in the ANK1 gene, found on the short arm of chromosome 8 at position 8p11.21. This gene encodes the ankyrin protein, which is a major cell membrane protein found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells). Ankyrin is believed to interconnect with protein molecules called alpha spectrin and beta spectrin, which are major components of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton. The reduction or loss of ankyrin molecules on the cell surface distorts this cytoskeleton, causing the cells to assume the spherical shape characteristic of the disease. Mutations in the alpha spectrin gene, erythrocytic 1 (SPTA1, at position 1q21) or beta spectrin gene, erythrocytic ( SPTB, at position 14q24.1–q24.2) are also known to cause erythrocytes to be spherical and thus result in symptoms associated with spherocytosis. Finally, rare cases of hereditary spherocytosis have been associated with mutations in two other genes that encode structural protein components of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton: solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 1 (Diego blood group) (SLC4A1 at position 17q21.31) and erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.2 (EPB42 at position 15q15–q21).

Spherocytosis resulting from mutations in the SPTA1 gene is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder, but all other varieties of the disease are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. In autosomal recessive inheritance, both copies of the SPTA gene must be deficient in order for the individual to be afflicted. Typically, an affected child is born to two unaffected parents, both of whom are carriers of the recessive mutant allele. The probable outcomes for children whose parents are both carriers are 75 percent unaffected and 25 percent affected. In autosomal dominant inheritance, however, a single copy of the mutation is sufficient to cause full expression of the syndrome. An affected individual has a 50 percent chance of transmitting the mutation to each of his or her children. Many cases of dominant hereditary spherocytosis, however, result from a spontaneous new mutation, so in these instances affected individuals will have unaffected parents.


Symptoms of spherocytosis include jaundice, pallor, shortness of breath, fatigue, and weakness. Symptoms in children include irritability and moodiness. Additional symptoms include hemolytic anemia and gallstones.

Screening and Diagnosis

The doctor will ask about a patient’s symptoms and medical history and will perform a physical exam. Tests may include an examination of the spleen; blood tests; liver function tests; osmotic and incubated fragility tests to diagnose hereditary spherocytosis; and Coombs’ test, an antiglobulin test to examine red blood cell antibodies.

Treatment and Therapy

Patients should talk with their doctors about the best plans for them. Among treatment options, a daily 1-milligram dose of folic acid and consideration for blood transfusions are recommended during periods of severe anemia.

Surgical removal of the spleen can cure the anemia. The abnormal shape of blood cells remain, but the blood cells are no longer destroyed in the spleen. Currently, meningococcal, Haemophilus, and pneumococcal vaccines are administered several weeks before splenectomy. Lifetime penicillin prophylaxis is recommended after surgery to prevent dangerous infections. The surgery is not recommended for children under the age of five. There is a lifetime risk of serious and potentially life-threatening infections.

Prevention and Outcomes

Because spherocytosis is an inherited condition, it is not possible to prevent the disease. Regular screening of individuals at high risk, however, can prevent the risk of complications of the disease with early treatment.


Delaunay, J. “The Molecular Basis of Hereditary Red Blood Cell Membrane Disorders.” Blood Reviews 21.1 (J2007): 1–2. Print.

Gallagher, Patrick G. “Disorders of the Red Cell Membrane: Hereditary Spherocytosis, Elliptocytosis, and Related Disorders.” Williams Hematology. Ed. Marshall A. Lichtman et al. 7th ed. New York: McGraw, 2006. Print.

Genetics Home Reference. "Hereditary Spherocytosis." Genetics Home Reference. US NLM, 21 July 2014. Web. 25 July 2014.

Gersten, Todd. "Congenital Spherocytic Anemia." MedlinePlus. US NLM/NIH, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 July 2014.

Kalfa, Theodosia A., Jessica A. Connor, and Amber H. Begtrup. "EPB42-Related Hereditary Spherocytosis." GeneReview. Ed. Roberta A. Pagon et al. Seattle: U of Washington, Seattle, 1993–2014. NCBI Bookshelf. Natl. Center for Biotechnology Information. 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 July 2014.

Kohnle, Diana. "Spherocytosis." Health Library. EBSCO, 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 July 2014.

National Human Genome Research Institute. "NIH Researchers Identify Genetic Cause of Anemia Disorder." NHGRI, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 July 2014.

Tracy, Elisabeth T., and Henry E. Rice. “Partial Splenectomy for Hereditary Spherocytosis.” Pediatric Hematology. Eds. Max J. Coppes and Russell E. Ware. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2008. Print.

Monday, 28 March 2016

How could Baskerville Hall be described?

Arthur Conan Doyle provides the reader with many rich descriptions of Baskerville Hall. In Chapter Six, readers get their first look at the exterior of the residence, and it's a bleak one. After passing through a gate described as "…a maze of fantastic tracery in wrought iron, with weather-bitten pillars on either side, blotched with lichens, and surmounted by the boars’ heads," Watson and Sir Henry look down a long drive "to where the house...

Arthur Conan Doyle provides the reader with many rich descriptions of Baskerville Hall. In Chapter Six, readers get their first look at the exterior of the residence, and it's a bleak one. After passing through a gate described as "…a maze of fantastic tracery in wrought iron, with weather-bitten pillars on either side, blotched with lichens, and surmounted by the boars’ heads," Watson and Sir Henry look down a long drive "to where the house glimmered like a ghost at the farther end."  

The whole front, says Watson, was draped in ivy, "with a patch clipped bare here and there where a window or a coat of arms broke through the dark veil." He goes on to describe the building in gloomy terms, evoking sensory imagery of something dark, cold, sharp, and ancient:

"From this central block rose the twin towers, ancient, crenellated, and pierced with many loopholes. To right and left of the turrets were more modern wings of black granite. A dull light shone through heavy mullioned windows, and from the high chimneys which rose from the steep, high-angled roof there sprang a single black column of smoke."

If the reader doesn't get the point, Sir Henry drives it home. He notes the looks of the place are "enough to scare any man," and he resolves to have electricity installed, so he can bathe the hall in artificial light.

Once the characters go inside, they encounter an interior that is "large, lofty, and heavily raftered with huge baulks of age-blackened oak." The language suggests solidity, but there is also a continuing sense of darkness and menace.

  • The decor is "dim and sombre in the subdued light of the central lamp."

  • The dining room is "a place of shadow and gloom," with a row of torches blazing on the wall, and a gallery of somber family portraits.

  • The bedrooms are more modern and brightly decorated, but sound carries, "so that in very dead of the night," notes Watson, "there came a sound to my ears, clear, resonant, and unmistakable" -- the sobs of a woman.

  • And, at later points in the book (for instance, Chapter 9), we read of creaking hallways and dark, gloomy corridors.

In Romeo and Juliet, how would you characterize Mercutio? Is he a believable character?

Mercutio is extremely intelligent, quite witty, very lewd and sexually suggestive, and also rather self-important and proud.  He enjoys wordplay, using puns and all manner of literary devices in order to showcase his wit.  For example, when he's trying to convince Romeo to come with him to the Capulets' party, Romeo tells him that love pricks like thorns do.  To this, Mercutio replies, "If love be rough with you, be rough with love. / Prick...

Mercutio is extremely intelligent, quite witty, very lewd and sexually suggestive, and also rather self-important and proud.  He enjoys wordplay, using puns and all manner of literary devices in order to showcase his wit.  For example, when he's trying to convince Romeo to come with him to the Capulets' party, Romeo tells him that love pricks like thorns do.  To this, Mercutio replies, "If love be rough with you, be rough with love. / Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down" (1.4.27-28).  He means that if love has pricked Romeo and injured him, then he should prick love back; however, prick is a slang term for a penis.  Therefore, he really tells Romeo to have sex in order to satisfy and/or deflate his desire.

Further, when Tybalt comes to challenge Romeo, Romeo will not fight him because he just married Juliet in secret that morning.  However, Mercutio views Romeo's refusal, in the face of Tybalt's insults, as a "dishonorable, vile submission" and fights Tybalt instead (3.1.74).  He is fatally wounded when Romeo comes between them, and he dies cursing both houses of Montague and Capulet.

Is he believable?  Sure, as much as any of the other characters are.  In the manner of many teenage boys, he's very interested in sex, rather full of himself, and impulsively reckless.  

Sunday, 27 March 2016

What is hyperventilation? |

Causes and Symptoms

Hyperventilation is rapid deep or quick shallow breathing,
both of which can result in a dramatic decrease in carbon dioxide
levels and an increase in the pH of the blood. While its purpose is an attempt to get more oxygen, hyperventilation can actually result in feeling breathless or dizzy and, in extreme cases, fainting.

There are several possible causes or reasons for hyperventilation, including anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), depression, anger, and overconsumption of caffeine. Hyperventilation can also be a symptom of an underlying disease process such as an infection, bleeding, or heart and lung disorder, as well as a response to altitude exposure. Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) can be manifested either acutely or chronically.

Chronic HVS can cause a variety of physical problems involving respiratory, cardiac, neurologic, or gastrointestinal (GI) systems. Aerophobia, a fear of fresh air, brings on the GI problems such as flatulence, bloating, and belching. Besides rapid breathing, hyperventilation can cause a fast pulse, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightening, dry mouth (from mouth breathing), numbness around the lips and hands, and, in more severe cases, blurred vision, seizures, and loss of consciousness. The chest pain resembles typical angina but does not usually respond to nitroglycerine. Changes in the patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) are common, including ST segment elevation or depression, T-wave inversion, or a prolonged QT interval. Patients with mitral valve prolapse are particularly susceptible to HVS. On occasion, hyperventilation can also be manifested with extreme agitation, tingling in the extremities, or painful hand and finger spasms. The chief characteristic of chronic HVS is multiple complaints without supporting physical evidence. Hence, classic hyperventilation is not readily apparent, but frequent sighing may be evidenced, along with chest wall tenderness, numbness, and tingling sensations. To rule out more serious conditions, arterial blood gases, toxicology screens, and chest X rays are suggested.

Hyperventilation is a technique purposefully used by swimmers and deep-sea divers to enable prolonged breath-holding. Many drownings have been related to this practice, however, because it can cause delayed unconsciousness underwater and subsequent death.

Treatment and Therapy

Contrary to popular belief, breathing into a paper bag to slow down respiration and retain carbon dioxide is not recommended as a treatment for hyperventilation because of the potential life-threatening aggravation of a more serious medical problem such as hypoxia, a myocardial infarction (heart attack), pneumothorax, or pulmonary embolism.

After life-threatening causes of hyperventilation are eliminated, the most successful treatment for hyperventilation is reassurance, discussion of how hyperventilation is causing the patient’s symptoms, and removal of the cause of the anxiety, if possible. Instructions from a respiratory therapist on proper abdominal diaphragmatic breathing are also helpful. A patient who faints should be placed flat on the floor with legs elevated. For more severe recurrent cases, antidepressants, beta-blockers, stress management classes, or breathing retraining have all been proven effective in reducing hyperventilation episodes.


Bradley, Dinah.Hyperventilation Syndrome: Breathing Pattern Disorders and How to Overcome Them. Auckland: Random House, 2012. Print.

Callaham, M. “Hypoxic Hazards of Traditional Paper Bag Rebreathing in Hyperventilating Patients.” Annals of Emergency Medicine 18.6 (1989): 622–28. Print.

Cowley, D. S., and P. P. Roy-Byrne. “Hyperventilation and Panic Disorder.” American Journal of Medicine 83.5 (1987): 929–37. Print.

Fried, Robert Z. Hyperventilation Syndrome Research And Clinical Treatment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1986. Print.

Gardner, W. N. “The Pathophysiology of Hyperventilation Disorders.” Chest 109.2 (1996): 516–34. Print.

Hearne, C. R. "Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety in Hyperventilation Syndrome." Journal of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherpaists (2011): 83–89. Print.

McArdle, William, Frank I. Katch, and Victor L. Katch. Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance. 7th ed. Boston: Lippincott, 2010. Print.

Decuyper, Mieke. "The Relevance of Personality Assessment in Patients with Hyperventilation Symptoms." Health Psychology 31.3 (2012): 316–22. Print.

How do people cope with chronic illness?


In modern times, chronic illnesses are becoming increasingly common. In the twenty-first century, the leading causes of death in the United States are chronic diseases, as opposed to the beginning of the previous century, when infectious diseases were more rampant. Chronic illnesses are diseases that are long in duration, have multiple risk factors, have a long latency period, are usually noncontagious, cause greater and progressive functional impairment, and are generally incurable. Examples of common chronic illnesses include heart diseases (such as coronary heart disease and hypertension), cancers (malignant neoplasms), chronic obstructive lung diseases (bronchial asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis), cerebrovascular diseases (stroke), diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases (end-stage renal disease and renal failure), musculoskeletal disorders (rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis), chronic mental illnesses, neurological disorders (epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis), and some of the results of accidents or injuries (traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, and burns). Dealing with these illnesses presents numerous challenges for patients and their family members and care providers. “Coping” is a term that is usually used to describe the process by which people manage demands in excess of the resources that are at their disposal. Therefore, in addition to medical treatment, management of chronic illnesses must address lifelong coping with these illnesses.

The interest in coping with chronic illnesses can be traced back to late 1960s, with the work of American physician Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe, then a medical student, at the University of Washington. They constructed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to assess the amount of stress to which an individual is exposed. Personal injuries or illnesses were rated as the sixth-most-important events in terms of their intensity in affecting one’s life and increasing the chances of further illness in the subsequent year of life.

Models of Coping

American psychologist Franklin Shontz, in his book The Psychological Aspects of Physical Illness and Disability (1975), described the phases of reaction to any illness. The first stage on being diagnosed with a chronic illness is what he described as the stage of shock, in which the person is in a bewildered state and behaves in an automatic fashion with a sense of detachment from all surroundings. In this stage, patients often describe themselves as observers rather than participants in what is happening around them. The second stage is the stage of encounter or reaction. In this stage, the person is feeling a sense of loss and has disorganized thinking. Emotions of grief, despair, and helplessness are common. In this stage, patients often describe the feeling of being overwhelmed by reality. The third stage is what Shontz calls retreat. In this stage, the feeling of denial becomes very strong, but this state cannot persist and the patient gradually begins to accept reality as the symptoms persist and functional impairments ensue.

In the 1980s, American psychologist Richard Lazarus, an emeritus professor at the University of California at Berkeley, proposed the famous coping model called the transactional model. This model has also been applied widely in understanding coping with chronic illnesses. According to the transactional model, all stressful experiences, including chronic illnesses, are perceived as person-environment transactions. In these transactions, the person undergoes a four-stage assessment known as appraisal. When confronted with a diagnosis of chronic illness, the first stage is the primary appraisal of the event. In this stage, the patient internally determines the severity of the illness and whether he or she is in trouble. If the illness is perceived to be severe or threatening, has caused harm or loss in the past, or has affected someone known to the person, then the stage of secondary appraisal occurs. If, on the other hand, the illness is judged to be irrelevant or poses minimal threat, then stress does not develop and no further coping occurs. The secondary appraisal determines how much control one has over the illness. Based on this understanding, the individual ascertains what means of control are available. This is the stage known as coping. Finally, the fourth stage is the stage of reappraisal, in which the person determines whether the effects of illness have been negated.

According to the transactional model, there are two broad categories of coping. The first one is called problem-focused coping, and the second one is called emotion-focused coping. Problem-focused coping is based on one’s capability to think about and alter the environmental event or situation. Examples of this strategy at the thought-process level include utilization of problem-solving skills, interpersonal conflict resolution, advice seeking, time management, goal setting, and gathering more information about what is causing one stress. Problem solving requires thinking through various solutions, evaluating the pros and cons of different solutions, and then implementing a solution that seems most advantageous to reduce the stress. Examples of this strategy at the behavioral or action level include activities such as joining a smoking-cessation program, complying with a prescribed medical treatment, adhering to a diabetic diet plan, or scheduling and prioritizing tasks for managing time.

In the emotion-focused strategy, the focus is inward and on altering the way one thinks or feels about a situation or an event. Examples of this strategy at the thought-process level include denying the existence of the stressful situation, freely expressing emotions, avoiding the stressful situation, making social comparisons, or minimizing (looking at the bright side of things). Examples of this strategy at the behavioral or action level include seeking social support to negate the influence of the stressful situation; using exercise, relaxation, or meditation; joining support groups; practicing religious rituals; and escaping through the use of alcohol and drugs.

Crisis Theory of Coping

In the 1980s, American psychologist Rudolf Moos proposed the crisis theory to describe the factors that influence the crises of illnesses. He identified three types of factors that influence the coping process in illness. The first category of factors comprises the illness-related factors. The more severe the disease in terms of its threat, the harder is the coping. Examples of such severe threats include conditions such as burns that are likely to produce facial disfigurement, implantation of devices for excreting fecal or urinary wastes, or epileptic seizures. The second category of factors comprises background and personal factors. These factors include one’s age, gender, social class, religious values, emotional maturity, and self-esteem. For example, men are often affected more if the illness threatens their ambition, vigor, or physical power, while children show greater resilience because of their relative naïveté and limited cognitive abilities. The third category of factors identified by Moos comprises physical and social environmental factors. Generally speaking, people who have more social support tend to cope better when compared to people who live alone and do not have many friends.

Moos proposed in his crisis theory that these three factors impinge on the coping process. The coping process begins with cognitive appraisal, in which the patient reflects on the meaning of the illness in his or her life. This leads to formulating a set of adaptive tasks. Moos identified three adaptive tasks for coping directly with the illness: dealing with the symptoms and functional impairment associated with the illness or injury, adjusting to the hospital environment or medical procedures, and developing relationships with care providers. He further identified four adaptive tasks as crucial for adapting to general psychosocial functioning: maintaining a sense of emotional balance and controlling negative affect; preserving a sense of mastery, competence, or self-image; sustaining meaningful relationships with friends and family; and preparing for a future of uncertainty. The family members or long-term care providers who work with such patients also undergo these seven adaptive processes and must make these adjustments for effective coping. These adaptive tasks usually result in specific coping strategies. Moos described the following coping strategies: denial, or minimizing the seriousness of the illness (which is sometimes helpful, especially in the earlier stages); seeking information; learning medical procedures (which is sometimes helpful for self-care, such as taking insulin shots); mastering adaptive tasks; recruiting family support; thinking about and discussing the future to decipher greater predictability; and finding a purpose in and positive impacts of the illness on one’s life.

Heart Diseases

Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of death in the United States since the 1980s. Initial research on coping with heart disease was done on patients with myocardial infarction, or heart attack. The research focused mainly on the role played by denial, which is a defense mechanism, described by the famous Austrian neurologist
Sigmund Freud, who is also called the father of psychoanalysis. Researchers using the “denial scale” classified patients into “denying” and “nondenying” groups and studied the outcomes of recovery. It was found that denial played an important role in decreasing anxiety and even in reducing deaths in the early stages of heart attack recovery. However, during the later phases of recovery, denial added to noncompliance with medical care, decreased seeking of information about the disease, and increased the risk of recurrence of heart attack. Research comparing the specific role of repression (or denial) and sensitization to the presence of disease supports the importance of sensitization in improving the solicitation of information, social functioning, and outcomes through the reduction of complications.

Recent research on coping and heart diseases has broadened its focus, improved coping measurement tools, and studied several other dimensions of coping. The first of these dimensions is the comparison between problem-focused strategies and emotion-focused strategies as described by Lazarus. In general, it has been found that people who use a problem-focused coping strategy report better social and psychological adjustment following hospital discharge, and these approaches are beneficial in the long run for improving disease outcomes. Emotion-focused strategies have been found to be of some utility in the short term in decreasing distress but have not been found to be useful in the long term. Further, people using emotion-focused strategies have reported greater incidence of anxiety and depression as a result of the heart disease.

Another dimension of coping that researchers have studied pertains to optimism. American psychologist Charles S. Carver and his colleagues have found the beneficial effects of being optimistic when recovering from chronic heart disease. Similarly, researchers have found empirical evidence of what American psychologist Suzanne Kobasa described as hardiness, a term that comprises the trinity of control, commitment, and challenge, as being beneficial in improving psychosocial adjustment to heart disease and decreasing chances of anxiety and depression.


Cancers are a diverse group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. At the start of the twenty-first century, cancers were the second leading cause of death in the United States. The lifetime probability of developing cancer was estimated at one in three, and it was estimated that cancers would soon be the leading cause of death and sickness. Cancers pose special challenges for coping, as these necessitate utilization of a wide range of coping options to deal with changing and often deteriorating functional abilities, medical challenges, treatment modalities (chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy), and psychosocial reactions.

Like the earlier studies on coping with heart diseases, initial work on coping with cancers also focused on the role of defense mechanisms described by Freud. More recent research on coping and cancers has focused on personal disposition styles, coping strategies as described by Lazarus, and other special mechanisms. Results from disposition style studies suggest that internal locus of control and optimistic outlook are linked to lower levels of emotional distress and better psychological adaptation to cancer. On the other hand, avoidance or escapism has been associated with higher emotional distress. Problem-based coping strategies, as described by Lazarus, have also been found to be associated with better psychosocial adaptation to cancer. On the other hand, disengagement-oriented strategies such as wishful thinking, blaming oneself, and adopting a fatalistic or resigned attitude have been found to be associated with higher levels of emotional distress and worse psychosocial adaptation to cancer. Likewise, acceptance of the diagnosis of cancer and resignation to this fact have also been found to be associated with worse psychosocial outcomes. Other coping strategies such as freely expressing feelings, denial, and seeking religion have yielded equivocal results.

Cerebrovascular Diseases

In 2011, cerebrovascular disease (CVD) was the fourth leading cause of death in the United States and represented about 5 percent of deaths from all causes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The most severe manifestation of CVD is stroke, with transient ischemic attack being a less severe clinically apparent variant. Stroke is a major cause of disability. Besides the usual generalized coping that goes with any chronic illness, coping with stroke specifically requires speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body is unable to sufficiently produce and/or properly use insulin, a hormone needed by the body to use glucose. The prevalence of this disorder has consistently risen in the United States, and as of 2013, it afflicted about 10 percent of the population, according to the American Diabetes Association. Besides the usual generalized coping that goes with any chronic illness, coping with diabetes specifically requires lifelong dietary changes, changes pertaining to physical activity patterns, and, in most cases, specific medicinal usage and compliance.

Chronic Respiratory Disorders

Chronic lung diseases are a varied group of diseases that were, in 2011, identified as the third leading cause of death in the United States. According to the CDC, as of 2013, approximately fifteen million Americans reported being diagnosed with one of these disorders. The most common chronic respiratory disorders are asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Besides the compliance to medical treatment and the usual generalized coping that goes with any chronic illness, coping with respiratory disorders entails gradual buildup of exercise stamina and effective management of stress through relaxation techniques, since many acute attacks are both exaggerated and precipitated by stress.

Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders

Arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders were the most common causes of physical disability in the United States in 2013, affecting approximately 20 percent of the population, according to the CDC. Besides the usual generalized coping that goes with any chronic illness, these disorders require specific rehabilitative coping through physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and vocational rehabilitation.

Chronic Mental Illnesses

Poor and ineffective coping with stress often leads to persistent depression and anxiety. Besides these two common mental illnesses, other disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar psychosis, variants of anxiety disorders, organic disorders (such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease), and other mental illnesses pose special coping challenges for patients and their family members. Besides the usual coping strategies, coping with mental disorders specifically involves long behavioral, psychological, and social challenges and therapies.


Allen, Jon G. Coping with Trauma. 2d ed. Washington: American Psychiatric P, 2005. Print.

Clark, Cindy Dell. In Sickness and in Play: Children Coping with Chronic Illness. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2003. Print.

Di Benedetto, Mirella, et al. "Co-Morbid Depression and Chronic Illness Related to Coping and Physical and Mental Health Status." Psychology, Health & Medicine 19.3 (2014): 253–62. Print.

Helgeson, Vicki S., and Kristin Mickelson. “Coping with Chronic Illness Among the Elderly: Maintaining Self-Esteem.” Behavior, Health, and Aging. Ed. Stephen B. Manuck, Richard Jennings, Bruce S. Rabin, and Andrew Baum. Mahwah: Erlbaum, 2000. Print.

Livneh, Hanoch. “Psychosocial Adaptation to Cancer: The Role of Coping Strategies.” Journal of Rehabilitation 66.2 (2000): 40–50. Print.

Livneh, Hanoch. “Psychosocial Adaptation to Heart Diseases: The Role of Coping Strategies. ” Journal of Rehabilitation 65.3 (1999): 24–33. Print.

McCabe, Marita P., and Elodie J. O'Connor. "Why Are Some People with Neurological Illness More Resilient Than Others." Psychology, Health & Medicine 17.1 (2012): 17–34. Print.

Moos, Rudolf H., ed. Coping with Life Crises: An Integrated Approach. New York: Plenum, 1986. Print.

Nabors, Laura A., et al. "Factors Related to Caregiver State Anxiety and Coping with a Child's Chronic Illness." Families, Systems & Health: The Jour. of Collaborative Family HealthCare 31.2 (2013): 171–80. Print.

Romas, John A., and Manoj Sharma. Practical Stress Management: A Comprehensive Workbook for Managing Change and Promoting Health. 5th ed. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2009. Print.

Extraneous variables prevent the experimenter from making strong conclusions and must be reduced or eliminated to achieve the best experimentation...

Experiments are conducted to study the effect of variations of an independent variable on the dependent variable. However, there are variables that are not actually varied by the experimenter and yet they affect the experimental outcome. Hence such variables, also known as the extraneous variables, are undesirable in an experimental study and need to be minimized and/or removed. One way to do that, and to achieve the best experimental design, is by the use of ...

Experiments are conducted to study the effect of variations of an independent variable on the dependent variable. However, there are variables that are not actually varied by the experimenter and yet they affect the experimental outcome. Hence such variables, also known as the extraneous variables, are undesirable in an experimental study and need to be minimized and/or removed. One way to do that, and to achieve the best experimental design, is by the use of experimental controls

Experimental controls can be introduced at several stages in an experimental study. They could be used at the stage of sample (or data) procurement, experimental setting, measurement, control samples, control groups, etc. For example, to study the effect of the amount of sugar on the sweetness of a cup of tea, a good control is testing a cup of tea without any sugar in it. Another control could be using the same cup size (or volume of tea). Yet another control would be using the same person to test the sweetness of each cup.

Hope this helps.

What is anesthesiology? |

The History of Anesthesiology

In a modern hospital, the surgical operating room normally is a very quiet place. The anesthesiologist, surgeon, assisting doctors, and nurses perform their duties with little conversation while the patient sleeps. Family members sit quietly in a nearby waiting room until the operation is over. Before the advent of anesthesiology in the 1840s, however, surgery was a thoroughly gruesome experience. Patients might drink some whiskey to numb their senses, and several strong men were recruited to hold them down. Surgeons cut the flesh with a sharp knife and sawed quickly through the bone while patients screamed in agony. The operating room in the hospital was located as far as possible from other patients awaiting surgery so that they would not hear the cries so plainly.

Many kinds of operations were performed before anesthetics were discovered. Among these were the removal of tumors, the opening of abscesses, amputations, the treatment of head wounds, the removal of kidney stones, and cesarean sections and other surgeries during childbirth. The frightful ordeal of “going under the knife,” however, often caused patients to delay surgery until it was almost too late. Also, for the surgeon it was nerve-racking to work without anesthetics, trying to operate while the patient screamed and struggled.

Sir Humphry Davy (1778–1829) was a distinguished British chemist who studied the intoxicating effect of a gas called nitrous oxide. While suffering from the pain of an erupting wisdom tooth, he sought relief by inhaling some of the gas. In 1800, he published a paper suggesting the use of nitrous oxide to relieve pain during surgery. There was no follow-up on his idea, however, and it was forgotten until after anesthesia had been discovered independently in the United States.

The next episode in the history of anesthesiology was the work of Crawford W. Long (1815–78), a small-town doctor in Georgia. In the early nineteenth century, “ether frolics” had become popular, in which young people at a party would inhale ether vapor to give them a high such as from drinking alcohol. One young man was to have surgery on his neck for a tumor. Long was the town druggist as well as the doctor, so he knew that this fellow had purchased ether and enjoyed its effects. Long suggested that he inhale some ether to ready himself for surgery. On March 30, 1842, the tumor was removed with little pain for the patient. It was the first successful surgery under anesthesia.

Unfortunately, Long did not recognize the great significance of what he had done. He did not report the etherization experiment to his colleagues, and it remained relatively unknown. He used ether a few more times in his own surgical practice, one time while amputating the toe of a young slave. Long finally wrote an article for a medical journal in 1849 telling about his pioneering work, three years after anesthesia had been publicly demonstrated and widely adopted by others.

The story of anesthesiology then moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where a young dentist named Horace Wells (1815–48) played a major role. P. T. Barnum, of show business and circus fame, was advertising an entertaining “GRAND EXHIBITION of the effects produced by inhaling NITROUS OXIDE or LAUGHING GAS!” Wells decided to attend. He was one of the volunteers from the audience and “made a spectacle of himself,” according to his wife.

Another volunteer who had inhaled the gas began to shout and stagger around; finally he ran into a bench, banging his shins against it. The audience laughed, but the observant Wells noticed that the man showed no pain, even though his leg was bleeding. This demonstration gave Wells a sudden insight that a person might have a tooth pulled or even a leg amputated and feel no pain while under the influence of the gas.

Wells became so excited by the idea of eliminating pain that he arranged to have some nitrous oxide gas brought to his office on the next day. Then he had a long talk with a young dentist colleague, John Riggs, about the potential risks of trying it out on a patient. Finally, Wells decided to make himself the first test case, if Riggs would be willing to extract one of his wisdom teeth.

On the morning of December 11, 1844, a bag of nitrous oxide gas was delivered by the man who had been in charge of the previous evening’s exhibition. Wells sat in the dental chair and breathed deeply from the gas bag until he seemed to be asleep. Riggs went to work with his long-handled forceps to loosen and finally pull out the tooth, with no outcry from the patient. After a short time, Wells regained consciousness, spit out some blood, and said that he had felt “no more pain than the prick of a pin.”

After this success, Wells immediately set to work on further experiments. He acquired the apparatus and chemicals to make his own nitrous oxide. Within the next month, he used the gas on more than a dozen patients. Other dentists in Hartford heard about the procedure and started using it. By the middle of January 1845, Wells was confident enough to propose a demonstration to a wider audience.

Wells was able to arrange for a demonstration at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. While the audience watched, he anesthetized a volunteer patient with gas and extracted his tooth. Unfortunately, the patient groaned at that moment, causing laughter and scornful comments from the onlookers. Wells was viewed as another quack making grandiose claims without evidence. His demonstration had failed, and he returned to Hartford in discouragement. He later commented that he had probably removed the gas bag too soon, before the patient was fully asleep.

It was another dentist, William T. G. Morton (1819–68), who finally provided a convincing demonstration of anesthesia. Morton tried to obtain some nitrous oxide from a druggist, who did not have any on hand and suggested that ether fumes could be substituted. Morton then used ether on several dental patients, with excellent results. In 1846, he obtained permission for a demonstration at the same hospital where Wells had failed two years earlier. Famous Boston surgeon John Warren and a skeptical audience watched as Morton instructed a patient to breathe the ether. When the patient was fully asleep, Warren removed a tumor from his neck. To everyone’s amazement, there was no outcry of pain during the surgery. After the patient awoke, he said that he felt only a slight scratch on his neck. Warren’s words have been recorded for posterity: “Gentlemen, this is no humbug!” Another doctor said, “What we have seen here today will go around the world.”

The result of this dramatic demonstration of October 16, 1846, spread quickly to other hospitals in the United States and Europe. Several hundred surgeries were performed under anesthesia in the next year. In England, John Snow (1813–58) experimented with a different anesthetic, chloroform, and began to use it for women in childbirth. In 1853, Queen Victoria took chloroform from Snow during the delivery of her eighth child. Acceptance of anesthesia, and the science of anesthesiology, by the medical profession and the general public grew rapidly.

Science and Profession

Nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform were the big three anesthetics for general surgery and dentistry for nearly a hundred years after their discovery. All three were administered by inhalation, but there were differences in safety, reliability, and side effects for the patient.

Wells, the dentist who had unsuccessfully tried to demonstrate nitrous oxide anesthesia in 1844, came to a tragic end in 1848 because of chloroform. He was testing the gas on himself to find out what an appropriate dosage should be. Unfortunately, he became addicted to the feeling of intoxication that it gave him. While under the influence of a chloroform binge, he accosted a woman on the street and was arrested. He committed suicide while in prison.

Nitrous oxide is a nearly odorless gas that must be mixed with oxygen to prevent asphyxiation. Storing the gases in large, leakproof bags was awkward. By comparison, ether and chloroform were much more convenient to use because they are liquids that can be stored in small bottles. The liquid was dripped onto a cloth and held over the patient’s nose. Ether is hazardous, however, because it is flammable, and it also has a disagreeable odor. Chloroform is not flammable but is more difficult to administer because of the danger of heart stoppage.

Anesthesiology was practiced primarily by dentists, eye doctors, chemists, and all types of surgeons for many years. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, was one of the first hospitals to recognize the need for specialists to administer anesthesia. In 1904, a nurse from Mayo named Alice Magaw gave a talk on what she had learned from eleven thousand procedures performed under anesthesia. Her concluding comment was that “ether kills slowly, giving plenty of warning, but with chloroform there is not even time to say good-by.” Ether takes more time to induce anesthesia, but Magaw asserted that the patient’s life was in less danger than from chloroform.

A Scottish physician, James Y. Simpson, was one of the early advocates of using chloroform for partial anesthesia during childbirth. The woman could breathe the vapor intermittently for several hours as needed without the disagreeable odor of ether. She would remain conscious, but the anesthetic apparently produced a kind of amnesia so that the pain was not fully remembered. Simpson received much public acclaim for his help to women in labor, including a title of nobility. (One humorist of the day suggested a coat-of-arms for Sir Simpson, showing a newborn baby with the inscription, “Does your mother know you’re out?”)

In the 1920s, several new anesthetic gases were created by chemists working closely with medical doctors. The advantages and drawbacks of each new synthesized compound were tested first on animals, then on human volunteers, and finally during surgery. One of the most successful ones was cyclopropane: it was quick acting and nontoxic and could be mixed with oxygen for prolonged operations. Like other organic gases, however, it was explosive under certain conditions and had to be used with appropriate caution.

A major development in 1928 was the invention of the endotracheal tube by Arthur Guedel. A rubber tube was inserted into the mouth and down the trachea (windpipe) to carry the anesthetic gas and oxygen mixture directly to the lungs. The space around the rubber tube had to be sealed in some way in order to prevent blood or other fluid from going down the windpipe. Guedel’s ingenious idea was to surround the tube with a small balloon. When inflated, it effectively closed off the gap between the tube and the trachea wall. He gave a memorable demonstration at a medical meeting using an anesthetized dog with a breathing tube in its throat. After inflating the seal, the dog was submerged under water for several hours and then revived, showing that no water had entered its lungs.

The first local anesthetic was discovered in 1884 by Carl Koller, a young eye doctor in Vienna. He was a colleague of the famous psychoanalyst
Sigmund Freud, and together they had investigated the psychic effects of cocaine. Koller noticed that his tongue became numb from the drug. He had the sudden insight that a drop of cocaine solution might be usable as an anesthetic for eye surgery. He tried it on a frog’s eye, with much success. Following the tradition of other medical pioneers, he then tried it on himself. The cocaine made his eye numb. Koller published a short article, and the news spread quickly. Within three months, other doctors reported successful local anesthesia, using cocaine for dentistry, obstetrics, and many kinds of general surgery.

Chemists investigated the molecular structure of cocaine and were able to develop synthetic substitutes such as novocaine, which was faster and less toxic. Another improvement was to inject local anesthetic under the skin with a hypodermic needle. With this technique, it was possible to block off pain from a whole region of the body by deadening the nerve fibers. A spinal or epidural block is often used to relieve the pain of childbirth or for various abdominal surgeries.

There is another class of anesthetic drugs called barbiturates, which were originally developed for sleeping pills. Any medication that induces sleep automatically becomes a candidate for use as an anesthetic. The most successful barbiturate anesthetic has been sodium pentothal. It is normally administered by injection into a vein in the arm and puts the patient to sleep in a matter of seconds. When the surgery is over, the needle is withdrawn and consciousness returns, with few aftereffects for most people. The anesthesiologist may use sodium pentothal in combination with an inhaled anesthetic if the surgery is expected to be lengthy.

Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques

There are four categories of anesthesia and the type used depends on the procedure. Local anesthesia, such as novocaine, is used to numb a small area of the body and allows the patient to remain awake and alert during a procedure or minor surgery. With conscious or intravenous sedation, the patient is given a mild sedative and pain medication. The patient is relaxed, pain-free, and awake during the procedure, but may not remember it afterward.

Regional anesthesia is applied near nerve clusters to prevent pain in a larger area of the body, such as a limb. Examples of regional anesthesia include epidural anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and caudal anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia, often administered during childbirth, is injected near the sac of fluid around the spinal cord. Pain is numbed after ten to twenty minutes. A catheter is inserted to allow pain control during the procedure as needed. Spinal anesthesia usually involves a single shot of medicine into the spinal cord fluid, and allows immediate pain relief. Caudal anesthesia is administered via an injection in the tailbone.

General anesthesia affects the entire body and is used for major surgeries. It renders the patient unconscious, immobile, and numb during the procedure. Patients receiving general anesthesia have no memory of the procedure afterward. General anesthesia is either inhaled as a gas or vapor or administered intravenously.

Suppose that a man is scheduled to have some kind of abdominal surgery, such as the repair of a hernia or hemorrhoids or the removal of the appendix, an intestinal blockage, or a cancerous growth. The anesthesiologist would select a sequence of anesthetics that depends primarily on the expected length of the operation and the physical condition of the patient.

About an hour before surgery , the patient receives a shot of medication to produce relaxation and drowsiness. After he is wheeled into the operating room, the anesthesiologist inserts a needle into a vein in the patient’s arm and injects a barbiturate such as sodium pentothal. This drug puts him to sleep very quickly because it is rapidly distributed through the body, but it is not suitable for maintaining anesthesia.

A muscle-paralyzing agent such is now injected, which allows the anesthesiologist to insert an endotracheal tube into the lungs. The tube delivers the general anesthesia, along with oxygen, as a vapor or gas. The seal around the tube must be inflated to prevent fluids from entering the windpipe. The patient is now in a state of surgical anesthesia.

For a difficult surgery, an additional medication may be injected to paralyze the abdominal muscles completely. In this case, the breathing muscles would also become paralyzed, which means that a mechanical respirator would be needed to inflate and deflate the lungs.

The anesthesiologist monitors the patient’s condition with various instruments, such as a stethoscope, blood pressure and temperature sensors, and an electrocardiograph (EKG or ECG) with a continuous display. A catheter may be inserted into a vein to inject drugs or to give a blood transfusion if necessary. When the surgery is completed, the anesthesiologist is responsible for overseeing procedures undertaken in the recovery room as the patient slowly regains consciousness.

Perspective and Prospects

Many modern surgeries would be impossible without anesthesia. Kidney or other organ transplants, skin grafts for a burn victim, or microsurgery for a severed finger all require that the patient remain still for an extended period of time. Anesthesiologists choose from a variety of local and general anesthetics as the individual situations require.

In the emergency room of a hospital, patients are brought in with injuries from industrial, farm, or car accidents. Gunshot and knife wounds, the ingestion of toxic chemicals, or sports injuries often require immediate action to reduce pain and preserve life. Soldiers who are wounded or burned in battle can be given relief from pain because of the available anesthetics. Beyond operating room patients, another category of people who benefit greatly from anesthesia are those who suffer from chronic pain, including that from arthritis, back pain, asthma, brain damage, cancer, and other serious ailments.

A more recent innovation is electric anesthesia, which employs an electric current. It is widely used for animals and is gaining acceptance for humans. A marine biologist can submerge two electrodes into water and cause nearby fish to become rigid and unable to swim. After being netted and tagged, the fish are released with no harmful aftereffects. Veterinarians can use a commercially available device with two electrodes that attach to the nose and tail of a farm animal. Pulses of electricity are applied, causing the animal to remain immobilized until surgery is completed.

The most common human application of electric anesthesia is in dentistry. The metal drill itself can act as an electrode, sending pulses of electric current into the nerve to deaden the sensation of pain. The discomfort of novocaine injections and the possible aftereffects of the drug are avoided. Another application is to provide relief for people with chronic back pain, using a small, battery-powered unit attached to the person’s waist.

Experiments have been done using electricity for total anesthesia, both on animals and on human volunteers. Electrodes are strapped to the front and back of the head. When an appropriate voltage is applied, the subject falls into deep sleep in a short time. When the electricity is turned off, consciousness is regained almost immediately. In one experiment, two dogs underwent “electrosleep” for thirty days with no apparent ill effects. Long-term studies with more subjects are needed to establish this new technology.


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How can a 0.5 molal solution be less concentrated than a 0.5 molar solution?

The answer lies in the units being used. "Molar" refers to molarity, a unit of measurement that describes how many moles of a solu...